James Joyce

Standard Name: Joyce, James
Irish exile JJ , hailed by Yeats as a new kind of novelist even before his first novel was published, became one of the leading practitioners of modernism. As well as poems, a play, and a volume of short stories, he produced three important novels, from the last of which he put out several separate sections long before the whole appeared. Joyce encountered obstacles to publishing almost all his books, raised by censors both official and self-appointed. Without the tireless patronage of Harriet Shaw Weaver and Sylvia Beach , his last two books might never have been published at all.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth Anna Livia
Her parents named her after Anna Livia Plurabelle of Joyce 's Finnegans Wake, and after Julian of Norwich , medieval anchoress and author of Revelations of Divine Love.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Cultural formation John Millington Synge
He first met William Butler Yeats , one of two major Irish literary contemporaries who also rejected religion in their youth, in 1896. (The other scoffer at religion, James Joyce , he met only once...
death Harriet Shaw Weaver
Samuel Beckett , hearing of the news in Paris, remarked to Sylvia Beach : I . . . shall think of her when I think of goodness.
qtd. in
Lidderdale, Jane, and Mary Nicholson. Dear Miss Weaver. Viking, 1970.
Having dedicated her life to English...
Education Edna O'Brien
O'Brien meanwhile cultivated her passion for reading and writing. The first book she purchased was Introducing James Joyce, edited by T. S. Eliot : this volume, she notes, made me realize that I wanted...
Education Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
She read voraciously, preferring writers with the geographical rootedness which she herself lacked: George Eliot , Thomas Hardy , Charles Dickens , and from beyond the English tradition Marcel Proust , James Joyce , Henry James
Education Catherine Cookson
As a young adult CC took on her own education. With varying degrees of success she studied grammar, elocution, French, and the violin. She also discovered the public library. Colleagues at work got her to...
Education Ali Smith
After completing her studies at Aberdeen, Smith began working towards a doctorate at Newnham College, Cambridge (still a women-only body). Continuing her work on the area of her MLitt, she determined to focus on the...
Education Hélène Cixous
While working on her doctorate in 1963, HC travelled to the United States to research James Joyce 's manuscripts for her doctoral thesis, and, in California,, she prepared a second thesis on Robinson Jeffers...
Family and Intimate relationships Olivia Manning
As a very young woman OM began an affair with the charistmatic Hamish Miles (Edward Garnett 's assistant at the publishing firm of Jonathan Cape , and editor of a little magazine). He was...
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Plath
SP married Ted Hughes at the Church of St George the Martyr in Bloomsbury, London, on James Joyce 's Bloomsday.
Wagner-Martin, Linda. Sylvia Plath: A Biography. Simon and Schuster, 1987.
Butscher, Edward. Sylvia Plath: Method and Madness. Seabury Press, 1976.
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Wellesley
DW seems to have first met Hilda Matheson just before the latter took over the role of central player in Vita Sackville-West 's love-life. But Matheson (director of talks for the BBC , soon to...
Family and Intimate relationships Q. D. Leavis
Though both husband and wife were to influential, F. R. Leavis became one of the leading literary critics of the twentieth century. A dynamic speaker and teacher, he was known for his uncompromising, exclusive, often...
Family and Intimate relationships Bryher
Though emotionally empty, the marriage was artistically productive. Most significantly, Bryher's introductions and family funds allowed McAlmon to establish his influential press, Contact Editions . Thus, Bryher's money and social connections enabled the publication of...
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Beach
SB was hunting down a copy of Paul Fort 's Vers et prose, and was directed to Monnier's bookshop. She found the shop's owner surprisingly warm and friendly. Adrienne declared that she like[d] America...
Friends, Associates Cecily Mackworth
Her literary circle in Paris was highly eclectic: the many camps in which she had friends included the Surrealist rump, the incoming Existentialists, and the Communists (who were mostly ex-Surrealists).
Mackworth, Cecily. Ends of the World. Carcanet, 1987.
Tristan Tzara became a...


11 January 1904: Father John Creagh began a series of fiery...

Building item

11 January 1904

Father John Creagh began a series of fiery antisemitic sermons in Limerick, which provoked a pogrom.
Tóibín, Colm. “’What is your nation, if I may ask?’”. London Review of Books, 30 Sept. 1999, pp. 37-39.

2 July 1914: The first issue of the magazine Blast, edited...

Building item

2 July 1914

The first issue of the magazine Blast, edited by Wyndham Lewis , formally announced the arrival of Vorticism, an avant-garde movement in art.
Wees, William C. Vorticism and the English Avant-Garde. University of Toronto Press, 1972.
19, 162-79, 213-27

December 1919: The last issue of The Egoist: An Individualist...

Writing climate item

December 1919

The last issue of The Egoist: An Individualist Review was published.
Sullivan, Alvin, editor. British Literary Magazines: The Modern Age, 1914-1984. Vol. 4, Greenwood Press, 1986.
Marsden, Dora, and Harriet Shaw Weaver, editors. The Egoist. Reprint ed., Kraus, 6 vols.
December 1919

1926: Soon after Chatto and Windus published The...

Writing climate item


Soon after Chatto and Windus published The Cantab by Shane Leslie , the book was censured by the Roman Catholic Church , and Leslie (a Catholic himself, who had been critical of James Joyce 's...

1928: Edwin Muir published The Structure of the...

Writing climate item


Edwin Muir published The Structure of the Novel.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Kermode, Frank. “Fiction and E. M. Forster”. London Review of Books, 10 May 2007, pp. 15-24.

4 December 1931: The BBC announced the resignation of Hilda...

Writing climate item

4 December 1931

The BBC announced the resignation of Hilda Matheson , its director of talks, which she had actually submitted in October. This was the climax of a long-running struggle over a series of talks by Harold Nicolson

1946: Critic Erich Auerbach published, in German,...

Writing climate item


Critic Erich Auerbach published, in German, the influential study which became in its English translation, 1953, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. He wrote it at Istanbul, as a Jewish refugee...

By late October 1975: The short-story volume Angels at the Ritz,...

Writing climate item

By late October 1975

The short-story volume Angels at the Ritz, by expatriate Irish writer William Trevor (born Trevor Cox in 1928), was hailed by Graham Greene as probably the best collection of stories since Joyce 's Dubliners...

October 1996: Irish journalist and writer Nuala O'Faolain...

Writing climate item

October 1996

Irish journalist and writer Nuala O'Faolain published her autobiography Are You Somebody? The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman.
“Bowker’s Global Books in Print”. globalbooksinprint.com.

22 January 2008: Day, the fifth novel by Scottish author,...

Women writers item

22 January 2008

Day, the fifth novel by Scottish author, playwright and stand-up comedian A. L. Kennedy (whose unmentioned first name is Alison), won the 2007 Costa (formerly Whitbread) Book of the Year prize.
“Day: A Novel”. A. L. Kennedy: Books.
Costa Book Awards. http://replay.web.archive.org/20060615002836/http://www.costabookawards.com/.


Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Egoist, 1917.
Joyce, James. Chamber Music. Elkin Mathews, 1907.
Joyce, James. Dubliners. Grant Richards, 1914.
Joyce, James. Exiles. Grant Richards, 1918.
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Faber and Faber, 1939.
Joyce, James. Pomes Penyeach. Shakespeare and Company, 1927.
Joyce, James. Stephen Hero. J. Cape, 1944.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare and Company, 1922.