Lady Eleanor Douglas

Standard Name: Douglas, Lady Eleanor
Birth Name: Eleanor Touchet
Styled: Lady Eleanor Touchet
Married Name: Lady Eleanor Davies
Married Name: Lady Eleanor Douglas
Self-constructed Name: Eleanor Audelie
The known tracts and prophecies of LED (formerly Davies), published during the long political crisis of the mid seventeenth century, numbered at last count 69 extant texts and 77 including those which have apparently not survived, though they have left traces.
Feroli, Teresa, and Lady Eleanor Douglas. “Introduction”. Eleanor Davies, Ashgate, 2000, p. ix - xii.
Cope, Esther S. Handmaid of the Holy Spirit: Dame Eleanor Davies, Never Soe Mad a Ladie. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
They are vehement, opinionated, and hard to read, for Douglas's handling of words and syntax takes little account of rules or norms. Her theological and political beliefs are idiosyncratic and her imagery, steeped in that of bible prophecy, is sometimes impenetrable.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Hester Biddle
Brought up an Anglican , she was initially disturbed at the King 's execution. In the bloody City of London she lived like the prodigal son after his riotous period had ended, feeding ....
Family and Intimate relationships Ann Thicknesse
Philip Thicknesse was a somewhat shady character, one of the greatest self-publicists of the eighteenth century.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Philip Thicknesse
After travelling the world in various capacities he had eloped with an heiress in 1742...
Friends, Associates Lady Mary Wroth
LMW was praised in verse by George Chapman and John Davies of Hereford.
He is not to be confused with Sir John Davies , husband of the prophecy writer who later became Lady Eleanor Douglas
Friends, Associates Anne Lady Southwell
Other social relationships of ALS can be deduced from her writings (though honorific addresses of one kind or another have to be treated with caution). She more than once addressed Cicely Ridgeway née MacWilliam, later Countess of Londonderry
Friends, Associates Bathsua Makin
BM 's brother-in-law John Pell called her a woman of great acquaintance.
Teague, Frances. Bathsua Makin, Woman of Learning. Bucknell University Press, 1998.
She was a lifelong friend of diarist and antiquarian Sir Simonds D'Ewes , who had been at her father's school, and of...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Davys
MD makes skilful use of letters to project character, political issues, and gender interaction. Her use of significant dates (All Saints' Day, November the fifth) links her with the prophetic tradition of Lady Eleanor Douglas
Literary responses Margery Kempe
The year 2018 was a high point in MK studies, with the first academic conference devoted to her, and the establishment of the Margery Kempe Society . Diane Watt summarized the growth of her reputation...
Occupation Bathsua Makin
the interregnum period.) Meanwhile she probably combined teaching the princess (who must have had ability, since at nine she had some grasp of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, and Italian) with taking other pupils, including grandchildren...
Author summary Mary Fage
MF shared her passion for anagrams with Lady Eleanor Douglas and many others in the earlier seventeenth century. She was unique in publishing a book of verse incorporating anagrams and acrostics on the names of...
Textual Features Mary Fage
MF is a close observer and fulsome celebrator of rank: her dedication opens, Pardon powerfull Princes and potent Potentates, my presumption, in pressing into your presence.
Fage, Mary. Fames Roule. R. Oulton, 1637.
Besides the king and queen, she includes the...
Textual Features M. Marsin
MM suggests that the comet which had appeared in 1663 was perhaps a sign that the world was entering its last phase, as written by the prophet Daniel (a prophet much favoured by Lady Eleanor Douglas
Textual Production Bathsua Makin
BM wrote elegies on the deaths of two children of Lady Huntingdon . Her Latin elegy for Henry, Lord Hastings (grandson of Lady Eleanor Douglas , who died on 24 June 1649), was never printed...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Antonia Fraser
The chapter When Women Preach discusses Lady Eleanor Douglas and (in more detail) Anna Trapnel . Petticoat-Authors (about the Restoration period) makes a number of mis-statements (understandable errors that would not have been made at...


23 August 1628: Charles I's favourite George Villiers, 1st...

National or international item

23 August 1628

Charles I 's favourite George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham (whose daughter Lady Mary, later Duchess of Richmond, is widely identified as the poet Ephelia ), was assassinated at Portsmouth.
Morrill, John. “The Stuarts (1603-1688)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 286-51.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

23 October 1641: Many Protestants (but perhaps not so many...

National or international item

23 October 1641

Many Protestants (but perhaps not so many as reported) were killed in a Rebellion or massacre in Ulster.
Cope, Esther S. Handmaid of the Holy Spirit: Dame Eleanor Davies, Never Soe Mad a Ladie. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
99, 107
Morrill, John. “The Stuarts (1603-1688)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 286-51.
Purkiss, Diane. The English Civil War, A People’s History. Harper Perennial, 2007.
109, 114

23 October 1642: Royalist forces won a battle at Edgehill...

National or international item

23 October 1642

Royalist forces won a battle at Edgehill in Warwickshire: the first pitched battle of the Civil War.
Cope, Esther S. Handmaid of the Holy Spirit: Dame Eleanor Davies, Never Soe Mad a Ladie. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
Like the massacres in Ulster the previous year, this event was seen by Lady Eleanor Douglas

10 January 1645: William Laud, Charles I's unpopular High...

National or international item

10 January 1645

William Laud , Charles I 's unpopular High Church Archbishop of Canterbury, impeached the previous autumn, was executed.
Cope, Esther S. Handmaid of the Holy Spirit: Dame Eleanor Davies, Never Soe Mad a Ladie. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
Purkiss, Diane. The English Civil War, A People’s History. Harper Perennial, 2007.
Lady Eleanor Douglas had both prophesied this event and called for it to be done.

25 March 1645: In the first case of witchcraft managed by...

Building item

25 March 1645

In the first case of witchcraft managed by Matthew Hopkins , Elizabeth Clarke of Manningtree in Essex (who had probably been deprived of sleep during interrogation) confessed to using familiars.
Purkiss, Diane. The English Civil War, A People’s History. Harper Perennial, 2007.
380, 376-8


Feroli, Teresa, and Lady Eleanor Douglas. “Introduction”. Eleanor Davies, Ashgate, 2000, p. ix - xii.
Douglas, Lady Eleanor. Prophetic Writings of Lady Eleanor Davies. Editor Cope, Esther S., Oxford University Press, 1995.
Douglas, Lady Eleanor. “Tobits Book, A Lesson Appointed for Lent, 1652”. Women Writers Online.