William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Constance Smedley
With her sister, CS began her education at home with her mother as teacher. She read Shakespeare at four years old, and later learned the violin. She and Ida were concert-goers from an early age...
Education Ann Quin
She stayed at this school until the sixth form, but was always less committed to her lessons than to living in her transgressive imagination. Wondering what the nuns wore in bed was more interesting than...
Education Hélène Cixous
She had already begun courses to prepare for university entrance at the Lycée Bugeaud in Algiers a year earlier. In 1957 she earned her bachelor's degree in English literature from the University of Bordeaux ...
Education Anne Manning
AM was taught at home by both her mother and her father, with the help of masters for special accomplishments,
Oliphant, Margaret et al. Women Novelists of Queen Victoria’s Reign. Hurst and Blackett, 1897.
and for a short time by a governess. Charlotte Yonge , who wrote of...
Education Christina Stead
CS 's father would have liked to have her education entirely in his own hands. The first books to be her favourites were the works of W. T. Stead , and fairy stories by the...
Education Anne Ridler
She lived in a King's College hostel in Queensborough Terrace near Hyde Park,London. The course included lectures on history and literature. The distinguished scholar Jack Isaacs lectured on Shakespeare , Donne , and Milton
Education Anna Brownell Jameson
Anna was educated by Miss Yokeley , a governess, who taught her French. After the departure of Miss Yokeley, some time between 1803 and 1806, Anna acted as governess to her sisters. She also taught...
Education Frances Ridley Havergal
FRH was an avid reader within limits: her selection of material was mostly dictated by her religious interests. After receiving a copy of a book about literary women she commented, The sad sketch of L. E. L.
Education Maria Theresa Longworth
MTL was educated in France at an Ursuline convent school.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
She later undertook further study in Italy. She consequently became familiar with both French and Italian.
Rosenman, Ellen Bayuk. Unauthorized Pleasures. Cornell University Press, 2003.
Erickson, Arvel B., and John R. McCarthy. “The Yelverton Case: Civil Legislation and Marriage”. Victorian Studies, Vol.
, 1971, pp. 275-91.
From her writings it is clear...
Education Sarah Kane
At school, SK directed plays by Shakespeare , as well as Joan Littlewood 's musical Oh, What a Lovely War. She took a BA degree in drama at Bristol University (first class honours), and...
Education Freya Stark
Family friends sympathetic to Freya's feelings of entrapment at Dronero sent her gifts of books: she was especially passionate about Shakespeare , Sir Walter Scott , Byron , Keats , Kipling , Shelley , Wordsworth
Employer Noel Streatfeild
After studying at RADA, NS went on the stage, where she gained experience of everything from classic roles to revues and pantomime. Her first engagement was with the Charles DoranShakespeare an Company where she...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Bacon
AB bore her younger son, Francis , who became an influential scientist, writer, and thinker, as well as Lord Chancellor of England, and Viscount St Albans.
The early-twentieth-century Baconian movement (a group of scholars and...
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Hunt
The youngest of the three girls was christened Sylvia Kingsley after Holman Hunt 's painting Valentine Rescuing Sylvia from Proteus (an illustration to Shakespeare 's Two Gentlemen of Verona), but the spelling was changed...
Family and Intimate relationships Ethel Smyth
They were familiar with one another's work before they met. In a 1921 review of Smyth's memoirs, Woolf wrote that ESlooks the militant, working, professional woman—the woman who had shocked the country by jumping...



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