William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Georgiana Fullerton
She could read by four-and-a-half, and recalls an early admiration for hymns by Anna Letitia Barbauld and Maria Edgeworth . Julius Cæsar, the first Shakespearean play that she saw, left a lasting impression. Later...
Education Alice Walker
On her own the child AW was always reading. At eight she identified in someone else's house a photograph of Booker T. Washington —and asked, Why don't you give it to me, please?
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton, 2004.
Education Emily Hickey
She demonstrated an early interest in reading. Scott , Tennyson , and Barrett Browning numbered among her early favourites. Her father, however, did not allow her to read Shakespeare , as he was repelled by...
Education Michèle Roberts
She chose the medieval option. Her tutor was Rosemary Woolf , and she studied no authors later than Shakespeare . She reports the results of this in two different ways. In one version the course...
Education Rose Tremain
At this stage of her life, Rosie's great interest and talent was not writing but painting, like her sister. She set out to make a huge, hanging, illustrated copy of Keats 's Ode to Autumn...
Education Frances Horovitz
As a sixth-form student, she went on a class trip to Italy, where she was introduced to the art of the Renaissance. Shakespeare was another important discovery. Her class also took trips to the...
Education Harold Pinter
HP attended Hackney Downs Grammar School , where he excelled at sports, particularly as a runner. Joe Brearley , his teacher of English, was important in nurturing his love of poetry and drama, and casting...
Education Margery Allingham
MA was a fluent reader and writer by the time she was seven years old.
Thorogood, Julia. Margery Allingham: A Biography. Heinmann, 1991.
She then attended various schools, except for a period of learning at home with a governess after she had...
Education Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
MEC was educated at home. She read widely during her childhood, including works by Shakespeare and Malory . She studied poetry, history and drawing. Saturday afternoons were spent with friends, acting scenes from Scott 's...
Education Rumer Godden
In India, RG later wrote, it was thought there were five things a girl needed to know if she were to take her place in any sort of society: to dance, to play the...
Education Maya Angelou
Marguerite Johnson had already become a voracious reader, both of Black writers and of canonical dead white males. Shakespeare , she wrote later, was my first white love.
Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Heinemann New Windmill Series, 1995.
She also enjoyed and respected...
Education Pearl S. Buck
Mr Kung despised fiction and the Sydenstricker library contained only the supposedly factual Plutarch 's Lives and Foxe 's Book of Martyrs, but Pearl read fiction avidly in both Chinese and English, devouring Shakespeare
Education Kathleen Raine
KR wrote that she grew up reading the Bible daily and memorising passages from it. Her mother could recite long passages from Milton and other English poets, besides Scottish poems and ballads. She was glad...
Education Eva Figes
Eva read the usual children's books, but the great discovery was her first Shakespeare play, As You Like It. She received this as a present on her ninth birthday and built an imaginative life...
Education Margaret Fuller
MF 's father established a rigorous and structured education for her that began at age three-and-a-half. She was given daily lessons in Latin grammar, mathematics, history, and classics. This course of study later included French...


June 1911: Ellen Terry lectured on the topic of Shakespeare's...

Building item

June 1911

Ellen Terry lectured on the topic of Shakespeare 's Triumphant Women, under the auspices of the Pioneer Players .
Cockin, Katharine. “Cicely Hamilton’s Warriors: dramatic reinventions of militancy in the British women’s suffrage movement”. Women’s History Review, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 527-42.

1913: Caroline Spurgeon became the first woman...

Building item


Caroline Spurgeon became the first woman professor in Britain when she was named Professor of English Literature at Bedford College .
Harte, Negley. The University of London 1836-1986. Athlone, 1986.
Duncan-Jones, Katherine. “Why Have So Few Women Written on Shakespeare?”. Early Modern Lives: Biography and Autobiography, Renaissance and Seventeenth Century Conference, London, 28 June 2002.

15 February 1913: The Birmingham Repertory Theatre opened with...

Building item

15 February 1913

The Birmingham Repertory Theatre opened with a performance of Twelfth NightWilliam Shakespeare .
Hartnoll, Phyllis, editor. The Oxford Companion to the Theatre. 4th ed., Oxford University Press, 1983.

December 1927: Nancy Hewins opened the first production...

Building item

December 1927

Nancy Hewins opened the first production by her touring Osiris Players , Britain's first professional all-female theatre company (successor to the amateur Isis Players , which she had run as an Oxford undergraduate).
Barker, Paul. “Shakespeare’s Sisters”. The Guardian, 26 June 2004, p. G2: 17.
G2: 17

23 April 1932: On the traditional date of Shakespeare's...

Building item

23 April 1932

On the traditional date of Shakespeare 's birthday, the new Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford upon Avon opened with a performance of Henry IV, parts I and II.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Stevenson, John, 1946 -. British Society, 1914-45. Penguin, 1984.

1944: Laurence Olivier directed and starred in...

Building item


Laurence Olivier directed and starred in the film Henry V, making the most of the English patriotic feeling in Shakespeare 's original play.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

1944: The Old Vic Company began its season at New...

Building item


The Old Vic Company began its season at New Theatre in London with Laurence Olivier and Ralph Richardson in Ibsen 's Peer Gynt, Shaw 's Arms and the Man, and Shakespeare 's Richard III.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

1946: At the age of fifteen or sixteen, Irish-born...

Writing climate item


At the age of fifteen or sixteen, Irish-born Catherine Gaskin (now resident in Australia) published her first novel, This Other Eden (titled from a famous speech about England spoken by Shakespeare 's John of Gaunt).
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.

April 1946: The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford...

Building item

April 1946

The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre , Stratford upon Avon, was reopened by Sir Barry Jackson with a performance of Love's Labour's LostWilliam Shakespeare produced by Peter Brook .
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

1949: Laurence Olivier's Hamlet, released the previous...

Building item


Laurence Olivier 's Hamlet,William Shakespeare released the previous year, became the first British film to win the Oscar for best film.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

1951: Theatre historian Allardyce Nicoll established...

Writing climate item


Theatre historian Allardyce Nicoll established the Shakespeare Institute ; it is part of Birmingham University and is housed in Mason Croft at Stratford, formerly the home of novelist Marie Corelli .
“The Shakespeare Institute”. The University of Birmingham.

10 May 1951: Actress Vivien Leigh and actor Laurence Olivier...

Building item

10 May 1951

Actress Vivien Leigh and actor Laurence Olivier began the season at St James's Theatre , London, alternately playing Shaw 's Caesar and Cleopatra and Shakespeare 's Antony and Cleopatra.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

December 1965: Actress Peggy Ashcroft toured Norway with...

Women writers item

December 1965

Actress Peggy Ashcroft toured Norway with a show of her own devising, Words on Women and Some Women's Words, originally written for performance at London University .
Billington, Michael. Peggy Ashcroft, 1907-1991. Mandarin, 1991.

: Peter Brook directed at Stratford upon Avon...

Building item

Spring 1970

Peter Brook directed at Stratford upon Avon a production of Shakespeare 's Midsummer Night's Dream which redefined the possibilities of theatre.
Callow, Simon. “A Prospero for our time”. Guardian Unlimited, 2 Apr. 2005.

23 April 1975: A major demonstration was held in Belgrave...

Writing climate item

23 April 1975

A major demonstration was held in Belgrave Square, London, in support of Public Lending Right.
Fraser, Antonia. Must You Go?. Random House of Canada, 2010.


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