qtd. in
Fleeman, John David, and James McLaverty. A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Clarendon Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 409-10
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Employer | Jean Marishall | Despite her own skimpy education, she ran a periodical in London (which did not pay), as well as working for children's publisher John Newbery
. She consulted about the periodical with the Duchess of Northumberland |
Publishing | Mary Latter | The young ML
placed a ludicrous advertisement, in verse in the Reading Mercury (owned by the London publisher John Newbery
) to deny that she was the author of lampoons on the persons and characters... |
Publishing | Mary Masters | This volume was printed for the Author. Its 833 subscribers (for 903 copies) qtd. in Fleeman, John David, and James McLaverty. A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Clarendon Press, 2000, 2 vols. 1: 409-10 |
Publishing | Charlotte McCarthy | This too was printed for the Author. Copies cost six shillings. This appears to be the first edition, though the work had been advertised as Now ready for the Press, and will be Publish'd... |
Textual Production | Jane Johnson | The manuscript also contains fair copies of ten poems and a prayer. qtd. in C., M. “Notable Accessions. Western MSS”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol. 16 , No. 2, Oct. 1997, pp. 165-8. 166 |
Textual Production | Sarah Scott | SS
used a different publisher, John Newbery
, for The History of Mecklenburgh. This time anonymous instead of pseudonymous, it was, like her previous historical work, thought to be written by a man. Rizzo, Betty, and Sarah Scott. “Introduction”. The History of Sir George Ellison, University Press of Kentucky, 1996, p. ix - xlv. xliv |
Textual Production | Sarah Scott | SS
published through John Newbery
her most famous novel, A Description of Millenium Hall, or of a female utopia described by a male narrator. Rizzo, Betty, and Sarah Scott. “Introduction”. The History of Sir George Ellison, University Press of Kentucky, 1996, p. ix - xlv. xliv |
Wealth and Poverty | Charlotte Forman | Her release was helped by publishers like John Meres
(whose wife gave her a guinea) and John Newbery
(who gave two guineas and promised her work, but then died). She pawned her clothes, and the... |
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