Henrik Ibsen

Standard Name: Ibsen, Henrik
The plays of Henrik Ibsen , nineteenth-century Norwegian poet and dramatist, were both controversial and enormously influential in Britain; their use of realist techniques to address contemporary social problems helped to bring about a revolution in English drama. Elizabeth Robins and Florence Farr played important roles in getting his plays staged in England, and Robins interpreted his characters on stage. After the 1889 production of A Doll's House in London, British feminists claimed Ibsen as an ally, and his name became closely associated with New Woman writers such as George Egerton and Mona Caird . Githa Sowerby and Elizabeth Baker were among the many dramatists influenced by his work.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Florence Farr
The Dancing Faun combines elements of melodrama, social realism, and comedy of manners.Grace Travers falls victim to her husband George's schemes to make a fortune by regaining entry into high society through deception and blackmail...
Characters Romer Wilson
RW deals here with the problem of language and the effects of society and civilisation on personal choices and relationships, through the adulterous love affair of the EnglishmanRane Smith, who speaks only English, and the...
Education Christina Stead
CS 's father would have liked to have her education entirely in his own hands. The first books to be her favourites were the works of W. T. Stead , and fairy stories by the...
Education Mary Agnes Hamilton
Women were permitted to attend lectures at Kiel only by express permission from each professor involved. Mary Agnes improved her German, learned a great deal about ancient Greece, and also saw productions of most of...
Education George Egerton
By adulthood, Chavelita Dunne (later GE ) had already gained proficiency in five or six languages, including Swedish.
Mix, Katherine Lyon. A Study in Yellow: The Yellow Book and Its Contributors. Greenwood Press, 1969.
She now taught herself Norwegian and read widely among the Scandinavian authors, including Ibsen , August Strindberg
Education H. D.
Following her withdrawal from Bryn Mawr, HD (with Pound 's assistance) embarked on an intensive independent study programme that lasted for five years. During this period she read and studied writers such as William Morris
Family and Intimate relationships Henry Handel Richardson
A closer friendship formed in Leipzig was that with a young Scotsman, George Robertson , who was studying for a PhD in German literature. He reawakened Richardson's interest in books and writing, particularly when she...
Family and Intimate relationships Viola Tree
Throughout her life, VT took direction from her father, the actor-manager Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree , who had abandoned his job in the family corn-trading business to pursue a career on stage, and had changed...
Family and Intimate relationships Ella Hepworth Dixon
EHD described her mother, Marian (MacMahon) Hepworth Dixon as a woman with innate good taste and good manners; she would be just as amiable to a governess as to a duchess. Her mother held progressive...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Grand
In 1896 SG described her two stepsons, one of whom was only six years younger than her, as the greatest friends I have in the world.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 1. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge, 2000.
Both of them joined the armed forces, and...
Fictionalization Florence Farr
Ezra Pound refers to FF in Canto XXVIII as Loica (i.e. Shaw's Louka): So Loica went out and died there [Ceylon] / After her time in the post-Ibsen movement.
Pound, Ezra. The Cantos of Ezra Pound. New Directions, 1948.
Several critics believe Farr...
Intertextuality and Influence U. A. Fanthorpe
The title is ironical, the houses concerned being damaged in the blitz, or such famous fictional dwellings as Ibsen 's Doll's House and Dunsinane Castle in Shakespeare 's Macbeth.
Wainwright, Eddie. Taking Stock, A First Study of the Poetry of U.A. Fanthorpe. Peterloo Poets, 1995.
Intertextuality and Influence Pearl S. Buck
Back in China in February 1916, Pearl Sydenstricker came under the influence of a generation of radical young Chinese thinkers who were bent on transforming a national consciousness which they felt to be deformed by...
Intertextuality and Influence Ada Leverson
This dialogue brings together several fictional characters, including Wilde 's Salome, Ibsen 's Nora, Pinero 's Mrs Tanqueray, and Madame Santuzza from Mascagni 's opera Cavalleria Rusticana.
Burkhart, Charles. Ada Leverson. Twayne, 1973.
Intertextuality and Influence Teresa Deevy
TD began writing as a child, producing stories about family doings for her mother and sisters. During her last years at school, from 1911, the school magazine, St Ursula's Annual, featured her stories. Living...


1888: Eleanor Marx's translation of An Enemy of...

Writing climate item


Eleanor Marx 's translation of An Enemy of the People by Ibsen appeared in The Pillars of Society and Other Plays, edited by Havelock Ellis .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Ibsen, Henrik. “Note”. The Pillars of Society and Other Plays, edited by Havelock Ellis, translated by. William Archer et al., Walter Scott, 1888, p. xxxi.

February 1891: Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein founded...

Building item

February 1891

Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein founded the Independent Theatre Society in London to promote literary rather than commercial plays, and the new drama in particular.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
McDonald, Jan. The ’New Drama’ 1900-1914. Grove Press, 1986.

Autumn 1904 to summer 1907: Under the management of playwright and director...

Writing climate item

Autumn 1904 to summer 1907

Under the management of playwright and director Harley Granville-Barker and business manager J. E. Vedrenne , the Court Theatre became the first permanent home of the new drama.
McDonald, Jan. The ’New Drama’ 1900-1914. Grove Press, 1986.
2, 11-16
Tweedsmuir, Susan. A Winter Bouquet. G. Duckworth, 1954.

1944: The Old Vic Company began its season at New...

Building item


The Old Vic Company began its season at New Theatre in London with Laurence Olivier and Ralph Richardson in Ibsen 's Peer Gynt, Shaw 's Arms and the Man, and Shakespeare 's Richard III.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.


Ibsen, Henrik. Brand. Gyldendal (F. Hegel), 1866.
Ibsen, Henrik. Bygmester Solness. Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, 1892.
Ibsen, Henrik. Catilina. I kommission hos P.F. Steensballe, 1850.
Ibsen, Henrik. En folkefiende. Gyldendal, 1882.
Ibsen, Henrik. Et dukkehjem. Gyldendal, 1879.
Ibsen, Henrik. Fruen fra havet. Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, 1888.
Ibsen, Henrik. Gengangere. Gyldendal (F. Hegel & Søn), 1881.
Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler. Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag (F. Hegel & Søn), 1890.
Ibsen, Henrik. John Gabriel Borkman. Gyldendal (F. Hegel), 1896.
Ibsen, Henrik. Når vi døde vågner. Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag (F. Hegel & Søn), 1899.
Ibsen, Henrik. “Note”. The Pillars of Society and Other Plays, edited by Havelock Ellis, translated by. William Archer et al., Walter Scott, 1888, p. xxxi.
Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt. Gyldendal (F. Hegel), 1867.
Ibsen, Henrik. Rosmersholm. Gyldendal, 1886.
Ibsen, Henrik, and Alrik Gustafson. Rosmersholm. Translator Jellicoe, Ann, Chandler, 1961.
Ibsen, Henrik. Samfundets støtter. Gyldendal, 1877.
Ibsen, Henrik. Vildanden. Gyldendal, 1884.