Bodleian Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Carola Oman
When CO was eight her father took her on a first visit to the Bodleian Library ; she came home and asked for a bookcase for her next birthday. At this age she worshippedShelley
Education Mary Augusta Ward
She embarked on a course of independent study at the Bodleian Library , concentrating on Spanish literature and history.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press, 1990.
Ward, Mary Augusta. A Writer’s Recollections. Harper and Brothers, 1918.
Education Mary Augusta Ward
Following her marriage and during her child-bearing years, she also continued to pursue her intellectual career, reading at the Bodleian , and devoting much of the 1870s to history and criticism.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. Mrs. Humphry Ward. Clarendon Press, 1990.
Education Penelope Lively
Reading in the Bodleian for her very first essay (on the topic Who were the Jutes?) conveyed to her that this was a question with no simple answer: people were still arguing about it...
Family and Intimate relationships Rose Macaulay
While there he did free-lance translations and edited school texts to support his family.
Emery, Jane. Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life. John Murray, 1991.
In August 1894 he moved the family back to England, to live in Oxford, where he did literary research...
Family and Intimate relationships Aphra Behn
AB 's biographer Janet Todd identifies Amyntas, her London lover after her Antwerp period, as Jeffrey Boys , a young lawyer. He called her Astrea. His diary for 1667, now in the Bodleian Library
Family and Intimate relationships Elinor James
He was about twenty-two, and had finished his apprenticeship to become a Freeman of the Stationers' Company earlier this year. He was grandson of Thomas James , first Keeper of the Bodleian Library in Oxford...
Friends, Associates Susan Ferrier
Though at least partly resident in Edinburgh, SF did not mingle with the literary set known as the Edinburgh Bluestockings.
Cullinan, Mary. Susan Ferrier. Twayne, 1984.
Apart from her large circle of siblings and in-laws, her closest friends were Charlotte Clavering
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Thomas
ET had begun corresponding with Mary, Lady Chudleigh , who had sent her a copy of her poem The Ladies Defence; they became intimate friends.
ET's signed copy of Chudleigh's Poems is now in the Bodleian Library .
Mills, Rebecca. "Thanks for that Elegant Defense": Polemical Prose and Poetry by Women in the Early Eighteenth Century. Oxford University, 2000.
Mills, Rebecca. "Thanks for that Elegant Defense": Polemical Prose and Poetry by Women in the Early Eighteenth Century. Oxford University, 2000.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Thomas
ET was personally acquainted with many cultivated women, for instance Sarah Hoadly (a painter who had trained with Mary Beale ), and her cousin Anne Osborne (the Clemena of her poetry).
Mills, Rebecca. "Thanks for that Elegant Defense": Polemical Prose and Poetry by Women in the Early Eighteenth Century. Oxford University, 2000.
She was a...
Friends, Associates Mary Augusta Ward
In 1868 Mary Augusta Arnold met Mark Pattison , Rector of Lincoln College and a prominent Oxford scholar, and his wife, Emily Francis Pattison , a former art student and connoisseur. Unconventional and bohemian, the...
Friends, Associates Ruth Pitter
Despite her singularly unleisured lifestyle, RP had a remarkable talent for friendship, which extended to people with whom she might be expected to have little in common. Her friendship with Lord David Cecil brought her...
Literary responses Georgiana Cavendish Duchess of Devonshire
Bound in with the Bodleian 's copy of ?1795 is a fair scribal copy of Verses addressed to the Duchess of Devonshire upon reading her poem written in Switzerland, in 23 stanzas by W. Drummond
Literary responses Jemima Tautphoeus
JT 's fiction received mixed reviews during her life. A Mrs Marie Barrett-Lennard of Sevenoaks went to some trouble to locate copies of her books in the late 1920s, when one might have supposed her...
Literary responses Anne Killigrew
AK 's death was lamented in at least three poems. Her father printed in her PoemsDryden 's ode on her death, which links her painting and poetry, and subordinates both arts to her virtue...


Between 1355 and 1366: The first surviving road-map of Great Britain,...

Building item

Between 1355 and 1366

The first surviving road-map of Great Britain, now known as the Gough Map after the antiquarian Richard Gough , was produced.
Millea, Nick. “Britain’s First Road Map”. Oxford Today, Vol.
, No. 2, 2006, pp. 28-30.
Heaney, Michael. “Bodleian Items Inscribed on UNESCO Register”. Bodleian Library Friends’ Newsletter, 2011, p. 3.

About 1400: An important manuscript book in Welsh, compiled...

Writing climate item

About 1400

An important manuscript book in Welsh, compiled this year, is now known as the Llyfr Coch o Hergest or Red Book of Hergest. It survives in the Bodleian Library at Oxford.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Hopcyn ap Tomas ab Einion

1537: François I issued an ordinance requiring...

Writing climate item


François I issued an ordinance requiring publishers throughout France to deposit a copy of every new book published in the Royal Library at Blois.
Barnard, John. “Politics, Profits and ?Idealism: John Norton, The Stationers’ Company and Sir Thomas Bodley”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 6, Oct. 2002, pp. 385-30.

18 April 1593: Shakespeare's first published work, the narrative...

Writing climate item

18 April 1593

Shakespeare 's first published work, the narrative poem Venus and Adonis, was registered with the Stationers' Company ; the only recorded copy is in the Bodleian Library .
Barber, Giles. “A Continuing Tradition: Non-Book Materials in the Taylor Institution Library”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 3-4, Apr.–Oct. 2001, pp. 261-7.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.

8 November 1602: The Bodleian Library, Oxford, first admitted...

Writing climate item

8 November 1602

The Bodleian Library , Oxford, first admitted readers (nearly five years after Sir Thomas Bodley 's original offer to restore Duke Humfrey's Library).
Trim, David J. B. “Sir Thomas Bodley and the International Protestant Cause”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 4, 1998, pp. 314-40.

12 December 1610: The Stationers' Company agreed to deposit,...

Writing climate item

12 December 1610

The Stationers' Company agreed to deposit, free of charge, in the Bodleian Library one copy of every book that was published.
Barnard, John. “Politics, Profits and ?Idealism: John Norton, The Stationers’ Company and Sir Thomas Bodley”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 6, Oct. 2002, pp. 385-30.

11 July 1637: The Bodleian Library's right to one copy...

Writing climate item

11 July 1637

The Bodleian Library 's right to one copy of each new book published in Britain was re-established by order of Archbishop Laud , who happened at the time to be Chancellor of Oxford University .
Whitaker, David. “Heresy!”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 2001, pp. 160-1.

Before 1638: William Page, Fellow of All Souls College,...

Writing climate item

Before 1638

William Page , Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford , created a proto-feminist text entitled Womens Worth: A Treatise proveing by sundrie reasons that woemen do excell men.
“Sundrie Reasons That Woemen Do Excell Men”. Edmonton Journal, 21 Feb. 2002, p. A1, A7.
A1, A7
McBride, Kari. “Womans Worth Three”. Past Forward, No. 38, Nov.–Mar. 2004, p. 31.

From 1662: The King's Library (now part of the British...

Writing climate item

From 1662

The King's Library (now part of the British Library ) and Cambridge University Library enjoyed the legal right to a copy of every book published in Britain (a right granted to the Bodleian on 11...

From about 1667: John Aubrey wrote the biographical jottings...

Writing climate item

From about 1667

John Aubrey wrote the biographical jottings on authors and other celebrities known to posterity as his Brief Lives, as part of his extensive compilation of manuscript information on many topics.
Bennett, Kate. “John Aubrey’s Collections and the Early Modern Museum”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 3-4, Apr.–Oct. 2001, pp. 213-34.
216-17, 218, 230, n2

1678: Ann Bathurst, a middle-class member of Jane...

Women writers item


Ann Bathurst , a middle-class member of Jane Lead 's religious sect, was visited by an angel; as a consequence she began to keep a diary of her visions.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
She is no known relation to...

1710: Oxford scholar Thomas Hearne published through...

Writing climate item


Oxford scholar Thomas Hearne published through the university press the first of the nine volumes of The Itinerary of John Leland , Antiquary.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

4 April 1788: At about the time that he lost his religious...

Writing climate item

4 April 1788

At about the time that he lost his religious faith, William Godwin began keeping a diary, which he continued almost daily until 26 March 1836, only two weeks before he died.
Clemit, Patricia. “William Godwin’s Papers in the Abinger Deposit: An Unmapped Country”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 3, Apr. 2004, pp. 253-63.
254-6, 258-9

1825: Alexander Dyce, then a twenty-seven-year-old...

Women writers item


Alexander Dyce , then a twenty-seven-year-old reluctant clergyman, published his Specimens of British Poetesses, a project in rediscovering women's literary history.
Eger, Elizabeth. “Fashioning a Female Canon: Eighteenth-Century Women Poets and the Politics of the Anthology”. Women’s Poetry in the Enlightenment, The Making of a Canon 1730-1820, edited by Isobel Armstrong and Virginia Blain, St Martin’s Press, 1998, pp. 201-15.
Mitford, Mary Russell. The Life of Mary Russell Mitford: Told by Herself in Letters To Her Friends. Editor L’Estrange, Alfred Guy Kingham, Harper and Brothers, 1870, 2 vols.
2: 81
Salzman, Paul. “How Alexander Dyce Assembled Specimens of British Poetesses: A Key Moment in the Transmission of Early Modern Women’s Writing”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, Feb. 2019, pp. 88-105.
88-9, 91, 95-6, 97, 98, 101

1830: Nearly a decade after Felicia Hemans's Dartmoor,...

Women writers item


Nearly a decade after Felicia Hemans 's Dartmoor, a poem, Sophie Dixon published at Plymouth two journals, in prose and verse, of excursions around the moor.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Landry, Donna. “Coleridge’s Boots and Sophie Dixon’s Books: Problems in Construing Literary Evidence for a New Cultural History”. British Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Women Writers Conference, Lawrence, KS, 15 Mar. 2001.


Friends of the Bodleian. Duke Humfrey’s Night. Bodleian Library, 2015.
James, P. D. Talking about Detective Fiction. Bodleian Library, 2009.
Johnson, Jane, and Gillian Avery. A Very Pretty Story. Bodleian Library, 2001.
Langley, Helen. Modern Political Papers in the Bodleian Library. Bodleian Library, 1996.