Richard Aldington

Standard Name: Aldington, Richard
Used Form: R. A.


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Textual Features H. D.
Like the later End to Torment, this relates its author's attachments to and disaffection from Lawrence and Pound , her (tor)mentors.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Its material includes the end of HD's marriage and the beginning of her...
Textual Production H. D.
The major archive of HD's papers is held at Yale University (along with several other deposits of material relevant to her). Eight other collections of some importance are listed by her biographer Barbara Guest ...
Textual Production Nancy Cunard
The book, published by NC 's Hours Press , included poems by Richard Aldington and Samuel Beckett and had a photomontage cover designed by Man Ray .
Chisholm, Anne. Nancy Cunard. Knopf, 1979.
Textual Production Storm Jameson
SJ published a novel entitled Farewell to Youth, about the First World War.
This was the year of Edmund Blunden 's war memoir and of the first, pre-war volume of Siegfried Sassoon 's...
Textual Production H. D.
The Egoist (edited by Harriet Shaw Weaver ) published a special number on Imagism which was in part the result of H. D. 's editorial influence, even before this became official with Richard Aldington 's...
Textual Production D. H. Lawrence
DHL 's Last Poems were posthumously published, edited by Giuseppe Orioli (publisher of Lady Chatterley's Lover) and Richard Aldington .
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Roberts, Warren. A Bibliography of D.H. Lawrence. Hart-Davis, 1963.
Textual Production T. S. Eliot
In June 1917 TSE took over the post of literary editor at The Egoist from his fellow American expatriate the poet and critic H. D. (though nominally from her then husband Richard Aldington , who...
Textual Production H. D.
H. D. assumed (while he was away in the army) the duties of Richard Aldington as literary editor of The Egoist (formerly The New Freewoman, of which Harriet Shaw Weaver was editor).
Aldington, Richard, and H. D. “Introduction and Commentary”. Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Early Years in Letters, edited by Caroline Zilboorg, Indiana University Press, 1992, p. Various pages.
Marek, Jayne E. Women Editing Modernism: "Little" Magazines & Literary History. University Press of Kentucky, 1995.
Textual Production H. D.
H. D. published her first book, Sea Garden, a volume of twenty-seven short, decentred
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
lyric poems in vers libre; it appeared just as Richard Aldington left for the front in the First World War.
Boughn, Michael. H.D.: A Bibliography 1905-1990. University Press of Virginia, 1993.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Textual Production Dora Marsden
In the last issue of The New Freewoman, Pound , Aldington , Huntley Carter , Allen Upward , and Reginald Kauffman published an open letter beginning, We, the undersigned men of letters who are...
Textual Production H. D.
In autumn 1912 Hilda Doolittle and her new friend Richard Aldington together showed Ezra Pound some of their collaborative translations from the Greek Anthology.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production Dora Marsden
Assistant editors were Richard Aldington and Leonard Compton-Rickett , and later H. D. (when Aldington went to war in June 1916) and T. S. Eliot (from July 1917). Contributors of creative work and critical reviews...
Textual Production Dora Marsden
Formerly stored in a wicker trunk at the home of her niece Elaine Dyson Bate, DM 's papers are now at Princeton University . Her collection contains manuscripts, papers, and letters to and from Rebecca West
Textual Production H. D.
During her London years HD also did important work (with Amy Lowell and Richard Aldington ) on the three Imagist anthologies of 1915-17, and with the latter she edited the Poets' Translation Series for the...
Textual Production May Sinclair
Four months later the same journal (which had already carried her article on Ezra Pound ) printed her review essay on Richard Aldington 's poetry.


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