Matthew Prior

Standard Name: Prior, Matthew


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Martha Fowke
Five poems by MF (as Mrs. Fowke) appeared in good poetic company (with Pope , Prior , Susanna Centlivre , Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , and others) in Anthony Hammond 's A New Miscellany, published on 19 May 1720.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Singer Rowe
Elizabeth Singer (later ESR ) was courted by several men. Whether or not she was seriously pursued by either Dunton or Prior (both worldly figures), her suitors included at least two dissenting clergymen. The Rev....
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Singer Rowe
ESR enjoyed important friendships from around the age of twenty with Anne Finch, Lady Winchilsea , and Lady Hertford . Finch was twelve years older than ESR , and Hertford twenty-five years younger. They each...
Friends, Associates Mary Caesar
MC shared her husband's network of high-level connections in circles of Jacobites and Jacobite sympathisers. She was a friend of the writers Pope , Prior , Swift , and Mary Barber , and of the...
Intertextuality and Influence Rosa Nouchette Carey
One of the many novels which RNC chose to dignify by quotations to head her chapters, this seems to make a particular attempt to impress. Those quoted imply considerable learning, even if (as seems likely)...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Deverell
Each of the seven sermons in this edition has a topic, and an introductory verse quotation: from Young , Milton , Prior , Blair , Thomson , and Pope . MD 's repeated claims to...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Elstob
Begun in order to help the work of a female student, this work reiterates more strongly EE 's plea for opening the arena of scholarship to women. For examples of poetic practice she turns to...
Intertextuality and Influence A. Woodfin
The title-page quotes Matthew Prior . AW claims to have written her whimsical dedication to Pythagoras (at the insistence of Lowndes that she should dedicate to somebody) after a dream about the transmigration of souls...
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Wiseman
Her poems, full of character and ingenuity, spring from social interchange. The title piece is a longish, narrative, occasional poem, Sent with a Pair of China Basons
Wiseman, Jane. “A Fairy Tale, Inscrib’d, to the Honourable Mrs. W— With Other Poems (1917)”. Eighteenth-Century English Labouring-Class Poets, 1700-1740, edited by William Christmas, Pickering and Chatto, 2003, pp. 34-46.
to JW 's dedicatee (who may probably...
Intertextuality and Influence Emily Gerard
This novel has two sections, Dream-Life and The Awakening, with an Intermezzo between the two: love is not part of the dream, but of the awakening to reality. The title-page quotation from La Fontaine
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Bryan
Since other poems bring Emma together with a man called Henry, this seems to allude to Matthew Prior 's once famous ballad Henry and Emma.
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Green
Under a perfunctory pretence of writing about the monarchs Henry VI and Edward IV , with dignifying chapter-headings from Shakespeare , Milton , Thomson , Prior , Gray , Pope , and the poems of...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Latter
The title-page quotes Matthew Prior about defying the herd of critics.
Latter, Mary. The Miscellaneous Works, in Prose and Verse. C. Pocock, 1759.
ML 's preface says that on the precedent of those of my Sex who have wrote before me she must expect censure; she...
Intertextuality and Influence Lady Charlotte Bury
The title-page quotes supposedly from Pope but actually from Prior : Nor tears that wash out sin, can wash out shame.
Bury, Lady Charlotte. The Divorced. Henry Colburn, 1837, 2 vols.
A news-item printed in the preliminary pages, allegedly from the Morning Post of...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Thomas
The quotations that head her chapters range through more than a dozen well-known male names from Shakespeare through Racine in French, Prior and Pope to Sterne and Burke , plus a couple of unidentified women....


31 January 1707: Matthew Prior's Poems on Several Occasions...

Writing climate item

31 January 1707

Matthew Prior 's Poems on Several Occasions were published illicitly, through Edmund Curll .
Bracken, James K., and Joel Silver, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 154. Gale Research, 1995.
154: 82
Baines, Paul, and Pat Rogers. Edmund Curll, Bookseller. Clarendon Press, 2007.

19 May 1720: A New Miscellany, edited by Anthony Hammond,...

Women writers item

19 May 1720

A New Miscellany, edited by Anthony Hammond , included work by Pope , Prior , William Bond , George Sewell , Susanna Centlivre , Delarivier Manley , Eliza Haywood , Martha Fowke , and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu .
Lonsdale, Roger, editor. Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. Oxford University Press, 1990.
Grundy, Isobel. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment. Clarendon, 1999.

14 January 1766: William Pitt appealed to the House of Commons...

Building item

14 January 1766

William Pitt appealed to the House of Commons to treat America as a kindly, paternalistic husband would treat a wife.
Thomas, Peter David Garner. British Politics and the Stamp Act Crisis: The First Phase of the American Revolution, 1763-1767. Clarendon, 1975.
Thomas, Peter David Garner. British Politics and the Stamp Act Crisis: The First Phase of the American Revolution, 1763-1767. Clarendon, 1975.


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