Dante Alighieri

Standard Name: Dante Alighieri


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Elizabeth Siddal
Dante Gabriel Rossetti commemorated ES in a posthumous painting of her as Dante 's Beatrice, entitled Beata Beatrix.
Marsh, Jan. The Legend of Elizabeth Siddal. Quartet Books, 1989.
death Charlotte Mew
She shared a tombstone with her sister Anne , to which she had added a line from Dante 's Purgatorio, translated as Cast down the seed of weeping and attend.
qtd. in
Stanford, Donald E., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 19. Gale Research, 1983.
The local paper...
Dedications T. S. Eliot
It was dedicated to Jean Verdenal , who had recently been killed at the Dardanelles, with some lines from Dante 's Purgatorio. In addition to its title poem, The Love Song of J...
Education Kathleen Nott
Meanwhile KN read for herself outside the syllabus while she was at Oxford, particularly Dante and French literature, and composed intellectual biographies of philosophers like Hume and Kant .
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
66465 (24 February 1999): 23
Nott, Kathleen. A Soul in the Quad. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1969.
Education Evelyn Underhill
She did not take advantage of her opportunity to study theology while at the Anglican foundation of King's, but became interested in religion through reading philsophy and poetry from her father's library. Plotinus , St Augustine
Education John Oliver Hobbes
The education of JOH (then Pearl Richards) began with an English governess at the family's London home. In her teens she made full use of the educational and cultural resources of the capital. Annie S...
Education Christina Rossetti
From 1878 to 1880, she took classes on Dante 's Divine Comedy at University College, London , perhaps in part because she was helping Alexander Grosart to trace references from Italian poets for his edition...
Education Anna Swanwick
Poetry was always important to her. She said that Dante 's Paradiso had changed her life.
Bruce, Mary Louisa. Anna Swanwick, A Memoir and Recollections 1813-1899. T. F. Unwin, 1903.
Her friend Rev P. H. Wicksteed reported that she found Milton 's Comus an intense and enduring delight.
qtd. in
Bruce, Mary Louisa. Anna Swanwick, A Memoir and Recollections 1813-1899. T. F. Unwin, 1903.
Education Sheila Kaye-Smith
Sheila was educated at Hastings, at St Leonard's Ladies' College (almost next-door to her home), from 1896 to 1905. Like many large private schools of the time, this one educated its pupils to eighteen...
Education Freya Stark
Freya had a German governess until the age of eight, and then an Italian governess who stayed until she was fourteen.
Izzard, Molly. Freya Stark: A Biography. Hodder and Stoughton, 1993.
More importantly, Freya was close to her grandmother Madeleine Stark , who read...
Education Florence Dixie
FD 's first experience at a convent school (in France) lasted just one week. She later wrote, To her dying day Ijain will never forget that dreary time when she said good-bye to Rorie...
Education Margaret Gatty
Margaret and her sister were not sent to school, but were educated chiefly by her father. One important influence on Margaret was their bachelor uncle William Ryder (who first got her started on drawing). Another...
Education Flora Macdonald Mayor
Although FMM 's father was, for the most part, more concerned with her fragile health than her academic development, the twin sisters received some home-schooling from their mother to quite a high level, since she...
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
At first a private tutor of Italian, Gabriele gained some prestige but no direct financial advantage when he was appointed Professor of Italian at King's College (founded in August 1829).
Rossetti, Christina. “Memoir; Notes”. The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti, edited by William Michael Rossetti, Norwood, 1979, pp. xlv - lxxi; 459.
He was also a...
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
CR 's sister Maria was three years her senior and the bond between them was close. She became a governess and an author of textbooks (Exercises in Idiomatic Italian through Literal Translation from the...


From about 1314 to 1321: Dante Alighieri composed, for circulation...

Writing climate item

From about 1314 to 1321

Dante Alighieri composed, for circulation in manuscript, his religious allegory La divina commedia, comprising the Inferno, Purgatorio, and the Paradiso.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.

About 1349-1351: Giovanni Boccaccio worked at his cycle of...

Writing climate item

About 1349-1351

Giovanni Boccaccio worked at his cycle of tales entitled (from the fact that the stories are told over the course of ten days) the Decameron. It was first translated into English in 1620.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.

1495: In a bonfire of the vanities in Florence,...

Writing climate item


In a bonfire of the vanities in Florence, Italy, Girolamo Savonarola destroyed texts by Ovid , Dante , Boccaccio and others.
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. “Editorial Materials”. Casa Guidi Windows, edited by Julia Markus, Browning Institute, 1977, p. Various pages.

1816: Leigh Hunt published his narrative poem The...

Writing climate item


Leigh Hunt published his narrative poem The Story of Rimini.
Brewer, Luther A. My Leigh Hunt Library: The First Editions. B. Franklin, 1970.

1826-7: William Blake published his last work as...

Writing climate item


William Blake published his last work as an engraver: illustrations to Dante 's Divine Comedy.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

December 1894: The Ashendene Press was established by Charles...

Writing climate item

December 1894

The Ashendene Press was established by Charles Harry St John Hornby and Emery Walker at Bayford in Hertfordshire; Walker and Sydney Cockerell designed its Subiaco type in 1900.
Gentry, Helen, and David Greenhood. Chronology of Books and Printing. Rev. ed., Macmillan, 1936.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 112. Gale Research, 1991.
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
Myers, Robin. The British Book Trade, from Caxton to the Present Day. Andre Deutsch in association with the National Book League, 1973.


Dante Alighieri,. Cantica I: Hell. Translator Sayers, Dorothy L., Penguin, 1949.
Dante Alighieri,. Cantica II: Purgatory. Translator Sayers, Dorothy L., Penguin, 1955.
Dante Alighieri,. Cantica III: Paradise. Translators Sayers, Dorothy L. and Barbara Reynolds, Penguin, 1962.
Dante Alighieri,. La divina commedia. Nuova Italia, 1999, 3 vols.
Dante Alighieri,. The Divine Comedy. I: Hell. Translator Sayers, Dorothy L., Penguin Books, 1957.