Roman Catholic Church


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Susanna Hopton
George Hickes included in A Second Collection of Controversial LettersA Letter Written by a Gentlewoman of Quality to a Romish Priest: that is, by SH to Henry Turberville on choosing the Anglican over...
Birth Lady Lucy Herbert
LLH was born at the fortified stronghold of Powis Castle in Montgomeryshire, the youngest but one of a large and distinguished Roman Catholic family.
Henrietta Tayler gives the year of her birth as 1668...
Characters John Oliver Hobbes
Time passes, and Sophy is happily married and then widowed, while Jim becomes a Nonconformist minister. The Firmalden siblings become intimate with an aristocratic Roman Catholic couple, Lord Basil and Lady Tessa Marlesford. Struggle over...
Characters Katharine Bruce Glasier
The book features as its heroine Aimée Furniss, a recent graduate from Newnham College who has just taken up her first position teaching at a girls' school. Though she finds teaching rewarding, her experiences with...
Characters Antonia Fraser
The wedding in the novel is to unite British royalty (in the person of Princess Amy) to a Roman Catholic spouse (in the person of Prince Ferdinand), for the first time since the Stuarts. Jemima...
Characters Elizabeth Cary Viscountess Falkland
Edward II is a generically complex work: a history composed largely of dramatic speeches, in prose which verges on blank verse. This monarch was famous or infamous for entertaining favourites (particularly Piers Gaveston ) with...
Characters Georgiana Fullerton
A Roman Catholic widow feels after the death of her weak-natured husband that she has been unfaithful to him in her soul. She therefore declines the hand of a deserving man who has long loved...
Characters Marie Belloc Lowndes
With characters from a multiplicity of countries, the novel is set in London and an English country house. The Russian Paul Feyghine wastes the best years of his life for love of an unworthy Spanish...
Characters Georgiana Fullerton
Laurentia is another of Fullerton's historical novels, in this case written with the intent of providing a picture of the Church of Japan in the sixteenth century, and to illustrate in the shape of a...
Characters Roma White
This story is oddly poised between admiration for the free-spirited and bohemian, respect for social convention, sympathy with those who despise social convention, and a strong Christian moral spirituality in which the choice between good...
Characters Jennifer Johnston
JJ 's three central characters here include two brothers who belong to the Catholic minority and a schoolteacher. Brendan Logan has a troubled relationship with his mother, has been in England, and now seeks glory...
Characters Willa Cather
Her heroine, Myra Driscoll, is a Roman Catholic who sets her religion aside and elopes to marry a Protestant, Oswald Henshawe, bringing down on herself family disapproval and disinheritance. Her brave insistence on marrying for...
Cultural formation Georgiana Chatterton
GC , resident among a fervently Catholic group at Baddesley Clinton, converted to Roman Catholicism . This was ten years after her second husband 's conversion, and only six months before her death.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Cultural formation Carol Ann Duffy
Brought up a Catholic , CAD early became an agnostic. She has said that she retain[s] some of the motifs of all that and none of the feelings; faith, guilt, whatever. I do envy people...
Cultural formation Evelyn Waugh
Born into the English professional class, brought up as a HighAnglican , EW renounced this faith before he left school and spent some years as an atheist before his conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1930.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Stovel, Bruce, and Bruce Stovel. “The Genesis of Evelyn Waughs Comic Vision. Waugh, Captain Grimes, and Decline and FallJane Austen and Company: Collected Essays, edited by Nora Foster Stovel and Nora Foster Stovel, University of Alberta Press, 2011, pp. 181-0.


1400-50: During this half-century, one third of all...

Building item


During this half-century, one third of all new saints canonised by the Catholic Church were women.
Robinson, Jane. Pandora’s Daughters: The Secret History of Enterprising Women. Constable, 2002.

1527: A young English priest, Thomas Cranmer, wrote...

Building item


A young English priest, Thomas Cranmer , wrote two letters to Johannes Dantiscus , whom he had met on a royal mission to the Holy Roman Emperor in Spain, where Dantiscus was then Polish ambassador.
MacCulloch, Diarmaid. “Archives”. Lives for Sale: Biographers’ Tales, edited by Mark Bostridge, Continuum, 2004, pp. 62-7.

12 July 1539: With Henry VIII's personal support, an Act...

National or international item

12 July 1539

With Henry VIII 's personal support, an Act came into force establishing Six Articles of Religion for the Church in England (still at this date the Catholic Church ) to subscribe to.
Ridley, Jasper. Henry VIII. Constable, 1984.

21 July 1542: Pope Paul III revived the medieval inquisition...

Building item

21 July 1542

Pope Paul III revived the medieval inquisition to counter the threat posed to Roman Catholicism by the new Protestant thinking of Martin Luther and John Calvin .
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.

1545 to 1563: The Council of Trent outlined the shape of...

National or international item

1545 to 1563

The Council of Trent outlined the shape of Roman Catholic beliefs for centuries to come.
Chisholm, Hugh, editor. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Eleventh, Cambridge University Press, 1911.
27: 248-9
“The Catholic Encyclopedia”. New Advent.

15 August 1549: St Francis Xavier landed at the port of Kagoshima...

National or international item

15 August 1549

St Francis Xavier landed at the port of Kagoshima in Japan as a missionary preacher.
“Japan”. Local Catholic Church History and Genealogy.

July 1550: A warrant was issued for money setting up...

Writing climate item

July 1550

A warrant was issued for money setting up Humphrey Powell as royal printer in Dublin. Next year he issued an edition of The Book of Common Prayer which was the first book published in Ireland.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

6 July 1553: The sixteen-year-old Edward VI died, producing...

National or international item

6 July 1553

The sixteen-year-old Edward VI died, producing a succession crisis: for fear of rule by his Catholic sister Mary , Edward pronounced both his sisters to be bastards, and the crown passed (very briefly) to Lady Jane Grey

: Each adult in England, of either sex, was...

National or international item

Spring 1554

Each adult in England, of either sex, was required by their bishop to make a formal statement of Catholic faith before they were eligible to make their Easter Communion.
Duffy, Eamon. “Rolling Back the Reformation”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, 7 Feb. 2008, pp. 27-9.

June 1554: An eighteen-year-old servant, Elizabeth Croft,...

Building item

June 1554

An eighteen-year-old servant, Elizabeth Croft , confessed in front of a crowd gathered at St Paul's Cross in London that she had taken part in a hoax, playing a supernatural voice that spoke from a...

February 1555: The law was changed to permit burning alive...

National or international item

February 1555

The law was changed to permit burning alive for heresy: during the rest of Mary I 's reign at least 274 persons were burned in England for their Protestant belief.
Guy, John. “The Tudor Age (1485-1603)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 223-85.
Duffy, Eamon. “Rolling Back the Reformation”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, 7 Feb. 2008, pp. 27-9.

1559: The Roman Catholic Church set up the Index...

Writing climate item


The Roman Catholic Church set up the Index Librorum Prohibitorum or list of prohibited books, to protect its flock from dangerous and heretical ideas.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online.

20-21 September 1586: Anthony Babington and six other Roman Catholics...

National or international item

20-21 September 1586

Anthony Babington and six other Roman Catholics were executed for high treason (plotting to murder Queen Elizabeth with the intention of putting Mary, Queen of Scots , on the throne).
Spartacus Educational. 28 Feb. 2003,
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

August 1598: Full-scale revolt against English rule (that...

National or international item

August 1598

Full-scale revolt against English rule (that is, rule over the Roman Catholic Church majority by a newly-settled Anglican elite) broke out in Ireland in the form of Tyrone's Rebellion, led by Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone .
Jones, Harrie Stuart Vedder. A Spenser Handbook. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1930.
Kelly, Matthew. “With Bit and Bridle”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 15, 5 Aug. 2010, pp. 12-13.

1627: An anonymous book appeared at London entitled...

Women writers item


An anonymous book appeared at London entitled A Mothers Teares over Hir Seduced Sonne (seduced not sexually but by the Catholic faith away from the Protestant).
English Short Title Catalogue.


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