James Joyce

Standard Name: Joyce, James
Irish exile JJ , hailed by Yeats as a new kind of novelist even before his first novel was published, became one of the leading practitioners of modernism. As well as poems, a play, and a volume of short stories, he produced three important novels, from the last of which he put out several separate sections long before the whole appeared. Joyce encountered obstacles to publishing almost all his books, raised by censors both official and self-appointed. Without the tireless patronage of Harriet Shaw Weaver and Sylvia Beach , his last two books might never have been published at all.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Dora Marsden
In January 1916 Weaver went ahead with the decision to publish Joyce 's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man after gaining Marsden's approval (though she would have continued independently if approval had...
Occupation Ezra Pound
Around this time, EP began corresponding with James Joyce and helped obtain A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man for serialization in 1914.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Occupation Sylvia Beach
SB offered to publish James Joyce 's Ulysses, a proposition he gratefully accepted.
Beach, Sylvia. Shakespeare and Company. Harcourt, Brace, 1959.
Occupation Sylvia Beach
SB handed James Joyce the first copy of Ulysses on his fortieth birthday; she placed the second copy in the window of Shakespeare and Company .
Beach, Sylvia. Shakespeare and Company. Harcourt, Brace, 1959.
Other Life Event Samuel Beckett
SB 's uncle, by marriage, was not Harry Sinclair but his brother, William A. Sinclair , father of Beckett's youthful love, Peggy.
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (in 2007) calls Harry an uncle of...
politics Edith Somerville
Perhaps with Ethel Smyth 's encouragement, ES signed a letter to the newspapers protesting at the mutilation of Joyce 's Ulysses by its American publishers.
Collis, Maurice. Somerville and Ross: A Biography. Faber and Faber, 1968.
Author summary Harriet Shaw Weaver
HSW wrote reviews and leaders for the influential little magazine The Egoist while she was its editor. She wrote historical surveys of philosophical concepts of time and space, but neither of these was ever published...
Author summary Gwen Moffat
Writing from before until after the second half of the twentieth century, GM has covered a huge span of genres. Having written poetry in youth, she turned to journalism (on outdoor subjects) when short of...
Publishing Sylvia Beach
Rather than being a historical opus about life in the heyday of Paris, this is an engaging mixture filled with sketchy and witty recollections. When William Bradley and Alfred Knopf approached SB more than...
Publishing Sylvia Beach
SB published with Harcourt Brace the Joyce portions of her memoirs as a Christmas gift book entitled Ulysses in Paris.
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Publishing Dorothy Richardson
Margaret Anderson , co-publisher with Jane Heap of the Little Review, asked to serialise DR 's forthcoming novel (Interim) because she saw Richardson as an experimental writer worthy of publication. Richardson was...
Publishing Virginia Woolf
Half a century after her death, a change in the law brought VW 's works out of copyright (with those of her contemporary James Joyce ); but this change was reversed on 1 January 1996...
Reception Dora Marsden
Although the journal was to assume a place of high prominence in modernist criticism, DM 's essays initially reached a small, steadily decreasing audience. The Egoist's December 1919 issue was its last: by this...
Reception Betty Miller
St John Ervine responded unsympathetically to news of this novel's existence, suggesting that the world had enough novelists already. Aren't there far too many women novelists and not enough good cooks?
qtd. in
Miller, Sarah, and Betty Miller. “Introduction”. On the Side of the Angels, Virago, 1985, p. vii - xviii.
Having read it...
Reception Harriet Shaw Weaver
In 1932Eliot dedicated his Selected Essays to HSW : in gratitude and in recognition of her services to English letters.
qtd. in
Lidderdale, Jane, and Mary Nicholson. Dear Miss Weaver. Viking, 1970.
Critic Percy Muir remarked at a National Book League celebration of James Joyce


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