John Duncombe

Standard Name: Duncombe, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Elizabeth Tollet
William and John Duncombe 's The Works of Horace in English Verse, 1757-9 (partly their own work, partly the fruit of years of collecting), included two translations by ET , one dating from 1714...
Anthologization Mary Jones
An Advertisement in the volume itself is uncharacteristically humble in tone for MJ . It disclaims ambition and says it was quite accidental, that her thoughts ever rambled into rhyme. It calls her writings the...
Dedications Mary Scott
MS responded to John Duncombe 's Feminead, published twenty years before, with The Female Advocate, dedicated to her friend the poet and hymn-writer Anne Steele .
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
38 (1774): 218
Family and Intimate relationships Mehetabel Wright
MW was accompanied to her new home at Louth in Lincolnshire by her sympathetic sister Mary. Her marriage only part-reconciled her to her parents; they thought her penitence insufficient. She said her husband was a...
Friends, Associates Frances Brooke
FB knew Samuel Johnson well by 1755, before the days of his greatest fame. According to family legend, she and her sister were the ladies whom he teased because they had noticed his omission of...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Carter
EC associated on terms of warmth and equality with men of letters or culture such as Samuel Johnson , Samuel Richardson , Thomas Birch , Moses Browne , Richard Savage , William and John Duncombe
Friends, Associates Mehetabel Wright
Either now or later she met the writer John Duncombe and painter Joseph Highmore , as well as the novelist Samuel Richardson .
Knights, Elspeth. “A Licensuous Daughter: Mehetabel Wesley, 1697-1750”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 15-38.
17, 27
Literary responses Mary Leapor
ML was by no means forgotten after her first discovery. She was praised in John Duncombe 's Feminiadand accorded the largest share of space in Poems by Eminent Ladies.William Cowper , who...
Literary responses Judith Cowper Madan
John Duncombe praised The Progress of Poetry. The Critical reviewer found in it pure description, perspicuity, and an easy flow of verse, but not brilliancy of fancy or orginality of thought.
If pure description...
Literary responses Frances Brooke
Garrick called FB 's Virginia (before it reached print) a play, which I did not like, & would not act.
Garrick, David. Letters. Editors Little, David M. and George M. Kahrl, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963, 3 vols.
A footnote in his correspondence says it was published in Dublin in 1754, but...
Literary responses Mehetabel Wright
John Duncombe must have had the Gentleman's Magazine poems in mind when he praised MW in his Feminiad, 1754.
Literary responses Catharine Trotter
Anne Kelley traces in detail successive judgements passed on Trotter (later Cockburn) by her contemporaries and by the later eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries,
Kelley, Anne. Catharine Trotter: An Early Modern Writer in the Vanguard of Feminism. Ashgate, 2002.
and delivers her own judgement that she was a radical...
Literary responses Elizabeth Tollet
ET 's reputation persisted for some time after her death. Mary Scott praised her highly in The Female Advocate, 1774. John Duncombe (though her posthumous publication was too late for inclusion in his Feminiad...
Literary responses Mary Jones
Catherine Talbot found Holt Waters and A Letter to Doctor Pitt indelicate and was surprised that Carter liked MJ 's poetry.
Kennedy, Deborah. Poetic Sisters. Early Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. Bucknell University Press, 2013.
The collection was warmly praised by Ralph Griffiths in the Monthly Review:...
Literary responses Mary Leapor
This volume attracted attention from Samuel Richardson , Christopher Smart , and the young William Cowper , as well as from its chief promoters, John Duncombe and Susanna Highmore .
Rizzo, Betty. “Molly Leapor: An Anxiety for Influence”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin, Vol.
, 1991, pp. 313-43.


By May 1754: John Duncombe published The Feminiad. A Poem,...

Building item

By May 1754

John Duncombe published The Feminiad. A Poem, which celebrates the achievements of women writers with strict attention to their support for conventional morality.
Griffiths, Ralph, 1720 - 1803, and George Edward Griffiths, editors. Monthly Review. R. Griffiths.
10: 371-2


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