
Standard Name: Plutarch


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Pearl S. Buck
Mr Kung despised fiction and the Sydenstricker library contained only the supposedly factual Plutarch 's Lives and Foxe 's Book of Martyrs, but Pearl read fiction avidly in both Chinese and English, devouring Shakespeare
Education Elizabeth Inchbald
In the early 1780s she was reading such challenging authors as Milton , Plato , Plutarch , and Aristotle .
Manvell, Roger. Elizabeth Inchbald: England’s Principal Woman Dramatist and Independent Woman of Letters in 18th Century London. University Press of America, 1987.
Education Annie Keary
Annie was an eager reader, and in a comparative dearth of children's books she read the educationalist Rollin and the ancient historian Plutarch at an early age.
It is probably Charles Rollin who is meant...
Education Lady Louisa Stuart
LLS grew up under her mother's eye, and was educated through both reading and social contact. She later remembered reading Henry Mackenzie 's The Man of Feeling at fourteen and fearing she might not cry...
Education Lady Arbella Stuart
LAS had a varied upbringing, living in the households of Bess of Hardwick, Mary Queen of Scots, and her aunt and uncle Mary and Gilbert Talbot. Before she was eight she was betrothed for the...
Education Clara Reeve
As well as saying that her father had taught her all she knew, CR also later complained to a friend that at an age when most children were still illiterate, she had gaped and yawned...
Education Katherine Parr
KP 's mother taught her reading and writing at the early age of three or four. A tutor taught her Latin and possibly French when she was only about seven. By the time she was...
Intertextuality and Influence Felicia Hemans
The volume provides lavish notes to explain its sometimes quite obscure historical figures and settings, and cites a wide range of authors including Plutarch , Shakespeare , Milton , and Germaine de Staël . FH
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Delany
Janice Thaddeus discusses the prerogative MD assumed in giving names of her own invention to people and places. Her uncle Lansdowne was Alcander (a violent man mentioned in Plutarch 's Lives, who was forgiven...
Intertextuality and Influence Anna Jane Vardill
AJV translates from Sappho , Anacreon , Alcæus , Theocritus , Horace , and more recent poets: Petrarch and Camoens . She includes several charity poems: the one already published in aid of the Refuge for the Destitute
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Renault
MR based her book on the outline from Plutarch 's Life of Theseus. However, the novel also enters into scholarly debates about the origins of Mycenaean culture by portraying the replacement of a matriarchal...
Literary responses Mary Butts
The novel's success was slightly diminished by comparisons drawn between it and Jack Lindsay 's Last Days With Cleopatra, which appeared just a few weeks before it.
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company, 1998.
It did, however, receive several positive...
Literary responses Sappho
Sappho was praised by many of the great names in the classical world: Socrates , Lucian , Plutarch , Aristotle (who, however, wrote, the Mytileans honored Sappho even though she was a woman),
qtd. in
Sappho, and Andrew R. Burn. Lyrics in the Original Greek. Translator Barnstone, Willis, New York University Press, 1965.
Textual Features Elizabeth Montagu
EM seems to have influenced this work as a whole, in persuading Lyttelton to reshape it into dialogue from the epistolary form (letters from the dead to the living).
Blunt, Reginald, and Elizabeth Montagu. Mrs Montagu, "Queen of the Blues", Her Letters and Friendships from 1762 to 1800. Constable, 1923, 2 vols.
2: 179
In the dialogues she...
Textual Production Elizabeth Helme
The longer descriptive title suggests Plutarch's neat combination, for educational purposes, of information with moral judgement: Plutarch 's Lives Abridged, in which the Historical Parts are Carefully Preserved, and the Comparisons of the Respective Lives...


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