Elizabeth Stuart Phelps

Standard Name: Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart
Birth Name: Mary Gray Phelps
Nickname: Lily
Self-constructed Name: Elizabeth Stuart
Pseudonym: Mary Adams
Married Name: Mary Gray Ward
In a prolific output filling the latter part of the nineteenth century, United States author ESP explored a range of interests in her more than fifty fiction and non-fiction books and hundreds of magazine stories, essays, plays, and poems—on topics ranging from women's rights, antivivisection, and temperance, to religion, homeopathy, and the afterlife. In recent years, literary scholars have re-examined and illuminated her consistent and persistent efforts to challenge female stereotypes and to advance the role of women, mainly through her fiction writing.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Harriet Beecher Stowe
Two hundred people celebrated HBS 's seventy-first birthday, including Elizabeth Stuart Phelps , Oliver Wendell Holmes , and William Dean Howells .
Hedrick, Joan. Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life. Oxford University Press, 1994.
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Barrett Browning
American poet Emily Dickinson loved EBB 's poetry. The language of Aurora Leigh crops up throughout her oeuvre, and she recalls the transformative experience, sanctifying the soul, of her early reading in one poem: I...
Intertextuality and Influence Rebecca Harding Davis
When it first appeared, RHD 's story met with wide critical acclaim and broad recognition from members of the American literary community.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. “Biographical Introduction”. Life in the Iron Mills; or, the Korl Woman, edited by Tillie Olsen, The Feminist Press, 1972.
American National Biography. http://www.anb.org/articles/home.html.
Emily Dickinson wrote to her sister-in-law for a copy.
Olsen, Tillie. Silences. Virago, 1980.
Davis's publisher...
Literary responses Rebecca Harding Davis
Pfaelzer agrees with Jane Atteridge Rose not only that Life in the Iron-Mills explores the new aesthetic of realism but also (following Elizabeth Stuart Phelps ) that it represents the impact of a specifically female...
Literary responses Rebecca Harding Davis
In her own time RHD 's writing was generally well received. But in a rather negative review of Waiting for the Verdict, Henry James (the most prominent writer of her generation) not only gave...
Textual Production Emma Jane Worboise
An article by EJW published in the magazine in 1882 suggests that she received approximately 500 contributions a week.
Melnyk, Julie. “Emma Jane Worboise and The Christian World Magazine: Christian Publishing and Womens Empowerment”. Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol.
, No. 2, 1996, pp. 131-45.
Contributors included Peter Bayne , Mary Anne Hearn (who wrote as Marianne Farningham , and...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Sophia Jex-Blake
SJB 's review is largely informational. It covers works of fiction including New Grooves by Annie Thomas , A Woman-Hater by Charles Reade , Dr. Edith Romney by Anne Elliot , Doctor Zay by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps


9 November 1857: The first issue appeared of the US magazine...

Writing climate item

9 November 1857

The first issue appeared of the US magazine Atlantic Monthly. It set out to provide articles of an abstract and permanent value, while not ignoring the healthy appetite of the mind for entertainment in...


Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. “A Sacrifice Consumed”. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 235-40.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. A Singular Life. Houghton, Mifflin, 1895.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Austin Phelps: A Memoir. C. Scribner’s Sons, 1891.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Beyond the Gates. Houghton, Mifflin, 1883.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Chapters From a Life. Houghton, Mifflin, 1896.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Chapters From a Life. Houghton, Mifflin, 1897.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Hedged In. Fields, Osgood, 1870.
Kessler, Carol Farley, and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. “Introduction”. The Story of Avis, edited by Carol Farley Kessler and Carol Farley Kessler, Rutgers University Press, 1985, p. xiii - xxxii.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Men, Women, and Ghosts. Fields, Osgood, 1869.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Sealed Orders. Houghton, Osgood, 1879.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The Gates Ajar. Fields, Osgood, 1868.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The Gates Between. Houghton, Mifflin, 1887.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The Silent Partner. James R. Osgood, 1871.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The Story of Avis. James R. Osgood, 1877.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The Story of Avis. Editor Kessler, Carol Farley, Rutgers University Press, 1985.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The Supply at St Agatha’s. Boston, MA, 1896.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. “The Tenth of January”. Atlantic Monthly.