David Friedrich Strauss

Standard Name: Strauss, David Friedrich


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Frances Power Cobbe
Her continuing studies, particularly of theology, benefitted from access to Archbishop Marsh's Library in Dublin (though it was ostensibly open only to gentlemen and graduates). Her reading at this period may have included Marian Evans, later George Eliot
Intertextuality and Influence George Eliot
Mary Ann Evans had been reading Das Leben Jesu by David Friedrich Strauss when she was persuaded by her new circle of liberal friends at Coventry to take on the task of translating it into...
Textual Production Mathilde Blind
MB published her first translation: David Friedrich Strauss 's The Old Faith and the New (Der alte und der neue Glaube).
Athenæum. J. Lection.
2382 (21 June 1873): 791
Textual Production Fredrika Bremer
FB published, with her name, a work of theological controversy, Morgonväckter (Morning Watches), designed as a riposte to Strauss 's Das Leben Jesu, which proclaimed Christ 's non-divine humanity.
The History of Nordic Women’s Literature. 2012, https://nordicwomensliterature.net/.
Stendahl, Brita K. The Education of a Self-Made Woman. The Edwin Mellen Press, 1994, https://archive.org/details/educationofselfm0000sten/mode/2up?q=%22geijer%22+%22stina%22+%22boklin%22.
Textual Production George Eliot
GE , then Mary Ann Evans, began her translation of Das Leben Jesu (The Life of Jesus) by David Friedrich Strauss .
Karl, Frederick R. George Eliot: Voice of a Century. W.W. Norton, 1995.
Textual Production George Eliot
While she was still known as Mary Ann Evans, GE 's three-volume translation from David Friedrich Strauss , The Life of Jesus, appeared in print; her name did not appear.
Haight, Gordon S. George Eliot: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1968.


No timeline events available.


Strauss, David Friedrich. The Life of Jesus. Translator Eliot, George, Chapman Brothers, 1846, 3 vols.
Strauss, David Friedrich. The Old Faith and the New. Translator Blind, Mathilde, Asher, 1873.