Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Standard Name: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Anna Sewell
After seriously injuring her ankle at the age of fourteen, AS was dependent on horses for mobility for the rest of her life. Her gratitude towards these animals, coupled with the Quaker and Rousseauvian values...
Education Fredrika Bremer
As FB grew older, she became increasingly interested in novels. At the age of fifteen she was beyond measure happy
Bremer, Fredrika. Life, Letters, and Posthumous Works of Fredrika Bremer. Editor Bremer, Charlotte, Sampson Low, Son and Marston, 1868,
to be allowed the privilege of reading fiction for a half hour every night...
Education Julia Kristeva
Most of JK 's education in Bulgaria took place in French (a habit among the intelligentsia dating from before Communism), though Russian was also a compulsory subject. Her parents were unusual in choosing a French-speaking...
Education Charlotte Brooke
CB was educated by her father , who was interested in Irish language and culture, and was influenced by the pedagogic ideas of Rousseau .
Brooke, Charlotte. “Introduction”. Charlotte Brooke’s Reliques of Irish Poetry, edited by Lesa Ni Mhunghaile, Irish Manuscripts Commission, 2009, p. xxv - xliv.
He taught by encouraging her curiosity rather than by...
Education George Sand
Her upbringing had a freedom in accordance with the dictates of Rousseau rather than the conventions of her class. Her father's tutor, François Deschartres, instructed the young Aurore in botany, mathematics, Latin, and Greek. At...
Education Dorothy Wellesley
She also furthered her own education by early-morning visits to the library, sometimes permitted though sometimes stopped, during which she read everything I could lay hands on, including Tennyson , Matthew Arnold , Swift 's...
Family and Intimate relationships Lucie Duff Gordon
LDG endeavoured to be prepared for the arrival of her child; she purportedly continued reading Rousseau 's Émile (a treatise on education which devotes almost all of its attention to boys) until well into her...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Shelley
Percy Shelley had dreams of enacting sexual liberation which Mary did not fully share. In France in 1814 she declined to swim naked in a river with him; according to Claire she objected that it...
Family and Intimate relationships Georgiana Cavendish Duchess of Devonshire
Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire 's life was complicated by her relationship with Lady Elizabeth Foster : a relationship which involved her husband as well, since Bess shared him during Georgiana's life and married him after...
Fictionalization Héloïse
Since then she has remained a favourite subject for fiction (generally in her role as mistress rather than writer or churchwoman). Alexander Pope spread her reputation considerably when he borrowed her voice for his popular...
Friends, Associates Alison Cockburn
Her friendship with Hume was one of ease and intimacy. She joked with him and teased him, tried earnestly to convert him from atheism to Christianity, urged him to visit France and to bring Rousseau
Intertextuality and Influence Henrietta Rouviere Mosse
The widely varied quotations heading the chapters include some in Latin (Virgil , Cicero , Lucretius , Horace ) and some in French (Rousseau , Voltaire , Marmontel , and Manon Roland ). The English writers quoted include Mary Robinson .
McLeod, Deborah. The Minerva Press. University of Alberta, 1997.
Intertextuality and Influence Ann Thicknesse
Richard Graves may have been disappointed, for the introduction and early lives are substantially the same as in the 1778 version which he had already read (though Hester Mulso Chapone has been added to the...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Hays
In this work MH takes a position generally compatible with that of the Dissenters. She was spurred to write by the need to answer Wakefield 's Enquiry into the Expediency and Propriety of Public or...
Intertextuality and Influence Germaine de Staël
Rousseau , along with Montesquieu , was one of the formative influences on the young GS .
Winegarten, Renee. Mme de Staël. Berg, 1985.


By February 1753: William Kenrick's conduct book The Whole...

Building item

By February 1753

William Kenrick 's conduct book The Whole Duty of Woman was published.
Kenrick, a dramatist and grammarian, also translated Rousseau 's two novels, Emile and La Nouvelle Héloïse.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
23 (1753): 102

1 November 1755: A major earthquake at Lisbon in Portugal...

National or international item

1 November 1755

A major earthquake at Lisbon in Portugal killed more than 10,000 people (estimates vary), provoking theological debate between Rousseau and Voltaire about the nature of evil.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. Mary; and, The Wrongs of Woman. Editor Kelly, Gary, World’s Classics, Oxford University Press, 1980.
28, 211
Mantel, Hilary. “The Real Price of Everything”. London Review of Books, 21 June 2007, pp. 3-6.
King, Kathryn R. “The Young Lady, the Old Maid, and the Lisbon Earthquake”. Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual conference, 19 Oct. 2017.
The heroine of Wollstonecraft 's first...

January 1761: Jean-Jacques Rousseau published his epistolary...

Writing climate item

January 1761

Jean-Jacques Rousseau published his epistolary novel Julie; ou, La nouvelle Héloïse; it was translated into English the same year by William Kenrick .
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
31 (1761): 34-5
British Library Catalogue.

By October 1762: Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Émile, a novel of...

Writing climate item

By October 1762

Jean-Jacques Rousseau 's Émile, a novel of education published in the earlier part of this year in French, had its first English translation as Emilius and Sophia.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
14 (1763): 250-70
British Library Catalogue.
Defoe, Daniel. “Introduction”. Robinson Crusoe, edited by John J. Richetti, Penguin, 2001, p. ix - xxxiv.
Goodman, Dena. Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters. Cornell University Press, 2009.

1764: Mademoiselle d'Espinassy published Essai...

Writing climate item


Mademoiselle d'Espinassy published Essai sur l'éducation des demoiselles, a considered response to Rousseau 's Emile.
Goodman, Dena. Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters. Cornell University Press, 2009.
64, 66

1774: Louise d'Epinay, former friend and patron...

Writing climate item


Louise d'Epinay , former friend and patron of Rousseau , published Conversations d'Emilie, a book on education for girls designed to counter the message of his Emile.
Goodman, Dena. Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters. Cornell University Press, 2009.
64-5, 151 and n78

1785: Botanist Thomas Martyn translated into English...

Building item


Botanist Thomas Martyn translated into English a work of Rousseau 's of 1771-3 as Letters on the Elements of Botany, Addressed to a Lady: it had eight editions in the next thirty years.
Shteir, Ann B. Cultivating Women, Cultivating Science. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
British Library Catalogue.

By July 1788: The publication of a Beauties of Rousseau...

Writing climate item

By July 1788

The publication of a Beauties of Rousseau marked his popularity in England.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
58 (1788): 635

Between 25 and 27 August 1789: In Paris, the National Assembly adopted the...

National or international item

Between 25 and 27 August 1789

In Paris, the National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution 1787-1799. Translators Forrest, Alan and Colin Jones, Vintage, 1975.
Lefebvre, Georges. The French Revolution. Routledge and K. Paul, 1962.
Paxton, John. Companion to the French Revolution. Facts on File, 1988.
64, 170
Historians differ as to the date. Godineau (369) gives August 25; Soboul...

By August 1794: Rousseau's autobiographical Confessions appeared...

Writing climate item

By August 1794

Rousseau 's autobiographical Confessions appeared in English, translated by Robert Jephson .
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
2d ser. 11 (1794): 390

9 July 1798: George Canning, writing in the Anti-Jacobin,...

Women writers item

9 July 1798

George Canning , writing in the Anti-Jacobin, lambasted sensibility as a literary mode stemming from France, from Rousseau , and from diseased fancy, effeminacy, and self-obsession.
Norton, Rictor. Mistress of Udolpho: The Life of Ann Radcliffe. Leicester University Press, 1999.

1801: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi suggested, in...

Building item


Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi suggested, in Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt, that girls' education is even more vital than boys', since girls will one day educate children of their own.
Trager, James. The Women’s Chronology: A Year-by-Year Record, from Prehistory to the Present. Henry Holt, 1994.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.


Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. “Editorial Materials”. Rousseau Religious Writings, edited by Ronald Grimsley, Clarendon Press, 1970.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Émile. Jean Néaulme, 1762, 4 vols.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Julie; ou, La nouvelle Héloise. Marc Michel Rey, 1761, 6 vols.