Richard Aldington

Standard Name: Aldington, Richard
Used Form: R. A.


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death May Sinclair
She was cremated after her funeral on 18 November at the chapel in Golders Green Cemetery. Her ashes were buried in Hampstead churchyard.
Boll, Theophilus E. M. Miss May Sinclair: Novelist: A Biographical and Critical Introduction. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1973.
In a will made almost thirty years before she died...
Family and Intimate relationships H. D.
The divorce between H. D. and Richard Aldington was finalised in London.
Aldington, Richard, and H. D. “Introduction and Commentary”. Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Later Years in Letters, edited by Caroline Zilboorg, Manchester University Press, 1995, pp. 1 - 14; various pages.
Family and Intimate relationships H. D.
It is now generally accepted among HD's biographers and critics that Cecil Gray had fathered the child. HD informed her Richard Aldington , her husband, of her pregnancy while he was still on active duty...
Family and Intimate relationships H. D.
With Ezra Pound and her parents as witnesses, H. D. and Richard Aldington were married in London after returning from their European travels.
Aldington, Richard, and H. D. “Introduction and Commentary”. Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Early Years in Letters, edited by Caroline Zilboorg, Indiana University Press, 1992, p. Various pages.
Fictionalization Violet Hunt
Versions of VH also emerge in the fictions of her lover, Ford Madox Ford . Barbara Belford suggests that she sparked elements of both Leonora Ashburnham and Florence Dowell in his The Good Soldier (1915)...
Fictionalization Nancy Cunard
NC was cast as Iris March in Michael Arlen's The Green Hat, as Lucy Tantamount in Aldous Huxley 's Point Counter Point, as Baby Bucktrout in Wyndham Lewis 's The Roaring Queen...
Friends, Associates H. D.
H. D. and her husband, Richard Aldington , were introduced to D. H. and Frieda Lawrence at a dinner party and poetry reading hosted by Amy Lowell .
Robinson, Janice S. H.D.: The Life and Work of an American Poet. Houghton Mifflin, 1982.
Friends, Associates Anna Wickham
AW frequented popular Bohemian hangouts such as the Café Royal and, later, the Fitzroy Tavern.
Wickham, Anna. “Introduction”. Selected Poems, edited by David Garnett, Chatto and Windus, 1971, pp. 7-11.
Hepburn, James et al. “Anna Wickham: A Memoir”. The Writings of Anna Wickham, Free Woman and Poet, edited by Reginald Donald Smith, Virago Press, 1984, pp. 1-48.
According to her friend David Garnett , she preferred the hard-up to the well-off, the doomed and...
Friends, Associates Harriet Shaw Weaver
As editor, HSW attempted to recruit Storm Jameson for the paper, but Jameson unhappily could not accept a full-time position. She also began to acquaint herself with contributors, such as H. D. , whom she...
Friends, Associates H. D.
By 1916 Lawrence and HD were corresponding regularly and exchanging literary works. HD found his friendship comforting and supportive during the escalating turmoil of war. After he and Frieda left Cornwall under suspicion of spying...
Friends, Associates May Sinclair
On her visit to the USA, MS became a warm friend of Annie Fields and Sarah Orne Jewett .
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
She was delighted with Thomas Hardy , with whom she went cycling in Dorset in...
Friends, Associates Phyllis Bottome
Through her acquaintance with H. D., PB later met Richard Aldington . She describes H. D. as a mysterious girl, an introvert with a curious Victorian streak of docile femininity which had to battle with...
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
The following year NH met Anna Wickham , who took her in when she had flu, with a dangerously high temperature, and did not want to go back to her family. At that time NH
Health H. D.
H. D. gave birth to her and Richard Aldington 's stillborn daughter.
Aldington, Richard, and H. D. “Introduction and Commentary”. Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Early Years in Letters, edited by Caroline Zilboorg, Indiana University Press, 1992, p. Various pages.
Literary responses May Sinclair
Richard Aldington called the review of H. D. charming.
qtd. in
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.


1907: Alfred Richard Orage and Holbrook Jackson...

Writing climate item


Alfred Richard Orage and Holbrook Jackson acquired the weekly review New Age (founded in 1894).
Kindley, Evan. “Ismism”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 2, 23 Jan. 2014, pp. 33-5.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Orage
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

1928-9: Historian A. J. P. Taylor notes that many...

National or international item


Historian A. J. P. Taylor notes that many influential books on the horrors of the First World War appeared during these years.
Oakley, Ann. Man and Wife: Richard and Kay Titmuss: My Parents’ Early Years. HarperCollins, 1996.
British Library Catalogue.

1929: In the Preface to his novel Death of a Hero,...

Writing climate item


In the Preface to his novel Death of a Hero, Richard Aldington noted how he was required by his publishers to remove what they considered objectionable
Craig, Alec. The Banned Books of England and Other Countries. George Allen and Unwin, 1962.
and that asterisks had been placed to...

1929: As well as Richard Aldington's Death of a...

Writing climate item


As well as Richard Aldington 's Death of a Hero, this year saw publication of Erich Maria Remarque 's All Quiet on the Western Front and Robert Graves 's Goodbye to All That.
Lefanu, Sarah. Rose Macaulay. Virago, 2003.


Aldington, Richard, and H. D. “Introduction and Commentary”. Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Early Years in Letters, edited by Caroline Zilboorg, Indiana University Press, 1992, p. Various pages.
Aldington, Richard, and H. D. “Introduction and Commentary”. Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Later Years in Letters, edited by Caroline Zilboorg, Manchester University Press, 1995, pp. 1 - 14; various pages.
Sévigné, Marie de. Letters of Madame de Sévigné to her Daughter and her Friends. Editor Aldington, Richard, George Routledge, 1927, 2 vols.