Adam Matthew Publications


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Charlotte Dacre
CD 's first novel was re-issued by Arno Press in 1972, and the other three followed it two years later.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Several are on film in the Gothic Fiction collection put out by Adam Matthew Publications .
Publishing Sarah Savage
She intended it as a record of the workings of my heart.
qtd. in
Williams, Sir John Bickerton, and Sarah Savage. Memoirs of the Life and Character of Mrs. Sarah Savage. 4th ed., Holdsworth and Ball, 1829.
Such a record was important in what Patricia Crawford has described as the family ideology of the Henrys. Diaries by SS 's...
Publishing Anna Maria Bennett
It bore a quotation from Montaigne on the title-page. AMB says the errors in her text sprang from its having been written far from home (in Edinburgh), in the greatest Distress, both of Mind...
Publishing Margaret Oliphant
In 1997 British publisher Adam Matthew published the microform collection Oliphant: The Correspondence and Literary Manuscripts of Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897), which includes her correspondence with Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine as well as many letters relating...
Publishing Selina Davenport
This novel and Italian Vengeance and English Forbearance are available on film in the Gothic Fiction collection of Adam Matthew Publications .
Publishing Regina Maria Roche
A number of RMR 's titles are available on film in the collection Gothic Fiction issued by Adam Matthew Publications .
Publishing Hannah Kilham
Her Report on a Recent Visit to the Colony of Sierra Leone is available on film in the series Women, Travel and Empire, 1660-1914 from Adam Matthew Publications , 1999. It was reissued by Cambridge University Press
Publishing Stella Benson
She began writing diaries at the age of nine, and continued the practice throughout her life. She may well have been influenced by the belief that she was a collateral descendant of the quintessential diarist,...
Publishing Maria Edgeworth
ME intended her fiction to serve the same broadly didactic purpose, adapted to each rank of society and period of life, as did the directly educational writings in which she collaborated with her father.
Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon, 1972.
Publishing Mary Robinson
There were nearly six hundred subscribers. A chapbook abbreviated version appeared in 1810,
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
and a microfilm in the Adam Matthew PublicationsGothic Fiction collection, 2003. Copies of the first edition are now rare, and one...
Publishing Lady Caroline Lamb
She had been working on this novel at least since November 1821, when her husband was helping her with revision.
Douglass, Paul. Lady Caroline Lamb. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
This time she used as a publisher her friend John Murray , who had...
Publishing Elizabeth Bonhote
This work (whose too-early publication date on the title-page is unusual for this date) was published under her own name, with mention of her authorship of The Parental Monitor. She embellished the book with...
Publishing Clara Reeve
This novel was advertised both before and after publication. It has been filmed in the Adam Matthew PublicationsGothic Fiction collection.
Publishing Lady Jane Lumley
Princess (later Queen) Elizabeth also translated a Greek tragedy at a precocious age, but her text does not survive. This non-survival and non-publication left it for Mary, Countess of Pembroke , to become the first...
Publishing Caroline Bowles
More recently Adam Matthew Publications has filmed her poetical notebooks from 1806 to 1836 in their Nineteenth Century Literary Manuscripts, part five. A manuscript headed Mrs Southey's Narrative, which tells the story of...


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