Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Standard Name: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Birth Name: Elizabeth Barrett Moulton Barrett
Nickname: Ba
Pseudonym: EBB
Married Name: Elizabeth Barrett Moulton Browning
Used Form: E. B. Barrett
Used Form: Elizabeth B. Barrett
Used Form: Elizabeth Barrett Barrett
Used Form: E.B.B.
Used Form: E. B. B.
EBB was recognized in her lifetime as one of the most important poets of mid-Victorian Britain. She wrote a significant corpus of poetry which ranges from the lyric through the closet drama or dramatic lyric and the dramatic monologue to the epic, as well as letters and criticism. For much of the twentieth century, interest in her focused on her romantic life-story, her letters, and Sonnets from the Portuguese. Late in the century, critical interest in her epic female künstlerroman or verse novel Aurora Leigh and her other political poetry—in which she took up the causes of working-class children, the abolition of slavery, women's issues, and the Italian Risorgimento—revived. She is again considered one of the leading and most influential voices of her day.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Sappho
Elizabeth Moody engagingly converts Sappho into a contemporary in Sappho Burns her Books and Cultivates the Culinary Arts, 1798.
Jay, Peter, and Caroline Lewis. Sappho Through English Poetry. Anvil Press Poetry, 1996.
But many women poets accepted the notion of her rejected love for Phaon: Robinson
Intertextuality and Influence Adelaide Kemble
Bessie and her more assertive friend Ursula Hamilton are challenged by men in their social circle about the alleged inferiority of women, as proved by their failure to produce serious artistic work. Bessie thinks of...
Intertextuality and Influence Sappho
Sappho 's name was an honorific for women writers for generations. George Puttenham may have been the first to use it to compliment a writing woman: in Parthienades, 1579, he said that Queen Elizabeth
Intertextuality and Influence Jean Ingelow
The work's title poem is a lengthy epic retelling of the story of Noah's ark from the Bible. Scholar Terence Allan Hoagwood likens it to Elizabeth Barrett Browning 's A Drama of Exile and...
Intertextuality and Influence Frances Power Cobbe
In treating the need for other pursuits for spinsters and widows she touches on the topical subjects of religious sisterhoods, female doctors, higher education for women, female philanthropists such as Maria Rye , and feminist...
Intertextuality and Influence Katharine Bruce Glasier
KBG took her title from Elizabeth Barrett Browning 's poem of the same name. KBG 's pamphlet details the abuses poor, working-class children face owing to the proliferation of home industries such as belt-making, box-making...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Gaskell
It also featured an excerpt from Book V of Barrett Browning 's recent kunstlerroman Aurora Leigh on the dreariness of women writers who sit by solitary fires / And hear the nations praising them far...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
This novel retells The Husband of a Blue, a story by ESP 's mother, Elizabeth Wooster Stuart Phelps , from the perspective of Avis Dobell, a wife, mother, and would-be artist who sacrifices her...
Intertextuality and Influence L. T. Meade
The year must be one of the most emotionally eventful in the history of school stories. Hester gets off on the wrong foot with devil-may-care Annie Forest. (Annie's mother, too, is dead, having committed her...
Intertextuality and Influence Emily Hickey
Before she was twenty EH discovered the work of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Alfred Tennyson , which inspired her to begin composing narrative poems.
Thesing, William B., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 199. Gale Research, 1999.
199: 168
Intertextuality and Influence Augusta Webster
Shorter pieces include The River, Two Maidens, and The Hidden Wound. Lota, the last and longest in the collection, is a narrative poem in blank verse. It is most heavily indebted...
Intertextuality and Influence Dora Greenwell
DG published another volume of Poems, again with her name, this one dedicated to the memory of Elizabeth Barrett Browning .
Greenwell, Dora. Poems. A. Strahan, 1867.
Leisure and Society Queen Victoria
Among her favourite writers were Alfred Tennyson , Sir Walter Scott , George Eliot (whose The Mill on the Floss made a deep impression
Victoria, Queen. Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals. Editor Hibbert, Christopher, Penguin, 1985.
on her), and Charles Kingsley , whose Two Years Ago...
Leisure and Society Mary Russell Mitford
MRM delighted in owning dogs. Her greyhounds or spaniels accompanied her on the country walks which were one of her chief forms of recreation, and supplied innumerable stories for her letters. One beloved pet, Flush...
Leisure and Society Adelaide Kemble
In Rome AK and her husband entertained what her friend Elizabeth Barrett Browning described as the best company.
qtd. in
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
In 1860 the painter Frederic Leighton did a striking portrait of her daughter, May .
“Frederic Leighton: Miss May Sartoris”. Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth: Collections: European.


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