Sara Coleridge

Standard Name: Coleridge, Sara
Birth Name: Sara Coleridge
Married Name: Sara Coleridge
Living in the shadow of her father, Samuel Taylor Coleridge , SC nevertheless became recognized in her own right as a talented writer during the first half of the nineteenth century. She began with translations before initiating her own works. She wrote some poetry in addition to her well-known stories for children. She also reviewed for periodicals, and was renowned for her editorial contributions to editions of her father's works. SC was an energetic and accomplished letter-writer.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Christina Rossetti
Edward Pusey , Henry Manning and other leaders of the Oxford Movement also preached at the church; Sara Coleridge was another parishioner. CR 's religious faith become a cornerstone of her life, equalled only by...
Family and Intimate relationships Christabel Coleridge
CC 's father, the Rev. Derwent Coleridge , was a son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge . Derwent published poetry in his youth under the pseudonym Davenant Cecil in the Knight's Quarterly. While his literary...
Family and Intimate relationships Christabel Coleridge
Sara Coleridge , CC 's aunt, who followed in the family tradition by becoming a writer, translator, and editor, died in 1852, while Christabel was still a child. She dedicated her adulthood to preserving and...
Family and Intimate relationships Samuel Taylor Coleridge
STC 's youngest child and only daughter, Sara Coleridge , became a writer on her own account as well as the editor and preserver of her father's works.
Family and Intimate relationships Robert Southey
He mentored his niece, the future writer Sara Coleridge .
Friends, Associates Louisa Catherine Shore
During her stay in Fulham, LCS made some literary contacts, including Fanny Kemble and Sara Coleridge .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Rigby
In 1849, ER 's friend Sara Coleridge called her the most brilliant woman of the day . . . . She is thoroughly feminine, like that princess of novelists, Jane Austen .
Coleridge, Sara. Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge. Editor Coleridge, Edith, 4th Abridged, Henry S. King, 1875.
Friends, Associates Caroline Bowles
Although William Wordsworth can be regarded as mediator between Kate Southey and CB , he was convinced that Bowles was at fault. The entire Wordsworth clan, and Sara Coleridge , allied themselves with Southey's youngest...
Friends, Associates Thomas Carlyle
In 1844, TC met Sara Coleridge at St Mark's College .
Corey, Melinda, and George Ochoa, editors. The Encyclopedia of the Victorian World. Henry Holt and Company, 1996.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Intertextuality and Influence Emily Jane Pfeiffer
This tale was possibly influenced by Sara Coleridge 's Phantasmion, 1837, with which the Athenæum compared it.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Thesing, William B., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 199. Gale Research, 1999.
199: 234
Intertextuality and Influence Caroline Bowles
The collection was well received. Bowles's essay Beauty inspired Sara Coleridge to write her response On the Disadvantages Resulting from the Possession of Beauty.
Mudge, Bradford Keyes, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 116. Gale Research, 1992.
116: 334
Literary responses Caroline Bowles
John Wilson 's review for Blackwood's, March 1837, deemed the title poem an autobiography of the childhood of Genius.
qtd. in
Blain, Virginia. Caroline Bowles Southey, 1786-1854. Ashgate, 1998.
A few years laterHenry Nelson Coleridge (husband of Sara Coleridge ), writing in...
Reception Christabel Coleridge
Though she had a prolific writing career, CC 's novels, stories, and tales have largely been forgotten. There is no biography of her, and what little criticism there is takes the form of reviews of...
Reception Harriet Martineau
Maria Weston Chapman viewed the books in this series as an innovation in literary terms, and also as the beginnings in England of a science of sociology.
Chapman, Maria Weston, and Harriet Martineau. “Memorials of Harriet Martineau”. Harriet Martineau’s Autobiography, James R. Osgood, 1877, pp. 2: 131 - 596.
Some, such as Sara Coleridge , lamented...
Textual Features Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
In another letter MEC notes that she found the writing of Sara Coleridge (her cousin) and Mary Shelley intensely Englishwomanly.
Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth. Gathered Leaves from the Prose of Mary E. Coleridge. Editor Sichel, Edith, Constable, –Apr. 1910.
She concedes that both these writers possess the gift of imagination, but is not...


No timeline events available.


Mudge, Bradford Keyes, and Sara Coleridge. "Child of Genius": The Life and Essays of Sara Coleridge. University of Texas at Austin, 1986, 2 vols.
Dobrizhoffer, Martinus. An Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay. Translator Coleridge, Sara, J. Murray, 1822, 3 vols.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria. Editors Coleridge, Henry Nelson and Sara Coleridge, W. Pickering, 1827, 2 vols.
Coleridge, Sara. Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge. Editor Coleridge, Edith, Henry S. King, 1873, 2 vols.
Coleridge, Sara. Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge. Editor Coleridge, Edith, 4th Abridged, Henry S. King, 1875.
Coleridge, Sara, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. “On Rationalism”. Aids to Reflection, edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge and Henry Nelson Coleridge, 5th ed., W. Pickering, 1843.
Coleridge, Sara. Phantasmion. W. Pickering, 1837.
Coleridge, Sara. Phantasmion. 2nd ed., Henry S. King, 1874.
Coleridge, Sara. Pretty Lessons in Verse, for Good Children. John W. Parker, 1834.
Coleridge, Sara. Pretty Lessons in Verse, for Good Children. 4th ed., John W. Parker, 1845.
Coleridge, Sara, and Henry Reed. Sara Coleridge and Henry Reed. Editor Broughton, Leslie Nathan, Oxford University Press, 1937.
Mudge, Bradford Keyes, and Sara Coleridge. Sara Coleridge, a Victorian Daughter: Her Life and Essays. Yale University Press, 1989.
Coleridge, Sara. “Tennyson’s Princess: a Medley”. Quarterly Review, No. 82, 1848, pp. 427-53.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The Poetical and Dramatic Works of S.T. Coleridge. Editors Coleridge, Derwent and Sara Coleridge, Little, Brown, 1854, 3 vols.
Mailles, Jacques de. The Right Joyous and Pleasant History of the Feats, Gests, and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard. Translator Coleridge, Sara, J. Murray, 1825, 2 vols.