Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Standard Name: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Birth Name: Elizabeth Barrett Moulton Barrett
Nickname: Ba
Pseudonym: EBB
Married Name: Elizabeth Barrett Moulton Browning
Used Form: E. B. Barrett
Used Form: Elizabeth B. Barrett
Used Form: Elizabeth Barrett Barrett
Used Form: E.B.B.
Used Form: E. B. B.
EBB was recognized in her lifetime as one of the most important poets of mid-Victorian Britain. She wrote a significant corpus of poetry which ranges from the lyric through the closet drama or dramatic lyric and the dramatic monologue to the epic, as well as letters and criticism. For much of the twentieth century, interest in her focused on her romantic life-story, her letters, and Sonnets from the Portuguese. Late in the century, critical interest in her epic female künstlerroman or verse novel Aurora Leigh and her other political poetry—in which she took up the causes of working-class children, the abolition of slavery, women's issues, and the Italian Risorgimento—revived. She is again considered one of the leading and most influential voices of her day.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Jessie White Mario
While visiting Italy, JWM stayed with Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning at Casa Guidi. (Years later they had an unpleasant public debate over Italian politics.) She met Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon in Rome, beginning...
Friends, Associates Mary Boyle
Her nephew notes that she was everywhere popular . . . due to the fact that she hated scandal and eschewed gossip.
Boyle, Mary. Mary Boyle. Her Book. Editor Boyle, Sir Courtenay Edmund, E. P. Dutton; John Murray, 1902.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning describes her in a similar light, a kinder, more...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Gaskell
EG adored Rome, and she and her daughters were much sought after there. They met there Harriet Beecher Stowe and Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (although their visit with the poets was not a success).
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.
Friends, Associates Frances Power Cobbe
FPC 's connections from home gave her introductions into the circles of US and British women living in Italy, including Harriet Hosmer (who became a close friend). She met Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning ...
Friends, Associates A. Mary F. Robinson
Her parents, who were the friends of many literary and artistic people, introduced her to an impressive social circle. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning , William Michael Rossetti , Thomas Hardy , Walter Pater ,...
Friends, Associates Fanny Kemble
During an earlier visit to Italy in the summer of 1853, FK 's social circle had included Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning , and her former acquaintance Harriet Hosmer . She met the young Anne Thackeray in Rome.
Clinton, Catherine. Fanny Kemble’s Civil Wars. Simon and Schuster, 2000.
Marshall, Dorothy. Fanny Kemble. Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1977.
Friends, Associates Barbarina Brand Baroness Dacre
BBBD 's circle of friends at this period of her life, many of them entertained by herself and her husband at the Hoo but many whose relationship with her went back to long before her...
Friends, Associates Eliza Ogilvy
In the summer of 1849, the Ogilvys moved into an apartment above that of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Casa Guidi, Florence.
Ogilvy, Eliza et al. “Introduction and Appendices”. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Letters to Mrs. David Ogilvy, edited by Peter N. Heydon and Philip Kelley, Quadrangle, 1973, pp. xi - xxiv; 175.
The families became good friends; according to Barrett Browning, quick...
Friends, Associates Henrietta Euphemia Tindal
Friends with whom she maintained contact by correspondence included her neighbour Mary Russell Mitford , who commented to Elizabeth Barrett Browning that HET had been wrong in her theory about the authorship of Jane Eyre...
Friends, Associates Isa Blagden
Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a valuable friend in IB , who nursed Elizabeth in Florence until her death on 29 June 1861, and continued afterwards to help in the upbringing of the Brownings' son, Pen .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Browning, Robert, and Isa Blagden. “Introduction”. Dearest Isa: Robert Browning’s Letters to Isabella Blagden, edited by Edward C. McAleer, Greenwood Press, 1970, p. xix - xxxiii.
Friends, Associates Alfred Tennyson
A sociable man (although distrustful of unknown admirers) Tennyson was acquainted with many of the major artistic and political figures of the nineteenth century, including Edward FitzGerald , Coventry Patmore , Edward Lear , William Ewart Gladstone
Friends, Associates Michael Field
This first letter from Browning came in reply to one sent by Edith. The women called on him for the first time in June 1885. They visited the old poet
Field, Michael, and William Rothenstein. Works and Days. Editors Moore, Thomas Sturge and D. C. Sturge Moore, J. Murray, 1933.
many more times, both...
Friends, Associates George Sand
She was frequently sought out by British writers during these years, including Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Charles Dickens. Browning addressed two sonnets to Thou large-brained woman and large-hearted man, / Self-called George Sand,
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. The Complete Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Editors Clarke, Helen A. and Charlotte Porter, AMS Press, 1973, 6 vols.
2: 239
Friends, Associates Sara Coleridge
Among women writers, in addition to Dorothy Wordsworth , Joanna Baillie , and Maria Jane Jewsbury , SC also knew Elizabeth Barrett Browning , Anna Jameson , Elizabeth Rigby , Elizabeth Gaskell , and Harriet Martineau
Health Adelaide Procter
AP 's health was poor from an early age. A letter from William Thackeray describes her at the age of fourteen as vomiting basins of blood. She went to Italy for a year in 1853-54...


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