Chawton House Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Delarivier Manley
The Atalantis was read in several conflicting ways. Pope used it in his Rape of the Lock to exemplify the brief reading fads of the fashionable female world which was drawn to it because it...
Intertextuality and Influence Caroline Herschel
The Critical Review felt that CH 's corrections were of more consequence, not less, because of the lapse of time during which they had been needed, and that the ability and attention of the astronomers...
Literary responses Jane Marcet
Scholar Christopher Mulvey considers that this is the only eighteenth- or early-nineteenth-century grammar held by Chawton House Library that might well (unlike works by Ann Fisher or Susanna Haswell Rowson ) be enjoyed by a...
Literary responses Melesina Trench
Recently scholar Katharine Kittredge has given papers on MT 's poetry and her Mourning Journal and is publishing on her journal, her poetry, and The Moonlanders. At Chawton House Library on 22 February 2012...
Occupation Joanna Trollope
JT is strongly committed to philanthropic action. She is the patron of a number of charities and has worked with the Society of Authors , the National Literacy Trust , and the talking books sponsored...
Occupation Michèle Roberts
She regularly gives readings of her work, for instance at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival on 29 May 2001. She is Professor of creative writing at the University of East Anglia (having previously been Visiting Fellow...
Performance of text Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
Genlis' daughters gave performances of these plays to large audiences (up to five hundred people).
Dow, Gillian. “Books owned by Jane Austen’s niece, Caroline, donated to Chawton House Library”. The Female Spectator, Vol.
1 n.s.
, No. 4, 2015, pp. 1-3.
The work was several times translated into English (beginning in late 1780) as The Theatre of Education. A...
Publishing Harriette Wilson
She said she wrote it in eight days.
Wilson, Frances. The Courtesan’s Revenge. Faber, 2003.
Chawton House Library has a copy of the first edition, available at A second edition followed the same year and one from the Navarre Society
Publishing Ann Hatton
She dedicated it to John Edmin . The text is digitally available through Chawton House Library 's Novels On-line series at
Publishing Anna Maria Mackenzie
Francis, The Philanthropist is included among Chawton House Library 's Novels On-line at The author (not AMM ) says she intends, even though she admires Richardson , to emulate Henry Fielding and Smollett ...
Publishing Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
This novel is now available from Chawton House Library 's Novels on Line from
Publishing Eliza Haywood
This play (based on Aphra Behn 's The Lucky Chance, 1686) was published soon afterwards.
Monthly Catalogue, 1723-1730. Gregg Press.
6 (1723-30)
It went through three London editions, an edition at Glasgow in 1757, and an adaptation and condensation...
Publishing Anna Maria Mackenzie
This novel is available from Chawton House LibraryNovels Online at The dedication is dated 1 March and the book was reviewed by July. An advertisement for AMM 's previous novel appears at the...
Publishing Eliza Haywood
This novel had two issues and a French translation in 1801. Carol Stewart edited it, together with Life's Progress through the Passions, 1748, for the Chawton House Library Series in 2013.
Spedding, Patrick. A Bibliography of Eliza Haywood. Pickering and Chatto, 2003.
British Library Catalogue.
The Chawton House Library
Publishing Anna Maria Mackenzie
This rare first edition is available from Chawton 's Novels On-line, An apparently new edition published in 1811 by A. K. Newman (Minerva ) as Almeria D'Aveiro; or, the Irish Guardian actually consists...


July 2003: Chawton House in the village of Chawton in...

Women writers item

July 2003

Chawton House in the village of Chawton in Hampshire, once owned by Jane Austen 's brother Edward Austen Knight , opened its doors as Chawton House Library , a research centre in women's writing.
“House and Estate. History”. Chawton House Library.


Cole, Helen. “Rakes and Penitents: book illustration in digital form”. Physical Archives in the Digital Age, Chawton House Library.
Franklin, Caroline. “Keynote Talk”. Physical Archives in the Digital Age, Chawton House Library.
Levy, Michelle. “Invisible Books”. Physical Archives in the Digital Age, Chawton House Library.