Edmund Burke

Standard Name: Burke, Edmund


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Maria Callcott
MC later remembered this, like her former school, as anti-intellectual. She was warned against too much study. I used to hear that it was a pity I was not a boy . . . but...
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Eleanor Butler
They were outraged, and at once sought legal advice from Edmund Burke (who had experienced image problems of a not dissimilar kind).
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Michael Joseph, 1971.
Brideoake, Fiona. “Keep Yourself in Your Own Persons, Where You Are: The Ladies of Llangollen and Queer Self-Fashioning”. 42nd ASECS Annual Meeting, 18 Mar. 2011.
This episode was remarkable partly because such hostility was unusual. But not...
Family and Intimate relationships Laura Ormiston Chant
In 1888, at the first meeting of the International Council of Women , LOC identified herself as a grandniece of Edmund Burke , but it is possible that she was speaking figuratively rather than literally.
Donohue, Joseph. Fantasies of Empire: The Empire Theatre of Varieties and the Licensing Controversy of 1894. University of Iowa Press, 2005.
23, 25
“Horbury Chapel, Kensington Park Road, Notting Hill Gate, Kensington”. AIM25. London Metropolitan Archives, Jan.–Mar. 2009.
Family and Intimate relationships Selina Davenport
He was in his early twenties, just embarking on a literary career which began with writing poetry (melancholy in tone) and editing and criticising the poetry of others. He enjoyed the patronage of Edmund Burke
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Leadbeater
ML 's grandfather Abraham Shakleton was a writer, and founded and taught at Ballitore School ; his pupils included his son (who later carried on the school) and Edmund Burke . He died on 24...
Friends, Associates Hester Lynch Piozzi
Other Streatham habitueés were Sir Joshua Reynolds , Arthur Murphy , Edmund Burke , Oliver Goldsmith , Charles Burney , and David Garrick .
Clifford, James L. Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs Thrale). Clarendon Press, 1987.
Later came the young Frances Burney , who became a...
Friends, Associates Hannah More
Here she began to gather the circle of friends which by the end of her long life had touched every cranny of English society. She had already met Edmund Burke in Bristol the previous September...
Friends, Associates Lady Anne Barnard
Lady Anne lived much of her life in fashionable society, and her acquaintance was very wide. In Edinburgh in her early twenties she impressed and delighted Samuel Johnson with an impromptu and complimentary bon mot...
Friends, Associates Oliver Goldsmith
Goldsmith met and became a friend and associate of Edmund Burke , Samuel Johnson , Sir Joshua Reynolds , and others belonging to the Club, of which he was a founder member. He was a...
Friends, Associates Samuel Johnson
Johnson had a talent for friendship which he kept well exercised: the names mentioned here represent only a selection of his friendships. His early London friends, whom he met during a comparatively poorly documented period...
Friends, Associates Ellis Cornelia Knight
During her childhood, ECK associated with a variety of celebrated people through her family connections. Her mother was a close friend of painter and writer Frances Reynolds (sister to the more famous painter Sir Joshua Reynolds
Friends, Associates Mary Leadbeater
While in England ML visited Edmund Burke at Beaconsfield. He had attended school and university with her father and had been taught by her grandfather; he made his final visit to Ballitore in 1786...
Friends, Associates Mary Robinson
Robinson found good friends among the male cultural and social leaders with whom she remained free to mix. Her daughter particularly mentions, as well as Sheridan , Sir Joshua Reynolds , Edmund Burke , and...
Intertextuality and Influence Rosina Bulwer Lytton Baroness Lytton
The pamphlet takes the form of a letter to an unnamed man. Along with the particular example of her husband, it attacks the government of England: but how could this country be anything but the...
Intertextuality and Influence Helen Maria Williams
She used her opening sentence to link this book with its predecessor. Again she addressed herself to answering Burke (implicitly referencing him in denying that the age of chivalry is dead), by means of arguing...


1704: A Penal Law enacted in England barred Roman...

National or international item


A Penal Law enacted in England barred Roman Catholic estates in Ireland from descending by primogeniture to the eldest son; unless that eldest converted to Protestantism, the estate was to be shared equally among all...

April 1757: Six weeks after his marriage, Edmund Burke...

Writing climate item

April 1757

Six weeks after his marriage, Edmund Burke published A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
3 (1757): 361-74
Jarrett, Derek. “Seizing the Senses”. London Review of Books, 17 Feb. 2000, pp. 19-23.
St Clair, William. The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

April 1758: Edmund Burke agreed to compile and edit a...

Writing climate item

April 1758

Edmund Burke agreed to compile and edit a new periodical, the Annual Register.
Jarrett, Derek. “Seizing the Senses”. London Review of Books, 17 Feb. 2000, pp. 19-23.

29 April 1771: Edmund Burke spoke in parliament in support...

Building item

29 April 1771

Edmund Burke spoke in parliament in support of a bill to prevent divorced parties from marrying again.
O’Brien, Karen. Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Spring 1772-Spring 1773: The passage through parliament of the Toleration...

Building item

Spring 1772-Spring 1773

The passage through parliament of the Toleration Bill gave opportunities to Edmund Burke to argue for religious toleration—in the belief that this would actually strengthen the Church of England .
De Bruyn, Frans. “Anti-Semitism, Millenarianism, and Radical Dissent in Edmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 2001– 2024, pp. 577-00.
594 and nn51-53

From October 1774: The famous Bristol election campaign was...

National or international item

From October 1774

The famous Bristol election campaign was fought on the issue of taxing the American colonies, with Edmund Burke standing against the tax.
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.
Namier, Sir Lewis Bernstein, and John, 1920 - Brooke, editors. The House of Commons, 1754-1790. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1964.
1: 535

9 February 1775: Edmund Burke wrote that he supported full...

Building item

9 February 1775

Edmund Burke wrote that he supported full civil protection, including freedom of publick religious worship, and a power of teaching in schools . . . to Jews Mahometans and even Pagans.
De Bruyn, Frans. “Anti-Semitism, Millenarianism, and Radical Dissent in Edmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 2001– 2024, pp. 577-00.
De Bruyn, Frans. “Anti-Semitism, Millenarianism, and Radical Dissent in Edmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 2001– 2024, pp. 577-00.
578, 579 and n10, 583

13 February 1788-April 1795: Warren Hastings was impeached for corruption...

National or international item

13 February 1788-April 1795

Warren Hastings was impeached for corruption and profiteering in India. His trial continued intermittently in London, occupying 145 days. It was keenly attended by a fashionable audiences and garnered much media attention.
Hemlow, Joyce. The History of Fanny Burney. Clarendon, 1958.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Literature. Clarendon Press, 1954.
Young, Brian. “A Cheat, a Sharper and a Swindler”. London Review of Books, 24 May 2001, pp. 34-5.

16 December 1789: The Society for Constitutional Information...

National or international item

16 December 1789

The Society for Constitutional Information (a potentially radical political organization) held its semi-annual meeting at the London Tavern, to commemorate the centenary of the Bill of Rights.
Butler, Marilyn, editor. Burke, Paine, Godwin, and the Revolution Controversy. Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Goodwin, Albert. The Friends of Liberty: The English Democratic Movement in the Age of the French Revolution. Hutchinson, 1979.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
59 (1789): 1183

2 March 1790: Charles James Fox proposed in the House of...

Building item

2 March 1790

Charles James Fox proposed in the House of Commons the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts (instruments of discrimination against Dissenters ). Next day his motion was voted down (its third rejection in four...

1 November 1790: Edmund Burke published his Reflections on...

Writing climate item

1 November 1790

Edmund Burke published his Reflections on the Revolution in France and on the Proceedings in certain Societies in London relative to that event.
Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992.
Walpole, Horace. The Letters of Horace Walpole. Editor Toynbee, Mrs Paget, Clarendon, 1903–1925, 16 vols.
14: 306

Late 1790: William Holland published a print of Burke...

National or international item

Late 1790

William Holland published a print of Burke running the gauntlet of enemies with whips: women as well as men.
Guest, Harriet. Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750-1810. University of Chicago Press, 2000.

1 February 1791: Thomas Paine published Rights of Man, written...

Writing climate item

1 February 1791

Thomas Paine published Rights of Man, written in answer to Burke 's Reflections on the Revolution in France.
Butler, Marilyn, editor. Burke, Paine, Godwin, and the Revolution Controversy. Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Scheuermann, Mona. “Ferocious Countenance: The Upper Classes Look at the Poor”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin, Vol.
, 2000, pp. 53-79.
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.

11 May 1792: Edmund Burke in his Speech on the Petition...

Building item

11 May 1792

Edmund Burke in his Speech on the Petition of the Unitarians argued that Unitarians, who denied the doctrine of the Trinity, could not claim toleration like Catholics , Presbyterian s, Quakers , and others.
De Bruyn, Frans. “Anti-Semitism, Millenarianism, and Radical Dissent in Edmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 2001– 2024, pp. 577-00.

14 June 1792: The title of radical novelist Robert Bage's...

Writing climate item

14 June 1792

The title of radical novelist Robert Bage 's anonymous Man As He Is, published this day, suggests the unpalatable truths revealed by reformers or satirists; it influenced later titles chosen by William Godwin and...


“Retrospect of Literature, Art, and Science, in 1864”. The Annual Register 1864, translated by. Edmund Burke, Vol.
, Gilbert and Bivington, 1865, pp. 295-53.