Samuel Johnson

Standard Name: Johnson, Samuel
Used Form: Dr Johnson
Arriving in eighteenth-century London as one more young literary hopeful from the provinces, SJ achieved such a name for himself as an arbiter of poetry, of morality (through his Rambler and other periodical essays and his prose fiction Rasselas), of the language (the Dictionary), and of the literary canon (his edition of Shakespeare and the Lives of the English Poets) that literary history has often typecast him as hidebound and authoritarian. This idea has been facilitated by his ill-mannered conversational dominance in his late years and by the portrait of him drawn by the hero-worshipping Boswell . In fact he was remarkable for his era in seeing literature as a career open to the talented without regard to gender. From his early-established friendships with Elizabeth Carter and Charlotte Lennox to his mentorship of Hester Thrale , Frances Burney , and (albeit less concentratedly) of Mary Wollstonecraft and Henrietta Battier , it was seldom that he crossed the path of a woman writer without friendly and relatively egalitarian encouragement.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Anna Williams
AW died at 8 Bolt Court near Fleet Street in London of mere inanition,
Johnson, Samuel. The Letters of Samuel Johnson. Editor Redford, Bruce, The Hyde Edition, Princeton University Press, 1992–1994, 5 vols.
4: 198
in the lodgings of Samuel Johnson . She had been suffering inappetence,
Johnson, Samuel. The Letters of Samuel Johnson. Editor Redford, Bruce, The Hyde Edition, Princeton University Press, 1992–1994, 5 vols.
4: 187
eating very little, for some time.
Larsen, Lyle. Dr. Johnson’s Household. Archon Books, 1985.
death Thomas Otway
Samuel Johnson professed unwillingness to believe the story to which he gave currency, that Otway was reduced to begging for food, and choked to death on a roll bought with a charitable gift.
Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the English Poets. Editor Hill, George Birkbeck, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1905, 3 vols.
1: 247
Dedications Charlotte Lennox
The full title was Memoirs for the History of Madame de Maintenon and of the last age; Lennox published it as the author of The Female Quixote. The price was fifteen shillings; the...
Dedications Charlotte Lennox
The final volume came out on 22 February 1754.
Isles, Duncan. “The Lennox Collection”. Harvard Library Bulletin, Vol.
, No. 4, Oct. 1970, pp. 317-44.
Its full title was Shakespear Illustrated; or, The Novels and Histories, on which the Plays of Shakespear are founded, collected and translated from the original...
Dedications Charlotte Lennox
A second edition followed on 19 March 1761. It featured the first appearance of Lennox's name on a title-page, and a dedication (supplied by Johnson ; the first edition had none) to the Duchess of Newcastle
Education Harriette Wilson
While she was still in her teens, although engaged in her second paid sexual relationship, her lover Frederic Lamb set out to get her reading Milton , Shakespeare , Byron , theRambler, Virgil
Education Lydia Maria Child
At fifteen she read Paradise Lost (with her brother's encouragement) and was delighted with its grandeur and sublimity, but was bold enough to criticise Milton for assert[ing] the superiority of his own sex in rather...
Education Evelyn Sharp
ES received her first education at home, from her sisters Ethel, Bertha, and Mabel (the eldest), who taught the younger ones Bible stories on Sundays. At the same time she imbibed from her brothers the...
Education Sarah Josepha Hale
Sarah Josepha Buell (later SJH ) was taught at home by her mother, with her father and her brother Horatio (then a law student) joining in for such higher branches of learning as writing, Latin...
Education Matilda Betham-Edwards
Because of her mother's early death, MBE , she said later, was largely self-educated, her teachers being plenty of the best books.
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. D. Bryce, 1893.
Apart from the family library, a half-guinea annual subscription to the Ipswich Mechanics' Institution
Education Maria Callcott
Maria Dundas, aged seven (later MC ), began attending a school which occupied the Manor House at Draycot in Berkshire, run by the Miss Brights, who prided themselves on having been friends of Samuel Johnson .
Gotch, Rosamund Brunel. Maria, Lady Callcott, The Creator of ’Little Arthur’. J. Murray, 1937.
19, 41
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Education Mary Somerville
Flipping casually through a ladies' fashion magazine when she was about fourteen years old, Mary had her curiosity caught by an algebraic expression in a puzzle. She was told that the variables were Algebra...
Education Elizabeth Carter
She progressed on her own later to other languages such as German, Portuguese and Arabic, and to studies with Thomas Wright which included astronomy, mathematics, and ancient civilization and culture. Much has been made of...
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Bingham Countess Lucan
The couple had four daughters and a son.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
One of the daughters produced an English verse translation of Horace which Samuel Johnson assessed as very well for a young Miss's verses
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Editors Hill, George Birkbeck and Laurence Fitzroy Powell, Clarendon, 1934, 6 vols.
3: 319
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Williams
AW 's father Zachary or Zachariah , died. Johnson 's obituary for the newspapers said he was aged eighty-two and had been ill this time for eight months.
Larsen, Lyle. Dr. Johnson’s Household. Archon Books, 1985.


Probably 14 March 1646: Sir Thomas Browne published his Pseudodoxia...

Writing climate item

Probably 14 March 1646

Sir Thomas Browne published his Pseudodoxia Epidemica, a giant compendium of popular misconceptions and antique thinking,
Hitchings, Henry. “Samuel Johnson and Sir Thomas Browne”. New Rambler, 2004–2005, pp. 46-56.
which, paradoxically, perpetuated many of the superstitions it contradicted.
English Short Title Catalogue.
The date is given on what is probably...

1723: Dr Thomas Bray, who had founded the Society...

National or international item


Dr Thomas Bray , who had founded the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , used a bequest from a Dutch secretary to William III to found Dr Bray's Associates , an organization supporting parochial libraries...

20 January 1724: Elizabeth Harrison wrote for publication,...

Women writers item

20 January 1724

Elizabeth Harrison wrote for publication, with her name, A Letter to Mr. John Gay , On his Tragedy, call'd The Captives. To which is annex'd a copy of verses to the Princess.
English Short Title Catalogue.

1752: A pseudonymous M. Ludovicus argued explicitly...

Building item


A pseudonymous M. Ludovicus argued explicitly that poverty drives women to prostitution, and that shelters should be provided to help them leave the trade.
Henderson, Tony. Disorderly Women. Longman, 1999.

7 November 1752-9 March 1754: The self-educated John Hawkesworth edited...

Writing climate item

7 November 1752-9 March 1754

The self-educated John Hawkesworth edited and published an essay-periodical called the Adventurer, on the model of Johnson 's Rambler.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

18 March 1755: There was published at London an anthology...

Building item

18 March 1755

There was published at London an anthology entitled The Matrimonial Preceptor: A Collection of Examples and Precepts Relating to the Married State.
Fleeman, John David, and James McLaverty. A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Clarendon Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 300

May 1756: The Literary Magazine: or, Universal Review...

Writing climate item

May 1756

The Literary Magazine: or, Universal Review (often known as the Literary Review) began publication in London; Samuel Johnson was a contributor and, for the first four issues, the editor.
British Library Catalogue.
Hudson, Nicholas. “Discourse of Transition: Johnson, the 1750s, and the Rise of the Middle Class”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, 2002, pp. 31-51.

Probably 1758: Stenography, or Short-Hand Improved, by John...

Building item

Probably 1758

Stenography, or Short-Hand Improved, by John Angell the elder , appeared, with a prefatory dedication which has been ascribed to Samuel Johnson .
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

1 December 1759: John Hawkesworth in turn adapted Thomas Southerne's...

Building item

1 December 1759

John Hawkesworth in turn adapted Thomas Southerne 's dramatic adaptation of Aphra Behn 's Oroonoko, making it for the first time a solidly anti-slavery text.
Basker, James G. “Intimations of Abolitionism in 1759: Johnson, Hawkesworth, and OroonokoThe Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2001, pp. 47-66.
47, 48, 53-5, 57, 59

By June 1766: James Fordyce anonymously printed his Sermons...

Building item

By June 1766

James Fordyce anonymously printed his Sermons to Young Women. It went through ninety-five British reprints by 1850, plus half as many again in the USA.
Hunt, Margaret R. The Middling Sort: Commerce, Gender, and the Family in England, 1680-1780. University of California Press, 1996.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
22: 18-31
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
23: 61
Fleeman, John David, and James McLaverty. A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Clarendon Press, 2000, 2 vols.
2: 1154

15-21 June 1772: A series of London banking firms collapsed...

National or international item

15-21 June 1772

A series of London banking firms collapsed after the bank associated with Alexander Fordyce stopped payment; ensuing panic brought the biggest stock-market crash since the South Sea Bubble burst in late 1720.
Clifford, James L. Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs Thrale). Clarendon Press, 1987.
93 and n2

11 April 1773: Boswell asked Johnson the reason why women...

Building item

11 April 1773

Boswell asked Johnson the reason why women servants were paid so much less than men, although the opposite would seem to reflect natural justice; Johnson had no answer.
Boswell, James, 1740 - 1795. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Editors Hill, George Birkbeck and Laurence Fitzroy Powell, Clarendon, 1934, 6 vols.
2: 216-17

21 February 1774: The House of Lords decision Donaldson vs....

Writing climate item

21 February 1774

The House of Lords decision Donaldson vs. Becket put an end to the legality (based in common law) of perpetual copyright. The case was provoked by the pirating activities of Alexander Donaldson .
Nichol, Donald W. “Warburton (Not!) on copyright: Clearing up the Misattribution of An Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Literary Property”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1996, pp. 171-82.
Abbott, John L. “Review of William Zachs, The First John Murray and the Late Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, 1998”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 495-03.

By March 1774: Warren Hastings became the first English...

National or international item

By March 1774

Warren Hastings became the first English Governor-General of India.
Newman, Gerald, editor. Britain in the Hanoverian Age, 1714-1837: An Encyclopedia. Garland, 1997.
Johnson, Samuel. The Letters of Samuel Johnson. Editor Redford, Bruce, The Hyde Edition, Princeton University Press, 1992–1994, 5 vols.

8 February 1777: The first volume appeared in Edinburgh of...

Writing climate item

8 February 1777

The first volume appeared in Edinburgh of Hugh Blair 's five volumes of exquisitely sentimental
Buchan, James. “That sh—te Creech”. London Review of Books, 5 Apr. 2007, pp. 13-14.
and extraordinarily popular
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Sermons. London publication followed on 15 April.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


Johnson, Samuel. A Dictionary of the English Language. Knapton, 1755.
Johnson, Samuel. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1775.
Johnson, Samuel. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. Editor Lascelles, Mary Madge, Yale University Press; Oxford University Press, 1971.
Lobo, Jeronimo. A Voyage to Abyssinia. Translator Johnson, Samuel, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, 1735.
Johnson, Samuel. Diaries, Prayers, and Annals. Editors McAdam, Edward Lippincott, Jr et al., Yale Edition, Yale University Press and Oxford University Press, 1960.
Bate, Walter Jackson et al., editors. “Introduction”. The Rambler, Yale Edition, Yale University Press, 1969, p. xxi - xlii.
Bronson, Bertrand H., and Samuel Johnson. “Introduction”. Johnson on Shakespeare, edited by Arthur Sherbo and Arthur Sherbo, Yale Edition, Yale University Press, 1975, p. xiii - xxxviii.
Gold, Joel J., and Jeronimo Lobo. “Introduction”. A Voyage to Abyssinia, translated by. Samuel Johnson, The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Yale University Press, 1985, p. xxiii - lviii.
Johnson, Samuel. “Introduction”. The Lives of the Poets, edited by Roger Lonsdale, Clarendon Press, 2006, pp. 1: 1 - 185.
Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the English Poets. Editor Hill, George Birkbeck, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1905, 3 vols.
Johnson, Samuel, and Arthur Waugh. Lives of the English Poets. Oxford University Press, 1973, 2 vols.
Johnson, Samuel. London. R. Dodsley, 1738.
Johnson, Samuel. Poems. Editors McAdam, Edward Lippincott, Jr and George Milne, The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Yale University Press, 1964.
Johnson, Samuel. Political Writings. Editor Greene, Donald, Yale University Press, 1977.
Johnson, Samuel. Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets. 1st ed., C. Bathurst et al., 1781, 10 vols.
Johnson, Samuel. Samuel Johnson: A Critical Edition of the Major Works. Editor Greene, Donald, Oxford University Press, 1984.
Johnson, Samuel. Sermons. Editors Hagstrum, Jean and James Gray, The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Yale University Press, 1978.
Johnson, Samuel. Sir Joshua’s Nephew. Editor Radcliffe, Susan M., John Murray, 1930.
Johnson, Samuel. The Complete English Poems. Editor Fleeman, John David, Penguin, 1971.
Johnson, Samuel. The Idler; and, The Adventurer. Editors Bate, Walter Jackson et al., Yale, Yale University Press, 1969.
Johnson, Samuel, and Hester Lynch Piozzi. The Letters of Samuel Johnson. Editor Chapman, Robert William, Clarendon Press, 1984, 3 vols.
Johnson, Samuel. The Letters of Samuel Johnson. Editor Redford, Bruce, The Hyde Edition, Princeton University Press, 1994, 5 vols.
Johnson, Samuel. The Life of Mr Richard Savage. Printed for J. Roberts, 1744.
Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. C. Bathurst, J. Buckland, W. Strahan, et. al., 1781, 4 vols., http://SpCol PR 553 J67 1781.
Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Poets. Editor Lonsdale, Roger, Clarendon Press, 2006, 4 vols.