Ellis Cornelia Knight

Standard Name: Knight, Ellis Cornelia
ECK , whose life was lived close to some makers of history during the French Revolutionary period and later, indulged her scholarly or literary bent in unusual or pioneering genres: a sequel to Samuel Johnson 's Rasselas, a historical novel set during the Roman Empire, and a travelogue with her own illustrations. She also published poems, another historical novel, translations, and pedagogical works, and left unpublished her diaries and incomplete autobiography.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins
LMH 's friends included Margaret Mitchell , Frances Reynolds , Cornelia Knight , Anna Williams (from whom she received particular kindness), and Sir Joshua Reynolds .
Feminist Companion Archive.
Sarah Harriet Burney wrote of her: A more fluent...
Friends, Associates Anna Williams
AW 's father knew many of the leading figures in the science of his day, and she probably met them through him. Her celebrated friendship with Samuel Johnson seems to have begun through his interest...
Friends, Associates Frances Reynolds
Many of FR 's friends were literary people who wrote down their flattering opinions of her. James Northcote , who lived in Joshua Reynolds 's house during the years 1771-5, wrote much praise of Frances...
Occupation Frances Reynolds
She was also already a painter on her own account. She had done a portrait of Joshua around 1746 (now in the Cottonian Collection in the city museum and art gallery of Plymouth)
Reynolds, Sir Joshua. The Letters of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Editors Ingamells, John and John Edgcumbe, Yale University Press, 2000.
Textual Production Emma Parker
EP 's Aretas. A Novel, published this year, appears not to have survived.
Without having seen a copy of this work, which is unlisted in OCLC, it is reasonable to suppose that it...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Bessie Rayner Parkes
The twelve women treated are as various in nationality, creed, habits of mind, and daily pursuits as can well be imagined. . . . but of every one of them it may truly be said...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins
This work has been valued chiefly for its anecdotes of Samuel Johnson and Sir Joshua Reynolds . LMH closes the volume on the name of Reynolds (printed in honorific capitals), in an implicit tribute to...


December 1768: George III signed the papers for establishing...

Building item

December 1768

George III signed the papers for establishing the Royal Academy of Arts . Angelica Kauffman or Kauffmann was among the twenty-eight founding members who first met in January 1769 to hear an address by Sir Joshua Reynolds


Knight, Ellis Cornelia, and Ellis Cornelia Knight. Dinarbas, Colleagues Press, 1993.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight. W.H. Allen and Co., 1861, 2 vols.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. Description of Latium. Longman, 1805.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. Dinarbas. C. Dilly, 1790.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. Dinarbas. Colleagues Press, 1993.
Kaye, John William, and Ellis Cornelia Knight. “Introduction”. Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, W. H. Allen and Co., 1861.
Fulford, Roger, and Ellis Cornelia Knight. “Introduction”. The Autobiography of Miss Knight, William Kimber, 1960.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. Marcus Flaminius. C. Dilly, 1792.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. Sir Guy de Lusignan. Saunders and Otley, 1833.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. The Autobiography of Miss Knight. Editor Fulford, Roger, William Kimber & Co., 1960.