Alexander Pope

Standard Name: Pope, Alexander
As well as being a translator, critic, and letter-writer, AP was the major poetic voice of the earlier eighteenth century, an influence on almost everyone who wrote poetry during his lifetime or for some years afterwards.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Anne Finch
Pope selected for his and Bernard Lintot 's anthology, Poems on Several Occasions, a poem he addressed to AF , as well as her responding poem, and half a dozen more by her.
Foxon, David F. English Verse 1701-1750. Cambridge University Press, 1975, 2 vols.
Finch, Anne. The Anne Finch Wellesley Manuscript Poems: A Critical Edition. Editors McGovern, Barbara and Charles H. Hinnant, University of Georgia Press, 1998.
Foxon, David F. Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade. Editor McLaverty, James, Clarendon Press, 1991.
Anthologization Martha Fowke
Five poems by MF (as Mrs. Fowke) appeared in good poetic company (with Pope , Prior , Susanna Centlivre , Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , and others) in Anthony Hammond 's A New Miscellany, published on 19 May 1720.
Anthologization Mary Jones
An Advertisement in the volume itself is uncharacteristically humble in tone for MJ . It disclaims ambition and says it was quite accidental, that her thoughts ever rambled into rhyme. It calls her writings the...
death Joan Whitrow
She was buried, according to her own instructions in the garden of Mathias Perkins , her executor,
“People. Joan Whitrow”. The Twickenham Museum.
beside the main road in Twickenham, across from the theatre. Her burial place was magnificently marked, in...
Dedications Catharine Trotter
She had begun work on these remarks during the winter of 1739. They appeared anonymously, dedicated to Pope , in tribute to his argument about the congruence of self-love and benevolence. According to Thomas Birch
Education Eliza Fletcher
Grandmother Brudend and a paternal aunt educated Eliza with poetry and stories. The letters of Elizabeth Singer Rowe were important in her reading. It was said, however, that her grandmother over-encouraged her in precocious display...
Education Jane Johnson
She was without formal education.
Whyman, Susan E. The Pen and the People: English Letter Writers 1660-1800. Oxford University Press, 2009.
She told a cousin that her favourite reading had been the Bible ever since she was a girl.
Arizpe, Evelyn et al. Reading Lessons from the Eighteenth Century: Mothers, Children and Texts. Pied Piper Publishing, 2006.
Historian Susan E. Whyman argues that it was through epistolary...
Education Sarah Josepha Hale
Sarah Josepha Buell (later SJH ) was taught at home by her mother, with her father and her brother Horatio (then a law student) joining in for such higher branches of learning as writing, Latin...
Education Maria Callcott
She was, she said, mainly self-educated from the books which were all around her. (She read Pope 's Homer at nine.) She studied Sanskrit, Persian, and Icelandic as an adult. She later believed firmly that...
Education Maria Riddell
The future MR was in all probability privately educated. At sixteen she wrote a poem to commemorate the pleasure of reading with a friend the works of Milton , Pope , Spenser , Shakespeare ...
Education Sybille Bedford
The idea had been that Jack and Suzan Robbins should select a boarding school for Sibylle and have her to stay for the holidays. Instead, with the money provided by her family and trustees, they...
Education Tabitha Tenney
Whether or not TT 's education was Puritanical (most sources about her life have no higher status than gossip) she was well read in the emergent canon of English literature, from Shakespeare and Milton through...
Education Elizabeth Barrett Browning
EBB 's early immersion in fairy stories and popular tales was followed by a more ambitious course of reading that began around the age of seven with history, classical poetry, and some of Shakespeare 's...
Education Robert Browning
Like Alexander Pope , Browning was an autodidact, educating himself in his father's vast library. In 1828 he began reading Greek at London University but dropped out in his second term.
Thomas, Donald. Robert Browning: A Life Within Life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982.
10, 18-19
Education Anna Swanwick
At home her mother had read to her daughters, while they sewed, Greek and Roman history, and writers like Pope , and Cowper . At four Anna could recite long passages from Milton 's L'Allegro...


2 May 1709: Poetical Miscellanies. The Sixth Part was...

Writing climate item

2 May 1709

Poetical Miscellanies. The Sixth Part was published, including Pope 's Pastorals and poems by Anne Finch (which are placed between work by Pope and Swift ).
Pope, Alexander. The Poems of Alexander Pope. Editor Butt, John, Twickenham Edition, Methuen; Yale University Press, 1951–1969, 11 vols.
1: 58

28 February 1712: The Whig physician-poet Sir Richard Blackmore...

Writing climate item

28 February 1712

The Whig physician-poet Sir Richard Blackmore published his best-known work, the physico-theologicalCreation: a Philosophical Poem. Its grandiose style was praised by some respected critics of the day, but scorned by Pope and his...

May 1712: The publisher Bernard Lintot edited and published...

Writing climate item

May 1712

The publisher Bernard Lintot edited and published Miscellaneous Poems and Translations, by several Hands.
British Library Catalogue.

December 1713: Richard Steele published Poetical Miscellanies;...

Writing climate item

December 1713

Richard Steele published Poetical Miscellanies; it included poems by Pope , Anne Finch , and himself (including praise of the unnamed and only recently identified young Elizabeth Tollet ).
Londry, Michael. Thomas Parnell’s Poem ’To a Young Lady’ as Addressed to Elizabeth Tollet. 1998.

19 May 1720: A New Miscellany, edited by Anthony Hammond,...

Women writers item

19 May 1720

A New Miscellany, edited by Anthony Hammond , included work by Pope , Prior , William Bond , George Sewell , Susanna Centlivre , Delarivier Manley , Eliza Haywood , Martha Fowke , and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu .
Lonsdale, Roger, editor. Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. Oxford University Press, 1990.
Grundy, Isobel. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment. Clarendon, 1999.

December 1722: Alexander Pope edited and published his late...

Writing climate item

December 1722

Alexander Pope edited and published his late friend Thomas Parnell 's Poems on Several Occasions.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.

19 June 1725: Dorothy Stanley, née Milborne, published...

Women writers item

19 June 1725

Dorothy Stanley , née Milborne, published by subscription Sir Philip Sidney 's Arcadia Moderniz'd, in four books (coinciding with the thirteenth edition of the original romance).
English Short Title Catalogue.
Mitchell, Marea. “Dorothy Stanley’s Enterprise: Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia Moderniz’d (1725)”. Sidney Journal, No. 28, 2010, pp. 63-76.
Mitchell, Marea. “Awakening Other Spirits: Dorothy Stanley’s Arcadia and the Apparatus of Authorship”. Parergon, No. 29, 2012, pp. 113-31.

Before 22 April 1739: Anne Dodd, for almost thirty years the best-known...

Writing climate item

Before 22 April 1739

Anne Dodd , for almost thirty years the best-known of all the Londonmercuries or trade publishers, died, leaving the business to her daughters.
Bracken, James K., and Joel Silver, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 154. Gale Research, 1995.
154: 103-5

2 May 1742: Lady Euston, formerly Lady Dorothy Boyle,...

Building item

2 May 1742

Lady Euston , formerly Lady Dorothy Boyle , died of her husband's ill-treatment within seven months of her wedding.
Walpole, Horace. The Letters of Horace Walpole. Editor Toynbee, Mrs Paget, Clarendon, 1903–1925, 16 vols.
1: 112; 2: 41

14 January 1744: Mark Akenside published a lengthy, influential,...

Writing climate item

14 January 1744

Mark Akenside published a lengthy, influential, philosophic poem in blank verse entitled The Pleasures of Imagination: the faculty which, he argues, the artist uses to apprehend and to imitate the wonders of God's creation.
Foxon, David F. English Verse 1701-1750. Cambridge University Press, 1975, 2 vols.

18 March 1748: Robert Dodsley first offered for sale his...

Writing climate item

18 March 1748

Robert Dodsley first offered for sale his influential Collection of Poems by Several Hands.
Suarez, Michael F., and Robert Dodsley, editors. “The Formation, Transmission, and Reception of Robert Dodsleys Collection of Poems by Several HandsA Collection of Poems by Several Hands, Routledge/Thoemmes, 1997, pp. 1-118.
6, 14, 25ff, 47, 67

By March 1756: Joseph Warton published An Essay on the Writings...

Writing climate item

By March 1756

Joseph Warton published An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
1 (1756): 226-40
British Library Catalogue.

1759: Adam Smith published with the Scottish firm...

Writing climate item


Adam Smith published with the Scottish firm of Millar, Kincaid and BellThe Theory of Moral Sentiments.
English Short Title Catalogue.
O’Brien, Karen. Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

15 November 1763: The House of Lords learned of the existence...

Building item

15 November 1763

The House of Lords learned of the existence of the scurrilous, obscene Essay on Woman by Thomas Potter and John Wilkes , after its private, thirteen-copy edition for members of the Hell Fire Club had...

1767: At auctions of copyright, Richardson's Clarissa...

Writing climate item


At auctions of copyright, Richardson 's Clarissa was valued at £600, but Addison and Steele 's Spectator at £1,300, Shakespeare at £1,800, and Pope at £4,400.
Brewer, John. The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1997.


Pope, Alexander. An Epistle from Mr. Pope, to Dr. Arbuthnot. Lawton Gilliver, 1735.
Pope, Alexander. An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Burlington. Lawton Gilliver, 1731.
Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Criticism. W. Lewis, 1711.
Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man. J. Wilford, 1734.
Pope, Alexander, and Héloïse. Eloïsa to Abelard. Editor Wellington, James E., Translator Hughes, John, 1677 - 1720, University of Miami Press, 1965.
Pope, Alexander. Epilogue to the Satires. T. Cooper, 1738.
Seward, Anna et al. “Memoirs of Abelard and Eloisa”. Letters of Abelard and Eloisa, translated by. John, 1677 - 1720 Hughes and John, 1677 - 1720 Hughes, J. Mitchell, 1805.
Pope, Alexander. Of the Characters of Women: An Epistle to a Lady. Lawton Gilliver, 1735.
Pope, Alexander. Of the Use of Riches. Lawton Gilliver, 1732.
Pope, Alexander. Sober Advice from Horace. T. Boreman, 1734.
Pope, Alexander. The Correspondence of Alexander Pope. Editor Sherburn, George, Clarendon, 1956, 5 vols.
Pope, Alexander. The Dunciad. A. Dodd, 1728.
Pope, Alexander. The Dunciad in Four Books. M. Cooper, 1743.
Pope, Alexander. The Dunciad Variorum. A. Dodd, 1729.
Pope, Alexander. The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace. Lawton Gilliver, 1733.
Homer,. The Iliad of Homer. Translator Pope, Alexander, Bernard Lintott, 1720, 6 vols.
Pope, Alexander. The New Dunciad. T. Cooper, 1742.
Pope, Alexander. The Poems of Alexander Pope. Editor Butt, John, Twickenham Edition, Methuen; Yale University Press, 1969, 11 vols.
Pope, Alexander. The Rape of the Lock. Bernard Lintott, 1714.
Pope, Alexander. The Second Satire of the Second Book of Horace. Lawton Gilliver, 1734.
Pope, Alexander. The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope. Bernard Lintot, 1717.
Pope, Alexander. The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope. Volume II. Lawton Gilliver, 1735.
Gay, John et al. Three Hours After Marriage. Bernard Lintot, 1717.
Pope, Alexander. Windsor-Forest. Bernard Lintott, 1713.