Miguel de Cervantes

Standard Name: Cervantes, Miguel de


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death William Shakespeare
By tradition this is reckoned to have been his fifty-second birthday. It is also the day on which Miguel de Cervantes died. The concatenation of these dates prompted the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Education Elinor Glyn
Since she abhorred her governesses, Elinor took her education into her own hands, reading every book she could in the library: Pepys 's diary, Cervantes ' Don Quixote (an eighteenth-century French version), Scott , Agnes
Education Matilda Betham-Edwards
Because of her mother's early death, MBE , she said later, was largely self-educated, her teachers being plenty of the best books.
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. D. Bryce, 1893.
Apart from the family library, a half-guinea annual subscription to the Ipswich Mechanics' Institution
Education Linda Villari
During the time she spent at her great-aunt's house in Croydon, LV 's novel suggests she was taught at home by a family governess, a close friend of her mother, identified there as Miss...
Education Frances Mary Peard
However, according to her biographer, Mary J. Y. Harris , she was largely self-taught. Her mother never restricted her reading, and she later remembered tackling at an early age such classics as Scott , Shakespeare
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Green
After this tirade the novel is more fun than one might anticipate. The title-page quotes Sir John Vanbrugh . The story opens with SG 's gentleman hero, Percival Ellingford, a recent convert to Methodism ...
Intertextuality and Influence Aphra Behn
The opening scene introduces two unmarried lovers who have obviously only just got out of bed. Characters refer with off-hand frankness to sex between men and boys. The subplot comes from Cervantes .
Todd, Janet. The Secret Life of Aphra Behn. Rutgers University Press, 1997.
Intertextuality and Influence Eliza Haywood
Bibliographer Patrick Spedding called EH 's translation close and accurate apart from a consistent heightening of style, stepping up the emotional voltage.
qtd. in
Spedding, Patrick. A Bibliography of Eliza Haywood. Pickering and Chatto, 2003.
Aleksondra Hultquist , however, argued that Haywood's alterations to her source are...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Davys
MD makes skilful use of letters to project character, political issues, and gender interaction. Her use of significant dates (All Saints' Day, November the fifth) links her with the prophetic tradition of Lady Eleanor Douglas
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Loudon
In prose the opening tale, Julia de Clifford, presents a well-meaning but thoughtless and impulsive heroine who progresses from dressing up as a ghost to scare the servants, to plunging her lover into despair...
Intertextuality and Influence Tabitha Tenney
The minor characters in the story include Dorcasina's maid, Betty Boyd, the Sancho Panza to her QuixoteMiguel de Cervantes , who is stereotypically quick-witted and ingenious but naive, often uncomprehending but often, too, bailing her mistress out...
Intertextuality and Influence Susan Smythies
The title-page bears a quotation from Prior 's verse romance Henry and Emma, but SS lays explicit claim, too, to a canonical tradition of prose fiction. The book begins with a series of tales...
Literary responses Charlotte Lennox
In Fielding's detailed comparison of the novel with Don Quixote, Lennox emerges superior to Cervantes in morality, probability, and character-drawing, though Cervantes is superior in other ways. This enthusiastic review was widely reprinted.
Catto, Susan J. Modest Ambition: The Influence of Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson, and the Ideal of Female Diffidence on Sarah Fielding, Charlotte Lennox, and Frances Brooke. University of Oxford, 1998.
Occupation Gustave Doré
GD 's work was cosmopolitan. In addition to writers from other European countries like Dante and Cervantes , he illustrated Milton and Coleridge , and did a series of engravings of London for a work...
Textual Features Sara Coleridge
SC argues the merits of appreciating people, women in particular, for their moral worth and not for their physical beauty. She writes that by fostering our attention too exclusively on what is external, we overlook...


7 October 1571: At the battle of Lepanto on the Gulf of Corinth,...

National or international item

7 October 1571

At the battle of Lepanto on the Gulf of Corinth, Turkish or Muslim sea power was crushed by Venetian and Spanish forces commanded by Don John of Austria .
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.

16 January 1605: Miguel de Cervantes published at Madrid the...

Writing climate item

16 January 1605

Miguel de Cervantes published at Madrid the first part of his immensely influential mock-romance Don Quixote; copies reached England by the summer.
Ungerer, Gustav. “Recovering Unrecorded Quixote Allusions in Ephemeral English Publications of the late 1650s”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 1, Apr. 2000, pp. 65-9.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, http://borneback.com/ .
16 January 2009

1996: US punk writer Kathy Acker published Pussy,...

Writing climate item


US punk writer Kathy Acker published Pussy, King of the Pirates, a feminist-pornographic reworking of Robert Louis Stevenson 's Treasure Island in which the treasure-seekers are a band of women pirates.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.


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