William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Janet Hamilton
Of her married life, JH recollected that she then stole her reading hours from sleep, and that many an hour have I spent in reading, holding the book in one hand, and nursing an infant...
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Hunt
The youngest of the three girls was christened Sylvia Kingsley after Holman Hunt 's painting Valentine Rescuing Sylvia from Proteus (an illustration to Shakespeare 's Two Gentlemen of Verona), but the spelling was changed...
Family and Intimate relationships John Strange Winter
One of JSW 's great-great-grandmothers (on her father's side) was Hannah Pritchard , a celebrated actress and singer. Henrietta seems not to have known that this made her a great-niece of Alicia Tyndal Palmer ...
Family and Intimate relationships Eleanor Anne Porden
The possibility of marriage was made more feasible by the deaths of her parents (not because they opposed the match but because she felt responsible for their care). The couple were engaged by early 1823...
Family and Intimate relationships A. Mary F. Robinson
They were introduced when Darmesteter translated a volume of her verse into French. He was a Jewish-born French rationalist and academic orientalist, Professor of Persian at the Collège de France (in succession to Ernest Renan
Family and Intimate relationships Michael Field
They took their vow after attending a wedding. Cooper, somewhat abashed at the proceedings, said they swore with the bright world 'round us, that we will remain Poets & Lovers whatever may happen to hinder...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Wentworth
AW probably acquired that name at this date, when she married William Wentworth , a Londoner who may have been (like Shakespeare 's father) in the glove trade.
In 1676 she implied that she had...
Family and Intimate relationships May Cannan
At their fifth meeting he asked her to marry him. She was not in love. She agonised about her love for Bevil; she wrote with tears
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books, 2000.
to consult Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch . He responded...
Friends, Associates Ethel Wilson
From 1941 to 1943, the Wilsons received into their home sixteen-year-old Audrey Butler , an evacuee from England. They were generous with both their familial warmth and finances. Audrey shared the Wilsons' love of Shakespeare
Friends, Associates Clemence Dane
Toasts were proposed by suffragist Philippa Strachey and by Ethel Watts (chair of the Junior Council of the London and National Society for Women's Service ), the latter of whom hoped that in the future...
Friends, Associates Winifred Holtby
WH met Jean McWilliam at the WAAC unit at Huchenneville. They corresponded throughout Holtby's life, writing to one another as Rosalind and Celia from Shakespeare 's mutually devoted heroines in As You Like It.
Shaw, Marion. The Clear Stream: A Life of Winifred Holtby. Virago, 1999.
Friends, Associates Anna Swanwick
Friends, Associates E. Nesbit
EN began to dabble, around 1908, in the Baconian question (whether the plays of Shakespeare were actually written by Francis Bacon ).
Briggs, Julia. A Woman of Passion: The Life of E. Nesbit, 1858-1924. Hutchinson, 1987.
Friends, Associates Vernon Lee
Back in Italy after the end of the First World War, VL continued to read widely. She returned to Dante , Shakespeare , and Goethe . She introduced herself to newer writings on philosophy, science...
Friends, Associates Anna Letitia Barbauld
A week later, calling her an amiable lady, he claimed (falsely) that she saw Richardson as the equal of Shakespeare . In January 1812 he shocked Henry Crabb Robinson (who thought this behaviour personally...



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