
Standard Name: Horace


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Anthologization Elizabeth Tollet
ET 's poems were circulating at least by 1714, in manuscript, or in the opportunistic publications of others, or both. After her death William Duncombe printed one of her imitations of odes by Horace which...
Anthologization Elizabeth Tollet
William and John Duncombe 's The Works of Horace in English Verse, 1757-9 (partly their own work, partly the fruit of years of collecting), included two translations by ET , one dating from 1714...
death Sylvia Townsend Warner
After her death, STW 's house, full of a jumble of possessions and mementoes, was occupied at first by a friend of hers, but later by a tenant who was hostile and systematically burned anything...
death Valentine Ackland
VA and Sylvia Townsend Warner are buried together in the churchyard of the East Chaldon Church.
Mulford, Wendy. This Narrow Place. Pandora, 1988.
The stone reads Non omnis moriar,
qtd. in
Harman, Claire. Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1989.
an epitaph that VA chose.
The Latin phrase is...
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Bingham Countess Lucan
The couple had four daughters and a son.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
One of the daughters produced an English verse translation of Horace which Samuel Johnson assessed as very well for a young Miss's verses
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Editors Hill, George Birkbeck and Laurence Fitzroy Powell, Clarendon, 1934, 6 vols.
3: 319
Family and Intimate relationships Ivy Compton-Burnett
Jourdain had published a translation of Horace 's Odes in 1904 and the important History of English Secular Embroidery in 1910: in the latter year she also published almost sixty articles on a wide variety...
Friends, Associates Catherine Talbot
Her closest friends in childhood were Jemima Campbell (later Marchioness Grey) and Lady Mary Grey (later Gregory) .
Myers, Sylvia Harcstark. The Bluestocking Circle: Women, Friendship, and the Life of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century England. Clarendon, 1990.
Literary historian Sylvia Harcstark Myers relates a story about the anxiety which Jemima, Lady Grey, claimed...
Intertextuality and Influence Clara Reeve
An epigraph to The Champion of Virtue quotes from Horace 's Ars Poetica about how a text should communicate sense as well as pleasure. In an Address to the ReaderCR makes the familiar claim...
Intertextuality and Influence Hannah More
The title-page quotation from Paradise Lost features the archangel Raphael's pronouncement that it is better for human beings to know That which before us lies in daily life than things remote.
Feminist Companion Archive.
According to critic...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Pipe Wolferstan
A few statements are footnoted to their originators, whom EPW has either paraphrased or versified: Sherlock and Lavater are her favourites, but she also draws on lighter writers like Horace , Swift , and Coleridge
Intertextuality and Influence Henrietta Rouviere Mosse
The widely varied quotations heading the chapters include some in Latin (Virgil , Cicero , Lucretius , Horace ) and some in French (Rousseau , Voltaire , Marmontel , and Manon Roland ). The English writers quoted include Mary Robinson .
McLeod, Deborah. The Minerva Press. University of Alberta, 1997.
Intertextuality and Influence Adelaide O'Keeffe
This highly romantic, preposterous, but engaging tale is set in France and England during the Seven Years' War. The title-page quotes (ironically, it appears) Horace 's statement that it is sweet and fitting (dulce...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Hamilton
EH seeks to raise the canonical status of the novel in this work not only by serious politico-philosophical content, but also by chapter-heading quotations from the classics (from Horace , Shakespeare , and Milton to...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth B. Lester
This title-page quotes from Horace , Lyttelton , and Addison . The first tale, Genius (told partly in letters), fills volume one, and the second, Enthusiasm, volumes two and three. Both attributes are presented...
Intertextuality and Influence Dorothea Primrose Campbell
DPC was one of those claiming serious status for the novel by literary allusion. She uses Horace on her title-page, Pope to head the whole novel, and for chapter-headings Chaucer , Shakespeare , Goldsmith ...


18 June 1744: John Newbery advertised his Little Pretty...

Building item

18 June 1744

John Newbery advertised his Little Pretty Pocket Book, one of the first books aimed at delighting children while instructing them.
Demers, Patricia, and Robert Gordon Moyles, editors. From Instruction to Delight: An Anthology of Children’s Literature to 1850. Oxford University Press, 1982.
O’Malley, Andrew. “The Coach and Six: Chapbook Residue in Late Eighteenth-Century Children’s Literature”. The Lion and The Unicorn, Vol.
, 2000, pp. 18-44.
22-3, 38n5
McCarthy, William. Anna Letitia Barbauld, Voice of the Enlightenment. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.


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