Nancy Cunard

Standard Name: Cunard, Nancy
Birth Name: Nancy Cunard
NC was an early twentieth-century modernist poet, journalist, anthologist, biographer, and political activist whose life and literary career were closely intertwined. She was significant as a publisher as well as in these other roles.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Samuel Beckett
Nancy Cunard 's massive anthology NEGRO, published on 15 February 1934, included nineteen items of poetry and prose translated from French by SB .
Federman, Raymond, and John, 1937 - Fletcher. Samuel Beckett. University of California Press, 1970.
Anthologization Zora Neale Hurston
ZNH was invited to contribute to Nancy Cunard 's landmark anthology Negro: An Anthology (1934). Six of Hurston's essays were included.
Harris, Trudier, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 51. Gale Research, 1987.
51: 137
Cultural formation Laura Riding
As an American living in England in 1928 she was said by an American friend, Polly Antell , to have become very English,
qtd. in
Friedmann, Elizabeth. A Mannered Grace. Persea Books, 2005.
while Nancy Cunard thought her very tense, dominating, and quietly American...
Education Iris Tree
Sometime after 1904, IT and her next elder sister, Felicity, began attending Miss Wolff 's day school, an unconventional school held at the private home of Miss Wolff at South Audley Street, London. There...
Education Vita Sackville-West
At thirteen VSW began attending a small day school run by Helen Wolff (whose name is variously spelled in various sources) in South Audley Street, off Park Lane. The staff were mostly male. Vita...
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Trefusis
Later, while Violet was with Pat at Bordighera in Italy in March 1920 (almost immediately after the failed elopement with Vita), Denys was at Monte Carlo with Nancy Cunard .
Trefusis, Violet. “Introduction”. Violet to Vita, edited by Mitchell A. Leaska, Methuen, 1989, pp. 1-52.
Jullian, Philippe et al. Violet Trefusis: Life and Letters. Hamish Hamilton, 1976.
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
Family and Intimate relationships Wyndham Lewis
WL 's problematic views on women surface in his writing and his life. He had numerous affairs with women (including writer Nancy Cunard ), and these liaisons produced several illegitimate children, all of whom he...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Richardson
The Montparnasse group with whom they visited included Ernest and Hadley Hemingway , Sylvia Beach , Mary Butts , Nancy Cunard , Cecil Maitland , Mina Loy , and Nina Hamnett . Richardson was disappointed...
Friends, Associates Cecily Mackworth
Her literary circle in Paris was highly eclectic: the many camps in which she had friends included the Surrealist rump, the incoming Existentialists, and the Communists (who were mostly ex-Surrealists).
Mackworth, Cecily. Ends of the World. Carcanet, 1987.
Tristan Tzara became a...
Friends, Associates Enid Bagnold
Her biographer says that at Shooters Hill EBturned . . . from [her] artistic friends to society friends.
qtd. in
Sebba, Anne. Enid Bagnold: The Authorized Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986.
In fact, however, the upper-class society to which she now made approaches through a new...
Friends, Associates Violet Trefusis
Around the same period she began friendships with, among others, Edith , Osbert , and Sacheverell Sitwell , Rebecca West , and Nancy Cunard . She writes in her memoir of the scintilliating Sitwell triumverate...
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
She took up old friendships, making visits out of wartime London to Sophie Gaudier-Brzeska in Gloucestershire and Roger Fry at Guildford (where Lady Strachey led the party in evening literary games). She breakfasted regularly with...
Friends, Associates Samuel Beckett
Among SB 's various friendships made in Paris, that with James Joyce was the most formative. He was lucky not to lose his friendship with Nancy Cunard when she tried to pin him down over...
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
In Paris NH quickly re-acquainted herself with old friends and met new ones, re-establishing her presence at the popular cafés. She re-connected with Marie Wassilieff , Zadkine , Brancusi , Aleister Crowley , and others...
Friends, Associates Una Marson
While working for Selassie , UM met the writer and racial activist Nancy Cunard , who was in Geneva as a reporter for the American Associated Negro Press . Later her BBC work enabled her...


1787: The world's leading iron works opened at...

Building item


The world's leading iron works opened at the coal-mining centre of Blaenavon in South Wales; it had the longest extant tunnel and connected to the most extensive canal system.
Bruxelles, Simon de. “Church bells ring for a proud Welsh town”. Edmonton Journal, 1 Dec. 2000, p. A3.

1840: The British and North American Royal Mail...

National or international item


The British and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company (later the Cunard Steamship Company ) began its regular transatlantic steamer service.
Bruno, Leonard. On the Move: A Chronology of Advances in Transportation. Gale Research, 1993.
Kemp, Peter, editor. Encyclopedia of Ships and Seafaring. Stanford Maritime, 1980.

1856: The Cunard Company's iron steamship the Persia...

Building item


The Cunard Company 's iron steamship the Persia crossed the Atlantic at an average speed of 13.49 knots, establishing itself as the fastest vessel in the world.
Roche, Thomas William Edgar. Samuel Cunard and the North Atlantic. MacDonald, 1971.

1 January 1916: The British edition of Vogue (an American...

Building item

1 January 1916

The British edition of Vogue (an American fashion magazine) began publishing from Condé Nast in Hanover Square, London.
Winship, Janice. Inside Women’s Magazines. Pandora, 1987.
White, Cynthia L. Women’s Magazines 1693-1968. Michael Joseph, 1970.
British Library Catalogue.
Spawls, Alice. “Does one flare or cling?”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 9, 5 May 2016, pp. 40-2.

April 1931: Nine black youths were tried in Scottsboro,...

Building item

April 1931

Nine black youths were tried in Scottsboro, Alabama, for allegedly raping two white women three weeks before; the death sentences passed on them were overturned by the US Supreme Court the following year.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online.

18 July 1936: The Spanish Civil War began between the Republicans...

National or international item

18 July 1936

The Spanish Civil War began between the Republicans (including Communists) and the Fascists led by Francisco Franco .
Bruno, Leonard. On the Move: A Chronology of Advances in Transportation. Gale Research, 1993.

September 1966: Cecil Woolf and John Bagguley presented a...

Building item

September 1966

Cecil Woolf and John Bagguley presented a questionnaire to writers on the model of Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War, by Nancy Cunard and others (November 1937). They published the results in Authors...


Cunard, Nancy, editor. Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War. Left Review, 1937.
Cunard, Nancy. Black Man and White Ladyship. Privately printed, 1931.
Cunard, Nancy, and Pablo Neruda. Cinq Poèmes : les poétes du monde défendent le peuple espagnol. Hours Press, 1937.
Cunard, Nancy, and Henry Crowder. “Equitorial Way; Memory Blues”. Henry-Music, Hours Press, 1930.
Cunard, Nancy. Essays on Race and Empire. Editor Moynagh, Maureen, Broadview, 2002.
Cunard, Nancy. GM: Memories of George Moore. Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956.
Cunard, Nancy. Grand Man. Secker and Warburg, 1954.
Cunard, Nancy. “Introduction”. Selected Poems, edited by Sandeep Parmar, Carcanet, 2016, p. xi - xli.
Cunard, Nancy. NEGRO. Published by Nancy Cunard at Wishart, 1934.
Cunard, Nancy. Nous gens d’Espagne, 1945-1949. Imprint Labau, 1949.
Cunard, Nancy. Outlaws. Elkin Mathews, 1921.
Cunard, Nancy. Parallax. Hogarth Press, 1925.
Cunard, Nancy. Poems (two) 1925. Aquila, 1930.
Cunard, Nancy, editor. Poems for France. La France Libre, 1944.
Cunard, Nancy. Relève into Maquis. Grasshopper, 1944.
Cunard, Nancy. Selected Poems. Editor Parmar, Sandeep, Carcanet Press, 2016.
Cunard, Nancy. “Seven Poems”. Wheels, edited by Osbert Sitwell and Sacheverell Sitwell, Longmans, Green, 1916.
Cunard, Nancy. Sublunary. Hodder and Stoughton, 1923.
Cunard, Nancy. The Poems of Nancy Cunard. Editor Lucas, John, b. 1937, Nottingham Trent University, 2005.
Cunard, Nancy, and George Padmore. The White Man’s Duty. W.H. Allen, 1942.
Cunard, Nancy, and Hugh Ford. These Were the Hours. Southern Illinois University Press, 1969.
Cunard, Nancy. Thoughts about Ronald Firbank. Albondocani, 1971.