Adam Matthew Publications


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Literary responses George Eliot
The critical tide did not turn (despite some acute criticism from Virginia Woolf , who called Middlemarchthe magnificent book which with all its imperfections is one of the few English novels written for grown-up...
Publishing Florence Marryat
The Indian setting of this novel has caused it to be filmed by Adam Matthew Publications in part two of Colonial Discourses Series Three: Colonial Fiction, 1650-1914.
Publishing Lady Eleanor Butler
Sarah Ponsonby bequeathed the journals to Caroline Hamilton , and Harriet Pigott therefore supposed that they were written by Ponsonby .
Butler, Lady Eleanor et al. “Foreword and Editorial Materials”. The Hamwood Papers of the Ladies of Llangollen and Caroline Hamilton, edited by Eva Mary Bell, Macmillan, 1930, p. vii - viii; various pages.
They have been published in several selections: by Mrs G. H. [Eva Mary] Bell
Publishing Anne Grant
Early in her conception of this project, Grant invoked the Spirit or the Muse of Biography: on what calm elevation dost thou reside, surrounded by the powers of just discrimination, candid discussion, and true delineation...
Publishing Maria Callcott
She said this was designed to serve the humble but useful office of introduction to more specialised works.
qtd. in
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
It was illustrated with engravings, some of them based on the author's own sketches of buildings, etc...
Publishing Sarah Green
This was said only to be Corrected and Revised by an Author of Celebrity; but SG was identified as this author on a later title-page. The Carthusian Friar was also published by Minerva Press
Publishing Ann Hatton
This was a more ambitious affair, published anonymously with Colburn in five volumes, and dedicated to the Countess of Derby—a member of the aristocracy more famous in her previous incarnation as the highly successful actress...
Publishing Harriet Martineau
There is no complete edition of her letters, many of which remain unpublished. Harriet Martineau's Letters to Fanny Wedgwood, edited by Elisabeth Sanders Arbuckle , appeared in 1983. Valerie Sanders edited Harriet Martineau: Selected...
Publishing Mary Charlton
The novel is in four volumes, with a title-page quotation from Pope about designing only in harmony with Nature, and a frontispiece showing the rescue of a fainting girl.
Charlton, Mary. Phedora. Minerva Press, 1798, 4 vols.
Like MC 's previous novel...
Publishing Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
Her preface avows both a literary and a practical goal: she will be happy, she says, to please female readers with something new and romantic, but even more pleased if her volumes meet with a...
Publishing Elizabeth Helme
She also increased the length of her work from two to four volumes. The novel was dedicated to Mrs Hastings , who, says EH , had encouraged both her first and her later works.
Publishing Elizabeth Meeke
No original has been identified; scholar Carol Markham assumes that the translation claim is itself fictitious. A facsimile appeared in a series from Arno Press in 1977 with a forward by Devendra P. Varma and...
Publishing Mary Tighe
A copy of the privately printed edition, beautifully inscribed to John Richardson at London on 24 July 1805, is now British Library C. 95 b. 38. A copy once owned by Lytton Strachey (with his...
Publishing Margaret Minifie
Before the second London edition, 1771, a French translation had appeared, probably at Paris, which purported to have been published in London.
English Short Title Catalogue.
The English Short Title Catalogue makes the all too common mistake of...
Publishing Hannah Cowley
Or it may not. She had been dead some months, and use of her pseudonym may have been an obvious way of cashing in. This novel is on film in the Gothic Fiction collection put...


After July 1553: An unknown person presented to Queen Mary...

Writing climate item

After July 1553

An unknown person presented to Queen Mary Tudor the finely illuminated manuscript now known as the Queen Mary Psalter (Royal 2 B vii in the British Library ).
Medieval and Early Modern Women: Part 1, Manuscripts from the British Library, London. Adam Matthew, 2000, 14 microfilm reels.

1816: The Church Missionary Society or CMS began...

Building item


The Church Missionary Society or CMS began publishing its periodical The Missionary Papers, which ran with several changes of title until 1917.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Church Missionary Society Archive: Section III: Central Records. Adam Matthew.


The Mass Observation Archive. Adam Matthew Publications.