Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Elizabeth Hamilton
Standard Name: Hamilton, Elizabeth
Birth Name: Elizabeth Hamilton
Nickname: Eliza Hamilton
In her own day EH
was best known and loved for My Ain Fireside (a song expressive of national Scottish feeling and the glorification of the domestic) and for Cottagers of Glenburnie, 1808, a novel of domestic improvement. In later generations her satire on the Jacobins has got her type-cast as an unmitigated conservative. In fact her writings in many genres (poems, novels, essays, biography, and writings on education, religion, and philosophy) combine a scholarly and an ironic bent, and her conservatism includes a strong streak of feminism. Her novels make less use than most of the marriage plot, and she presents single women as strong and admirable.
was said to have learned to read by the time she was three. In January 1806 she got through fifty-five volumes, including books by Sarah Harriet Burney
, Maria Edgeworth
, Elizabeth Hamilton
Family and Intimate relationships
Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
Among EOB
's literary friends, Elizabeth Hamilton
was special. When Benger mentions Hamilton's delight in fostering unprotected talent, especially female talent, she is probably thinking of her own. She prints letters which are almost certainly...
Family and Intimate relationships
Lady Caroline Lamb
Her mother then fell ill; Caroline was persuaded that she was to blame and in early September, her parents and husband bore her off to Bessborough House in Kilkenny, Ireland.
Douglass, Paul. Lady Caroline Lamb. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Her exchange of...
Family and Intimate relationships
Margaret Bingham Countess Lucan
's son, Richard, who eventually succeeded his father as second Earl Lucan
, was born on 4 December 1764. He was a cultured art-collector, and married a divorcee with whom he had had an...
Family and Intimate relationships
Archibald Alison
His father
, who confusingly bore the same name as his best-known son, was a clergyman, a writer on the subject of taste, and the dedicatee of Elizabeth Hamilton
's A Series of Popular Essays...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
Having already praised many contemporary women writers in print, EOB
was now able to meet them. The move to London was accomplished principally through the zealous friendship of Miss Sarah Wesley
, who had already...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Smith
They met and spent time with Elizabeth Hamilton
and her sister, Katherine Blake
, when these two visited the Lakes in May 1802.
Smith, Elizabeth, 1776 - 1806. Fragments, in Prose and Verse. Editor Bowdler, Henrietta Maria, Richard Cruttwell, 1809.
judged Anna Seward
to be greedy for flattery, especially from the opposite sex. In 1799 she met Hannah More
, who was then at the height of her fame and to whom admittance was...
Friends, Associates
Maria Edgeworth
In Edinburgh she met Professor Dugald Stewart
, his wife Helen
, and the writer Elizabeth Hamilton
, with whom she developed a friendship continued by correspondence.
Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon, 1972.
Another writer whom she befriended closer to home was Mary Leadbeater
Friends, Associates
Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck
She knew other distinguished writers from the previous generation too, and her friends both before and after her marriage included many in the world of literature. A couple of years after this she spent the...
Friends, Associates
Lucy Aikin
met Elizabeth Hamilton
while visiting Edinburgh.
Feminist Companion Archive.
Friends, Associates
Mary Hays
This was her most formative and most famous friendship. She had approached Wollstonecraft after the latter published Vindication of the Rights of Woman early that same year. Wollstonecraft proved a valuable professional mentor. Another relationship...
Friends, Associates
Eliza Fletcher
developed a close friendship and a correspondence with Elizabeth Hamilton
Fletcher, Eliza. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher, of Edinburgh. Editor Richardson, Mary, Lady, Printed at the offices of C. Thurman for private circulation, 1874.
Intertextuality and Influence
Tabitha Tenney
Neither the Cumberland episode, nor her father's death, nor her own serious illness brought on by grief, can change Dorcasina. She next fancies that a new servant, John Brown, is a lover in disguise. (The...
Intertextuality and Influence
Henrietta Maria Bowdler
Although HMB
was provoked to write by William Hayley
's unpleasant Philosophical, Historical and Moral Essay on Old Maids, 1785, she gives a mixed message. This begins with an epigraph drawn from Elizabeth Hamilton
1785: Dr George Gregory (friend of Elizabeth Hamilton)...
Building item
Dr George Gregory
(friend of Elizabeth Hamilton
) published with Joseph JohnsonEssays Historical and Moral, which expresses feminist and reforming sentiments.
Robinson, Shareen. Revolutionary Novels. University of New South Wales, 2000.
1805: George Nicholson compiled and published at...
Women writers item
George Nicholson
compiled and published at Poughnill near Ludlow in ShropshireThe Advocate and Friend of Woman, an anthology of excerpts.
Women Writers of the (long) English Regency. Stuart Bennett Rare Books & Manuscripts, 2009.
1816: Thomas Love Peacock published his anonymous...
1901: The publication of George Douglas Brown's...
Writing climate item
The publication of George Douglas Brown
's novel The House with the Green Shutters marked the first attack on the Scottish school of fiction that was afterwards known as Kailyard.
Campbell, Ian. Kailyard. Ramsay Head, 1981.
Blake, George. Barrie and the Kailyard School. Arthur Barker, 1951.
Dickson, Beth. “Annie S. Swan and O. Douglas: Legacies of the Kailyard”. A History of Scottish Women’s Writing, edited by Douglas Gifford et al., Edinburgh University Press, 1997, pp. 329-46.
329, 340
Hart, Francis Russell. The Scottish Novel: From Smollett to Spark. Harvard University Press, 1978.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Essays on the Mind. Manners and Miller, 1813, 2 vols.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Exercises in Religious Knowledge. 1809.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Hints to the Patrons of Schools. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1815.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah, edited by Pamela Perkins and Shannon Russell, Broadview, 1999, pp. 7-50.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters of a Hindoo Rajah. 1st ed., G. G. and J. Robinson, 1796, 2 vols.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters of a Hindoo Rajah. Editors Perkins, Pamela and Shannon Russell, Broadview, 1999.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters on Education. G. G. and J. Robinson, 1801.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters to the Daughter of a Nobleman. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806, 2 vols.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Memoirs of Modern Philosophers. 2nd ed., G. G. and J. Robinson, 1800, 3 vols.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Memoirs of Modern Philosophers. Editor Grogan, Claire, 2000.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Memoirs of the Life of Agrippina, the Wife of Germanicus. G. and J. Robinson, 1804, 3 vols.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. The Cottagers of Glenburnie. Manners and Miller, and S. Cheyne, 1808.