Samuel Pepys

Standard Name: Pepys, Samuel


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Virginia Woolf
Between 1 January and 30 June 1897, her reading included but was not limited to the following: Charlotte Brontë , Lady Barlow (a commentator on Charles Darwin ), Dinah Mulock Craik , George Eliot ,...
Education Elinor Glyn
Since she abhorred her governesses, Elinor took her education into her own hands, reading every book she could in the library: Pepys 's diary, Cervantes ' Don Quixote (an eighteenth-century French version), Scott , Agnes
Family and Intimate relationships Ellis Cornelia Knight
ECK 's mother, née Philippina Deane , was born in Essex on 17 November 1726. She was a descendant of Sir Anthony Deane , shipbuilder, naval officer, Fellow of the Royal Society, and associate of...
Family and Intimate relationships Stella Benson
According to her husband, SB was a direct descendant of Samuel Pepys 's sister Pauline (whose married name was Jackson) .
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus, 1971.
Friends, Associates Mary Carleton
Her case attracted immediate interest, and while in prison she was visited by crowds of people. She said they came out of curiosity and were then converted into supporters and patrons. Samuel Pepys , who...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Tollet
Her father met both Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn , the diarist, through his Navy Board work. He became a close friend of Evelyn, and was a friend too of Edmond Halley , the astronomer.
Londry, Michael, and Elizabeth Tollet. The Poems of Elizabeth Tollet. Oxford University, 2004.
5-7, 11-12
Intertextuality and Influence Nina Hamnett
This book is highly readable: its fast-paced, witty narrative conducted in short sentences with few dates and even less of explanation or embroidery. NH is positively off-hand about such important topics as her early relations...
Intertextuality and Influence Stella Benson
She began writing diaries at the age of nine, and continued the practice throughout her life. She may well have been influenced by the belief that she was a collateral descendant of the quintessential diarist,...
Intertextuality and Influence E. A. Dillwyn
This heroine, who is appealing despite her undeniable priggishness, opens her diary under the aegis of Thomas Carlyle (to whom she would have liked to dedicate her journal had he been alive, because of his...
Literary responses Margaret Cavendish
These verse eulogies or testimonials came from distinguished persons and institutions to whom she had presented copies of her work. It circulated widely: the Dutch poet Constantijn Huygens owned one of her books.
Smith, Emma. Shakespeare’s First Folio: Four Centuries of an Iconic Book. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Occupation Mary Carleton
MC acted the role of herself on stage, in the perhaps single performance of a play by either Thomas Parker or John Holden entitled The German Princess; in the audience was Samuel Pepys ...
Other Life Event Margaret Cavendish
She received the standard visitor treatment, watching experiments selected to make a good display. But the appearance of a woman at the Society was abnormal, and Samuel Pepys made considerable fuss beforehand about the adverse...
Textual Production Margaret Cavendish
When a comedy by MC 's husband the Duke of Newcastle, The Humorous Lovers, was acted in 1667, many of the audience (including Samuel Pepys and Aphra Behn 's lover Jeffrey Boys ) supposed...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Rosina Bulwer Lytton Baroness Lytton
The essays include Samuel Pepys and Francis Bacon , Lord Verulam and Viscount St. Albans, A Curiosity of Literature not Mentioned by Isaac Disraeli and Servants.
Lytton, Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Baroness. Shells from the Sands of Time. Bickers and Son, 1876, http://U of Toronto.
The first, despite its title, is...
Wealth and Poverty Elizabeth Montagu
By her marriage EM acquired wealth and improved her social standing. Edward Montagu was a grandson of the first Earl of Sandwich (admiral and patron of Samuel Pepys ). He owned mines in the rapidly-developing...


1 January 1660-31 May 1669: Samuel Pepys kept the Diary which was published...

Writing climate item

1 January 1660-31 May 1669

Samuel Pepys kept the Diary which was published long after his death.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.

25 September 1660: Samuel Pepys drank his first cup of tee (a...

Building item

25 September 1660

Samuel Pepys drank his first cup of tee [sic] (a China drink), which had been arriving in England via Holland for a few years. (Coffee had been established in England for a decade or so...

12 June 1663: Samuel Pepys noted that it was now the fashion...

Building item

12 June 1663

Samuel Pepys noted that it was now the fashion for ladies to hide their whole face with a vizard or mask throughout an evening at the theatre.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
3: 155-6 and n3

14 October 1663: Samuel Pepys recorded (unsympathetically)...

Building item

14 October 1663

Samuel Pepys recorded (unsympathetically) his impressions of a service at the LondonSynagogue ; women were out of sight behind a lattice.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
3: 283

Just before 26 December 1663: Samuel Butler published Hudibras, a mock-heroic...

Writing climate item

Just before 26 December 1663

Samuel Butler published Hudibras, a mock-heroic verse satire on the Puritans.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
2: 399and n

Spring to autumn 1665: The Great Plague (probably bubonic plague...

National or international item

Spring to autumn 1665

The Great Plague (probably bubonic plague or pasteurella pestis) raged in London. Londoners' experience is well-known from the accounts of Samuel Pepys and Daniel Defoe ; in some other parts of Britain 1666 was...

7 June 1665: Pepys, on the hottest day that I have ever...

National or international item

7 June 1665

Pepys , on the hottest day that I have ever felt in my life, had his first sight of a red cross painted on the doors of several houses to say they were plague-stricken.
Todd, Janet. The Secret Life of Aphra Behn. Rutgers University Press, 1997.

2-17 September 1666: The Great Fire of London almost entirely...

National or international item

2-17 September 1666

The Great Fire of London almost entirely destroyed the medieval city.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
5: 392-411

14 November 1666: Samuel Pepys recorded a pretty experiment,6:...

Building item

14 November 1666

Samuel Pepys recorded a pretty experiment,
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
6: 60
apparently the first-ever blood transfusion and first-ever vivisection: a dog had its own blood pumped out while the blood of another dog was pumped into it.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
6: 60-1

7 December 1666: This was probably the first day a public...

Building item

7 December 1666

This was probably the first day a public theatre opened in London after a seventeen-month closure owing to the plague.
The London Stage 1660-1800. Southern Illinois University Press, 1960–1968, 5 vols.
1: 98

2 March 1667: Dryden's Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen...

Writing climate item

2 March 1667

Dryden 's Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen had its first performance at Drury Lane Theatre , with Nell Gwyn in the cast and Samuel Pepys , Charles II , and the future James II in the audience.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
6: 192-3

31 May 1669: Samuel Pepys, fearing he was going blind,...

Writing climate item

31 May 1669

Samuel Pepys , fearing he was going blind, wrote in his diary for the last time.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
8: 313

1825: Lord Braybrooke edited and published the...

Writing climate item


Lord Braybrooke edited and published the first selection from Pepys 's diary, written between 1 January 1660 and 31 May 1669, deciphered by John Smith.
Pepys, Samuel. The Shorter Pepys. Editor Latham, Robert, Penguin, 1987.

1 January 2003: Phil Gyford, a London-based freelance web...

Writing climate item

1 January 2003

Phil Gyford , a London-based freelance web designer, launched the blog The Diary of Samuel Pepys : Daily Entries from the 17th century London diary, devoted to publishing the complete diary, an entry...


Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Editor Wheatley, Henry B., G. Bell and Sons, 1952, 8 vols.
Wheatley, Henry B., and Samuel Pepys. “Particulars of the Life of Samuel Pepys”. Diary, G. Bell and Sons, 1952, p. 1: xi - liii.
Pepys, Samuel. The Shorter Pepys. Editor Latham, Robert, Penguin, 1987.