Dora Greenwell

Standard Name: Greenwell, Dora
Birth Name: Dorothy Greenwell
Nickname: Dora
Pseudonym: The Author of The Patience of Hope
A mid-Victorian writer of great versatility, DG published four books of religious discourse, nine collections of poetry, two volumes of essays, and two biographies. She occasionally contributed to periodicals, both her own prose as well as translations, and she edited a number of short stories.
Gray, Janet. “Dora Greenwell’s Commonplace Book”. Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1995, pp. 47-74.
Much of her writing was religious in subject or motivation. Her poetry dealt with contemporary concerns such as the position of women, as did her prose, in which her topics also included the education of people with disabilities and the abolition of slavery.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Sarah Tytler
ST 's literary friends by now included Dora Greenwell , Ellen (Mrs Henry) Wood , Anna Maria (Mrs S. C.) Hall , and George MacDonald .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Friends, Associates Christina Rossetti
Her literary connections expanded further with the publication of Goblin Market and Other Poems. Dora Greenwell approached her effusively by letter and Lewis Carroll was keen to photograph her and her family. In 1865...
Friends, Associates Jean Ingelow
JI met Christina Rossetti , with whom she and Dora Greenwell came to share a unique literary and personal friendship.
Rossetti, Christina. The Letters of Christina Rossetti. Editor Harrison, Antony H., University Press of Virginia, 1997–2004, 4 vols.
190, 203
Friends, Associates Jean Ingelow
JI had a small but distinguished circle of intimate friends. By 1863 she was a friend of Alfred Tennyson and was also close to Dora Greenwell . She admired and respected Robert Browning (though she...
Friends, Associates Jean Ingelow
While Greenwell and Ingelow appear to have been close friends, Rossetti's relationship with the latter was a little more fraught. Before they were introduced she acknowledged her envy at the astonishing success of JI 's...
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Williams
SW read the poetry of George MacDonald , Dora Greenwell , and Algernon Charles Swinburne , and commented on it in her letters.
Plumptre, Edward Hayes, and Sarah Williams. “Memoir”. Twilight Hours: A Legacy of Verse, Strahan, 1868, p. vii - xxxiii.
Of the last-named she wrote, Surely such music cannot be destined...
Publishing Caroline Bowles
Fourteen years after CB 's death, her story Harmless Johnny; or, The Poor Outcast of Reason (which had first appeared in Blackwood's) was edited and separately published by Dora Greenwell .
British Library Catalogue.
Reception Harriet Hamilton King
Despite the popularity of HHK 's work into the twentieth century, it has not fared well critically. She has seldom been mentioned in recent critical discussions, although several of her poems are anthologized in feminist...
Textual Production Amelia B. Edwards
In the same year ABE was a contributor (with Jean Ingelow , Dora Greenwell , Laura Wilson Barker Taylor , Caroline Norton , Jennett Humphreys , and Dinah Mulock Craik ) to Home Thoughts and Home Scenes, In Original Poems.
Textual Production Jean Ingelow
JI , along with Dora Greenwell , Caroline Norton , and others, published Home Thoughts and Home Scenes, a collection of poetry depicting scenes of childhood and domestic life.
Ingelow, Jean et al. Home Thoughts and Home Scenes. Routledge, Warne and Routledge, 1865.


No timeline events available.


Greenwell, Dora. Camera Obscura. Daldy, Isbister, 1876.
Greenwell, Dora. Carmina Crucis. Bell and Daldy, 1869.
Greenwell, Dora, and Constance L. Maynard. Carmina Crucis. H. R. Allenson, 1906.
Greenwell, Dora. Colloquia Crucis. A. Strahan, 1871.
Greenwell, Dora. Essays. A. Strahan, 1866.
Greenwell, Dora. Essays. 2nd ed., A. Strahan, 1867.
Greenwell, Dora. Everlasting Love and Other Songs of Salvation. H. R. Allenson.
Bowles, Caroline. Harmless Johnny. Editor Greenwell, Dora, Strahan, 1868.
Ingelow, Jean et al. Home Thoughts and Home Scenes. Routledge, Warne and Routledge, 1865.
Greenwell, Dora. Liber Humanitatis. Daldy, Isbister, 1875.
Greenwell, Dora. “On the Education of the Imbecile”. North British Review, Vol.
, pp. 73-100.
Greenwell, Dora. “Our Single Women”. North British Review, Vol.
, pp. 62-87.
Greenwell, Dora. Poems. W. Pickering, 1848.
Greenwell, Dora. Poems. Hamilton, Adams; A. Strahan, 1861.
Greenwell, Dora. Poems. A. Strahan, 1867.
Maynard, Constance L. et al. “Preface and Introduction”. Selected Poems from the Writings of Dora Greenwell, H. R. Allenson, 1906, p. v - xxx.
Greenwell, Dora, and Constance L. Maynard. Selected Poems from the Writings of Dora Greenwell. H. R. Allenson, 1906.
Greenwell, Dora. “The East African Slave Trade”. Contemporary Review, Vol.
, pp. 138-64.
Greenwell, Dora. The Patience of Hope. 1860.
Greenwell, Dora, and John Greenleaf Whittier. The Patience of Hope. Ticknor and Fields, 1862.
Greenwell, Dora. Two Friends. A. Strahan, 1862.