
Standard Name: Jesus
Used Form: Jesus Christ
Used Form: Christ


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Henrietta Müller
A book of comparative theology, The Yoga of Christ , or the Science of the Soul, was published with Henrietta Müller credited as the editor. The author, A. K. G., may have been...
Textual Production Eva Gore-Booth
EGB published her critical study entitled A Psychological and Poetic Approach to the Study of Christ in the Fourth Gospel.
Lewis, Gifford. Eva Gore-Booth and Esther Roper: A Biography. Pandora Press, 1988.
Textual Production Caroline Clive
Caroline Meysey-Wigley (later CC ), as Paul Ferrol, published Essays on the Human Intellect, as constructed by God, and on Our Saviour , considered in His Character of Man.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Caroline Frances Cornwallis
CFC 's Small Books on Great Subjects this year included two titles on Greek philosophy: the first running to the time of Pericles , the second from the time of Socrates to that of Christ
Textual Production Caroline Frances Cornwallis
These fifth and sixth books, A Brief View of Greek Philosophy up to the Age of Pericles, and A Brief View of Greek Philosophy from the Age of Socrates to the Coming of Christ
Textual Production Rose Allatini
It is titled from a phrase in the book of Isaiah which is read by Christians as a prophecy of the persecutions awaiting the Messiah, or Jesus Christ. Its dedication, To You Who Made Me...
Textual Production Evelyn Underhill
In a letter she wrote in December 1892, on the eve of her seventeenth birthday, she assesses the religious and other opinions she held during a period of her life that was about to close...
Textual Production Annie Besant
Thomas Scott published AB 's sceptical pamphlet, On the Deity of Jesus of Nazareth, which contributed to the ending of her marriage.
Taylor, Anne, 1932 -. Annie Besant: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Shattock, Joanne. The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers. Oxford University Press, 1993.
Textual Production Eliza Lynn Linton
ELL 's novel The True History of Joshua Davidson, later given the subtitle Christian and Communist, aroused fierce debate over its relation of the life of Jesus to contemporary conditions.
The novel is available...
Textual Production Evelyn Underhill
Following Mysticism, EU made a brief foray into publishing devotional works. The Path of Eternal Wisdom: A Mystical Commentary on the Way of the Cross, 1911, concerns Jesus 's passion and death. This...
Textual Production Annie Besant
This pamphlet's original working title was What think ye of Christ?
Taylor, Anne, 1932 -. Annie Besant: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1992.
In the version published by Scott, AB remained anonymous, naming herself only the wife of a beneficed clergyman.
Taylor, Anne, 1932 -. Annie Besant: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1992.
A sequel was...
Textual Production Edna St Vincent Millay
The title of A Few Figs from Thistles is a mischievous reversal of Christ 's rhetorical question: Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
“The Bible, King James Version: Old and New Testaments, with the Apocrypha, 1611”. University of Virginia Library: Electronic Text Center, Printed by Robert Barker.
Textual Production Katharine Tynan
KT began publishing for children in 1906, with a book of manners entitled A Little Book of Courtesies; Charles Robinson illustrated it. She also wrote religious works and short stories for children, including The...
Textual Production Fredrika Bremer
FB published, with her name, a work of theological controversy, Morgonväckter (Morning Watches), designed as a riposte to Strauss 's Das Leben Jesu, which proclaimed Christ 's non-divine humanity.
The History of Nordic Women’s Literature. 2012,
Stendahl, Brita K. The Education of a Self-Made Woman. The Edwin Mellen Press, 1994,
Textual Production T. S. Eliot
Eliot wrote this work at the prompting of E. Martin Browne . The pageant was for the benefit of the Forty-Five Churches Fund ,
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
and took its title from the fact that Christ gave the...


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