Chatto and Windus


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Rosamond Lehmann
At the time she began the novel, RL admitted that she had very little knowledge of contemporary women's writing other than May Sinclair 's. She dedicated this work to Dadie Rylands , who had advised...
Dedications Amanda McKittrick Ros
Delina Delaney was published at AMKR 's expense. A reissue by Chatto and Windus , 1935, was dedicated to John Coghlan .
Dedications Elspeth Huxley
EH published through ChattoThe Prince Buys the Manor, an extravaganza of a satirical novel dedicated to Norah Smallwood as silken spur, incisive counsellor, and warm-hearted friend.
qtd. in
Nicholls, C. S. Elspeth Huxley. HarperCollins, 2002.
Employer Elizabeth Jane Howard
In winter 1953 EJH , aged about thirty, became an editor at Chatto and Windus , which was then run by Norah Smallwood and Ian Parsons . She read submitted manuscripts, wrote reports on them...
Employer Elizabeth Jennings
EJ was a reader for the publishing firm of Chatto and Windus .
Who’s Who. Adam and Charles Black, 1849–2024, Annual Volumes.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Taylor
Friends said that ET was very shy, but cared very much for very few people.
Liddell, Robert, and Francis King. Elizabeth and Ivy. Peter Owen, 1986.
She was lucky in that Ivy Compton-Burnett (who was a generation older than she was, and notoriously difficult) and...
Intertextuality and Influence Kate Clanchy
KC 's second Arvon course was taught by Simon Armitage , who had recently become the poetry editor at Chatto and Windus . Armitage offered KC a chance to publish. This led to the appearance...
Literary responses Rosamond Lehmann
Reviews were slow to appear, and according to RL 's brother John many of the early ones were lukewarm or even hostile.
Lehmann, John. In My Own Time. Little, Brown, 1969.
However, the poet Alfred Noyes (a friend of their father) ecstatically praised...
names Sara Jeannette Duncan
  • BirthName: Sarah Janet Duncan
  • Nickname: Redney
    The origin of this family nickname is lost, according to biographer Marian Fowler .

  • Married: Mrs. Everard Cotes
  • Pseudonyms: Sara Jeannette Duncan; Sara J. Duncan; Garth Grafton; Jane Wintergreen...
Occupation Virginia Woolf
During the previous fifteen years of its life it had earned an income of £814 per annum (an average which takes in the total of three pounds in 1924 and £2,442 in 1938, its most...
Occupation Elizabeth Jane Howard
In 1958, the Day-Lewis affair having put an end to her Chatto and Windus job, EJH worked briefly as a fiction editor for Weidenfeld and Nicolson . She gave up this job when her agent,...
Publishing Vernon Lee
The Ballet of the Nations, a satirico-philosophicburlesque,
Bowe, Nicola Gordon. “Constance and Maxwell Armfield: An American Interlude 1915-1922”. The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, Vol.
, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1989, pp. 6-27.
was commissioned after Constance Smedley and Maxwell Armfield invited VL to speak at one of their Chelsea political meetings held to discuss the causes of...
Publishing Sylvia Townsend Warner
It was dedicated to Stone's wife, Janet. The first edition contained sixteen engravings and sixteen poems. Ruari McLean of The Monotype Corporation designed it as a specimen for a new typeface (Dante Roman and Italic)...
Publishing Barbara Pym
Both Cape and Chatto and Windus rejected this work in 1968, and by 1973 it had been rejected by twenty-one publishers. It was eventually published by Macmillan after Pym's rediscovery. The Oxford Dictionary of National...
Publishing Beryl Bainbridge
Hodder and Stoughton turned it down, then Chapman and Hall , then Chatto and Windus , all with words of encouragement which BB felt too insecure to take in. These were later joined by Weidenfeld and Nicolson


1873: After John Camden Hotten's death, his publications...

Writing climate item


After John Camden Hotten 's death, his publications manager Andrew Chatto bought the firm, and in partnership with poet W. E. Windus formed Chatto and Windus .
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 106. Gale Research, 1991.
106: 111

1876: John Maxwell sold Belgravia to Chatto and...

Writing climate item


John Maxwell sold Belgravia to Chatto and Windus , ending Mary Elizabeth Braddon 's association with the monthly.
Edwards, Peter David et al. Indexes to Fiction in Belgravia 1867-1899. Victorian Fiction Research Unit, Department of English, University of Queensland, 1989.

1895: Chatto and Windus published The Professor's...

Women writers item


Chatto and Windus published The Professor's Experiment, a novel by Margaret Hungerford (who was near the end of her life but not yet slackening in productivity).
British Library Catalogue.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.

1908: Chatto and Windus of London began publication...

Writing climate item


Chatto and Windus of London began publication of series of books for which they commissioned Herbert P. Horne to develop the Florence typeface.
Gentry, Helen, and David Greenhood. Chronology of Books and Printing. Rev. ed., Macmillan, 1936.
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.

1926: Soon after Chatto and Windus published The...

Writing climate item


Soon after Chatto and Windus published The Cantab by Shane Leslie , the book was censured by the Roman Catholic Church , and Leslie (a Catholic himself, who had been critical of James Joyce 's...


Ackland, Valentine. For Sylvia: An Honest Account. Chatto and Windus, 1985.
Ackland, Valentine. The Nature of the Moment. Chatto and Windus, 1973.
Allingham, Margery, and Philip Youngman Carter. Cargo of Eagles. Chatto and Windus, 1968.
Allingham, Margery. Hide My Eyes. Chatto and Windus, 1958.
Allingham, Margery. The Beckoning Lady. Chatto and Windus, 1955.
Allingham, Margery. The China Governess. Chatto and Windus, 1963.
Allingham, Margery. The Mysterious Mr. Campion. Chatto and Windus, 1963.
Allingham, Margery. The Tiger in the Smoke. Chatto and Windus, 1952.
Athill, Diana. Don’t Look at Me Like That. Chatto and Windus, 1967.
Athill, Diana. Instead of a Letter. Chatto and Windus, 1963.
Austen, Jane, and G. K. Chesterton. Love & Freindship. Chatto and Windus, 1922.
Bannerman, Helen. The Story of Little Black Sambo. Chatto and Windus, 1957.
Barr, Robert, editor. The Idler. Chatto and Windus, 1-8.
Beckett, Samuel. More Pricks Than Kicks. Chatto and Windus, 1934.
Bedford, Sybille. Aldous Huxley. Chatto and Windus, 1974, 2 vols.
Bennett, Arnold. Anna of the Five Towns. Chatto and Windus, 1902.
Berry, Paul, and Mark Bostridge. Vera Brittain: A Life. Chatto and Windus, 1995.
Jerningham, Edward. “Editorial Commentary”. Edward Jerningham and His Friends, edited by Lewis Bettany, Chatto and Windus, 1919, p. Various pages.
Bishop, Elizabeth, and Tom Paulin. Complete Poems. Chatto and Windus, 2004.
Blind, Mathilde. Birds of Passage. Chatto and Windus, 1895.
Blind, Mathilde. Birds of Passage. Second Edition, Chatto and Windus, 1896.
Blind, Mathilde, and Ford Madox Brown. Dramas in Miniature. Chatto and Windus, 1891.
Blind, Mathilde. Songs and Sonnets. Chatto and Windus, 1893.
Blind, Mathilde. The Ascent of Man. Chatto and Windus, 1889.
Braybrooke, Neville, and Isobel English. Olivia Manning: A Life. Chatto and Windus, 2004.