Chawton House Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Reception Germaine de Staël
Benjamin Constant , formerly the lover of GS , represented her in his novel Adolphe as a woman whose mind was the most wide-ranging of any woman ever, and perhaps of any man,
qtd. in
Kobak, Annette. “Mme de Staël and Fanny Burney”. The Burney Journal, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 12-35.
Reception Susanna Blamire
In 1886 the Dictionary of National Biography said SBdeserves more recognition than she has yet received.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
An article in the Journal of the Lakeland Dialect Society in 1947 argued that her best work was...
Reception Sarah Fielding
The shadow cast over SF by her brother Henry has been diminishing for some years. Reprints, scholarly editions, a biography, the printing of letters, and debate about her generic and critical place, all bear witness...
Reception Charlotte Smith
CS has enjoyed a recent renaissance, with Stuart Curran 's edition of her poems, 1993, her Major Poetical Works edited by Claire Knowles and Ingrid Horrocks , 2017, Curran's fourteen-volume collected works from Pickering and Chatto
Reception Frances Burney
An adaptation of the story by Maureen Lyle for narrator, two singers, and piano was performed at Chawton House Library on 2 April 2016.
Reception Catharine Macaulay
Chawton House Library scheduled a workship in September 2013 to commemorate 250 years of CM 's History of England.
Chaber, Lois. Email to Women’s Studies Group. 9 Aug. 2013.
Reception Frances Burney
In the year of publication Henry Singleton did two paintings illustrating scenes from Camilla, which are now at Chawton House Library .
Bree, Linda. “’The Lovely Cynthia’ Finds a Home at Chawton”. The Female Spectator, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2012, pp. 11-12.
Reception Catharine Macaulay
Female historians have evinced more interest in CM than male historians, but their evaluations have often been tinged with condescension or qualified with mockery. Women mentioning her have included Alicia Lefanu in 1824, Dorothy Gardiner
Residence Jane Austen
After four and a half years they had a permanent home again, provided for them by Edward Austen Knight on his Chawton estate. The red-brick cottage stands in the main road of the village, only...
Textual Production Mary Martha Sherwood
Chawton House Library has acquired two unpublished stories by MMS . One, of 128 pages, untitled but beginning There is a beautiful valley, is dated to 1828. It comprises about 20,000 words, of which only...
Textual Production Sarah Butler
Since some scholars believe that SB was not a woman but a pseudonym, other names have been put forward for authorship. They include Charles Gildon (who supplied the dedicatory epistle), or the Jacobite translator and...
Textual Production Sarah Waters
SW wrote her foreword to Dancing with Mr Darcy. Stories Inspired by Jane Austen and Chawton House Library, selected in a competition which she had also judged, and published this year.
Waters, Sarah. “Foreword”. Dancing with Mr Darcy, Honno, 2009, pp. 1-4.
Textual Production Mary Martha Sherwood
As well as the privately-owned commonplace-book and the letters and stories at Chawton House Library , a large collection of MMS 's papers (diaries, letters, pictures, and a manuscript of hers entitled My Pedigree)...
Textual Production Maria Callcott
Some of MC 's manuscripts (owned by Rosamund Brunel Gotch in 1937) are now in the Bodleian Library . A collection of her sketches (including many of the drawings which accompanied her journal of her...
Textual Production Ann Wall
The Chawton House copy has a note on the title-page: Sold at No. 4 Carpenters Buildings[,] London Wall


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