Elizabeth Moody

Standard Name: Moody, Elizabeth
Birth Name: Elizabeth Greenly
Indexed Name: Miss Greenly
Married Name: Elizabeth Moody
EM was a talented and independent-minded poet of the later eighteenth century, who also worked professionally as a reviewer into the early years of the nineteenth. She was said to be a remarkable letter-writer. She began writing before the Romantic movement got under way, and though she published during the period of its sway her sensibility is social, ironical, and wholly non-romantic.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Catherine Gore
No connection with the poet and reviewer Elizabeth Moody (or with her husband, the Rev. Christopher Lake Moody ) has been discovered.
Intertextuality and Influence Sappho
Elizabeth Moody engagingly converts Sappho into a contemporary in Sappho Burns her Books and Cultivates the Culinary Arts, 1798.
Jay, Peter, and Caroline Lewis. Sappho Through English Poetry. Anvil Press Poetry, 1996.
But many women poets accepted the notion of her rejected love for Phaon: Robinson
Literary responses Mary Robinson
The Memoirs were reviewed by Elizabeth Moody 's husband in the Monthly Review. They were included in the multi-volume Autobiography: a Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives ever Published, 1826-32.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Literary responses Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
Elizabeth Moody reviewed this for the Monthly, and found it moral, entertaining, and interesting, but not too frivolous for maturer readers as well as its intended young audience.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 782-3
Literary responses Helen Maria Williams
A respectful review by Mary Wollstonecraft in the Analytical praised Williams's calm domestic scenes,
Wollstonecraft, Mary. The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft. Editors Todd, Janet and Marilyn Butler, Pickering, 1989, 7 vols.
7: 251
her landscapes, and her convincing characters from nature, as well as the feminine sweetness in her style and...
Literary responses Mary Robinson
The title and publisher convinced Dorothy Wordsworth that MR was cashing in on the fame of her brother 's Lyrical Ballads; she told a friend that he was thinking of changing his own title...
Textual Features Tabitha Tenney
Choice of women writers is fairly generous, with excerpts from Hester Mulso Chapone , John Aikin and Anna Letitia Barbauld (Evenings at Home), Susanna Haswell Rowson , Elizabeth Carter , Hester Thrale ,...


No timeline events available.


Moody, Elizabeth, and George Miller. “Anna’s Complaint; or, The Miseries of War”. War a System of Madness and Irreligion, 1796.
Moody, Elizabeth. Poetic Trifles. Cadell and Davies, 1798.
Moody, Elizabeth. The Temptation; or, Satan in the Country. T. Cadell, 1781.