
Standard Name: Jesus
Used Form: Jesus Christ
Used Form: Christ


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Caroline Frances Cornwallis
CFC 's Small Books on Great Subjects this year included two titles on Greek philosophy: the first running to the time of Pericles , the second from the time of Socrates to that of Christ
Textual Production Caroline Frances Cornwallis
These fifth and sixth books, A Brief View of Greek Philosophy up to the Age of Pericles, and A Brief View of Greek Philosophy from the Age of Socrates to the Coming of Christ
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Maria De Fleury
The poem's third part reveals some of the sources of MDF 's radicalism by looking forward to Christ 's reign on earth, which will seize power from Antichrist as the revolutionaries in France have seized...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Evelyn Underhill
At the time of the book's appearance, the prevailing attitude to mysticism was that it was fundamentally unchristian and ultimately descended from the Neoplatonists.
Underhill, Evelyn. The Mystic Way. J. M. Dent; E. P. Dutton, 1914.
Mysticism was judged to be a vestige of paganism, the...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Florence Dixie
The former essay began, Who and what is God, and whence his name?
Dixie, Florence, and William Stewart Ross. The Story of Ijain. Leadenhall Press, 1903.
and the second ended, And so my idea of Jesus is that he was a Reformer, and has had a lot...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Katharine Tynan
KT opens this volume (like her Ballads and Lyrics) with a prefatory poem that is modest, if not apologetic: A small monotonous song I sing, / My notes are faint and few.
Tynan, Katharine. Cuckoo Songs. Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1894.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Ketaki Kushari Dyson
The essays in this volume date from 1977-1985 and cover a wide range of topics, including an autobiographical essay on Dyson's path to becoming a poet, an essay on Jesus , and a critical look...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Catharine Trotter
In these two theological polemcs CT defends the right of the individual to interpret scripture for himself (or by implication herself), and the Christian orthodoxy of Locke , whom Holdsworth had accused of being a...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna
Judah's Lion expressed CET 's own particular views about Judaism: she believed that Jews could simultaneously accept Jesus Christ (and therefore reach salvation) and retain their specific cultural practices. Her respect for the Jewish people...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Elizabeth Carter
Having opened with a graceful rhetorical gesture towards womanly modesty and courtesy, EC proceeds to cast scorn on her antagonist's capacity and annihilate his arguments. The tone, as befits a polemic, is a good deal...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Christina Fraser-Tytler
She invokes her subject as More like Jesus Christ than anyone I ever knew by way of apology for adding to the number of biographies.
Fraser-Tytler, Christina. A Shepherd of the Sheep. Longmans, Green, 1916.
She charts her husband's life from childhood to death...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Eleanor Tatlock
Among ET 's shorter poems, her forms include hymns, odes, fables (the magpie and the stork, the rose and the thorn), and blank verse. A poem on Richborough Castle near Sandwich has masses of historical...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Dorothy Wellesley
DW revised some of her poems for their appearance here from earlier versions, and again she reshuffled poems from one grouping to another, deliberately ignoring chronology and making their textual history hard to unravel. Lenin...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Evelyn Waugh
This book traces Helena from her girlhood in England as the daughter of a Romanized British landowning family, through her marriage to an ambitious young Roman officer, to her successful search, as a widow, for...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Anne Sexton
A number of poems here are grouped in series, the centrepiece being The Furies (which, she said, was the reason that she decided not to wait but to publish the collection in her lifetime).
Middlebrook, Diane Wood. Anne Sexton: A Biography. Houghton Mifflin, 1991.


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