William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Matilda Betham-Edwards
Because of her mother's early death, MBE , she said later, was largely self-educated, her teachers being plenty of the best books.
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. D. Bryce, 1893.
Apart from the family library, a half-guinea annual subscription to the Ipswich Mechanics' Institution
Education Shelagh Delaney
At the age of twelve, SD attended her first theatrical event: an amateur production at Broughton Secondary School of Shakespeare 's Othello, which made a great impression.
“Meeting Shelagh Delaney”. Times, 2 Feb. 1959, p. 12.
Education Elizabeth Jenkins
EJ vividly remembered later Ellen Terry 's performance in Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet (which her mother took her to see when she was ten). But she did not register the full impact of Shakespeare...
Education Pamela Hansford Johnson
PHJ learned a lot in the library of her maternal grandfather, whose books, she says, were mostly [Henry] Irving 's rejects.
Johnson, Pamela Hansford. Important to Me. Macmillan; Scribner, 1974.
She had read the entire works of Shakespeare by the age of eight...
Education Catherine Cookson
The house had no books and when a lodger brought in Shakespeare, Milton , and Donne , they were pronounced unsuitable for a child. CC did read a Shakespeare sonnet at about this age and...
Education Freya Stark
Family friends sympathetic to Freya's feelings of entrapment at Dronero sent her gifts of books: she was especially passionate about Shakespeare , Sir Walter Scott , Byron , Keats , Kipling , Shelley , Wordsworth
Education Anne Ridler
She lived in a King's College hostel in Queensborough Terrace near Hyde Park,London. The course included lectures on history and literature. The distinguished scholar Jack Isaacs lectured on Shakespeare , Donne , and Milton
Education Margaret Holford
The younger Margaret was taught at home, and became a precocious and devoted reader of Shakespeare and others. Her appetite for all kinds of literature was said to be insatiable.
qtd. in
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Travelling in France years...
Education Elizabeth Jenkins
Then, during the years 1924-7, EJ studied at Newnham College, Cambridge . She realised the value of this education at the time, but not so profoundly as she did later.
qtd. in
Jenkins, Elizabeth. The View from Downshire Hill. Michael Johnson, 2004.
She received her BA...
Education Catherine Cookson
Once married, CC set out to educate herself with books from the public library. She read the central canon in English from Shakespeare to the Romantics. She also read philosophy and found Socrates a help...
Education Ngaio Marsh
She enjoyed her years here much more than at her first school. It was here that she became quite fervently religious for a while, though neither of her parents shared her intense belief. The school...
Education Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna
CET was self-taught, although she studied hard in her childhood,
Todd, Janet, editor. Dictionary of British Women Writers. Routledge, 1989.
and memorized a great deal of Shakespeare .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Education Augusta Gregory
AG and her sisters received little formal education; their lessons took second place to their brothers'.
McDiarmid, Lucy et al. “Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography”. Selected Writings, Penguin, 1995, pp. xi - xliv, 525.
Under her evangelical mother's strict supervision, they were taught by a succession of governesses and tutors, who...
Education Annie S. Swan
ASS says her first conscious memory was of telling a quite deliberate lie at the age of five, and basely tempt[ing] two infant brothers to share my crime.
Swan, Annie S. My Life. Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1934.
Her mother took care to cultivate...
Education Andrea Levy
AL attended Highbury Hill Grammar School , where she studied the Victorians on her history syllabus and Shakespeare and the Metaphysical poets for A-level English (an exam which, she says, she nearly failed). She got...


1978: Melissa Murray's play Belisha Beacon was...

Women writers item


Melissa Murray 's play Belisha Beacon was produced and performed by the Pirate Jenny theatre group, in the same year as two more plays by her, one solo and one collaborative.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.

27 January 1979: A one-day strike by 1.5 million British public...

National or international item

27 January 1979

A one-day strike by 1.5 million British public sector workers ushered in a series of selective strikes which gave rise to the Shakespearean phrase winter of discontent.
Gamble, Sarah. Angela Carter. A Literary Life. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

23 April 1993: The new Globe Theatre on London's South Bank...

Building item

23 April 1993

The new Globe Theatre on London's South Bank (masterminded by Sam Wanamaker and designed as a modified replica of Shakespeare 's theatre), although still a building site, put on its first production.
“Designing Shakespeare Collection—Performance Details”. ahds performing arts.

13 July 2006: A rare book sale at Sotheby's brought under...

Writing climate item

13 July 2006

A rare book sale at Sotheby's brought under the hammer both a First Folio of the works of Shakespeare and a copy of the first edition of Woolf 's Orlando inscribed to Vita Sackville-West .
Mullan, John. “The Book’s the Thing”. Guardian Unlimited, 13 July 2006.


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