Anne Bacon

Standard Name: Bacon, Anne
Birth Name: Anne Cooke
Pseudonym: A. C.
Married Name: Anne Bacon
Titled: Anne, Lady Bacon
AB , one of the famously well-educated Cooke sisters, was a major Tudor translator of religious and religious-administrative texts, as well as a letter-writer. Her work was published in the mid-sixteenth century.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Hoby
Margaret Sidney married, reluctantly, Sir Thomas Posthumous Hoby (whose mother, Elizabeth , was a letter-writer of distinction: one of the famously learned Cooke family and thus a sister of translator Anne Bacon ).
Hoby, Margaret. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Private Life of an Elizabethan Lady: The Diary of Lady Margaret Hoby, 1599-1605, edited by Joanna Moody, Sutton, 1998, p. xv - lvii.
Friends, Associates Anne Locke
AL was also a friend of Catherine Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk (who shared her religious exile in Geneva before moving on to Lithuania), and of Catherine Killigrew, née Cooke . Her later collaboration with Killigrew...
Literary responses Anne Locke
James Sanford in Houres of Recreation praised present-day noble Gentlewomen famous for their learning (including three of theCookesisters and Anne Dering, formerly Locke ) as equalling famous Greek and Roman women.
Felch, Susan M. “’Noble Gentlewomen famous for their learning’: The London Circle of Anne Vaughan Lock”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Mar. 2003, pp. 14-19.
15, 14
Publishing Anne Locke
The poem, elegantly transcribed, is contained in a presentation manuscript copy, now in Cambridge University Library, of Giardino cosmografico coltivato in Italian by Bartholo Sylva (who had come to England from Turin). The poem is...
Textual Features Daphne Du Maurier
She takes little notice of her lads' mother, the translator Anne Bacon .
Textual Features Elizabeth Elstob
EE 's preliminary list of names suggests considerable research work: it includes several ancient or Anglo-Saxon women as well as Mary Astell , Anne Bacon , Katherine Chidley (as the pamphlet antagonist of Thomas Edwards
Textual Production Aphra Behn
AB 's comedy The Widdow Ranter; or, The History of Bacon in Virginia, the first play to be set in British North America, had a posthumous performance at Drury Lane which may have been...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Deverell
The second volume opens with poems on On Heroism in Female Virtue and On the Friendship between two Ladies. MD praises Elizabeth Montagu , Marie de Sévigné , Anne Bacon , and others, some...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Judith Sargent Murray
She backs this pleasure in modernity with a remarkable grasp of former female history and of the women's literary tradition in English and its contexts. She mentions the Greek foremother Sappho , the patriotic heroism...


No timeline events available.


Jewel, John. An Apologie or Answere in Defence of the Churche of Englande. Translator Bacon, Anne, Second edition, Reginald Wolfe, 1564.
Ochino, Bernardino. Certayne Sermons of the ryghte famous and excellente Clerk Master Barnardine Ochine. Translators Argentine, Richard and Anne Bacon, John Day, 1550.
Ochino, Bernardino. Fouretene Sermons of Barnardine Ochyne. Translator Bacon, Anne, 2nd edition, John Day and William Seres, 1551.
Bacon, Anne. “Introduction”. The Letters of Lady Anne Bacon, edited by Gemma Allen, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 1-45.
Bacon, Anne. The Letters of Lady Anne Bacon. Editor Allen, Gemma, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Parker, Matthew et al. “To the right honorable learned and vertuous Ladie A. B”. An Apologie or Answere in Defence of the Churche of Englande, translated by. Anne Bacon, Reginald Wolfe, 1564.