T. S. Eliot

Standard Name: Eliot, T. S.
Used Form: Thomas Stearns Eliot
TSE , an American settled in England, was the dominant voice in English poetry during the first half of the twentieth century, as well as an immensely influential critic. His early experimental poems excel at catching an atmosphere or mood, often a moment of stasis and self-doubt. The Waste Land, a brilliant collage of fragments, has been seen to express the fears of a whole society about the threatened end of culture and amenity called civilization. After Eliot's conversion to Christianity his poetry moved to sombre investigations of the spiritual life: of time, fate, decision, guilt, and reconciliation. Meanwhile his criticism grappled with the the relation of past to present in terms of the contemporary relationship to tradition. TSE also wrote lively comic verse, and in theatrical writing he moved on from pageant and historical religious drama to symbolic representation of spiritual issues through events in banal daily life.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Dorothy Wellesley
In Rome during the First World War, DW became a friend of two scholars, Geoffrey Scott , and Gerald Tyrwhitt, later Lord Berners .
Wellesley, Dorothy. Far Have I Travelled. James Barrie, 1952.
In the years after the war she formed her important...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
They developed a relationship that was competitive yet sustaining and essential to both. In August 1920 Woolf commented on Mansfield in her diary: a woman caring as I care for writing is rare enough I...
Friends, Associates Harriet Shaw Weaver
As editor, HSW attempted to recruit Storm Jameson for the paper, but Jameson unhappily could not accept a full-time position. She also began to acquaint herself with contributors, such as H. D. , whom she...
Friends, Associates Cecily Mackworth
Her literary circle in Paris was highly eclectic: the many camps in which she had friends included the Surrealist rump, the incoming Existentialists, and the Communists (who were mostly ex-Surrealists).
Mackworth, Cecily. Ends of the World. Carcanet, 1987.
Tristan Tzara became a...
Friends, Associates Hope Mirrlees
After her return from Paris, HM was occupied with various friendships and interests. By now she could count Vivien and T. S. Eliot , Lytton Strachey , Molly and Desmond MacCarthy , Duncan Grant ,...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Leonard Woolf wrote to Eliot, whose Prufrock and Other Observations he had read, to invite him to send some work to the Hogarth Press . The letter led to a meeting, and ultimately to the...
Health Muriel Spark
Dexedrine was popular at the time as a dieting aid. Spark found letters becoming jumbled on the page as she was reading; she was on the hunt for theological interpretations in the writings of T. S. Eliot
Health Ezra Pound
On 7 May 1958, at the age of seventy-two, EP was officially released from St Elizabeth's in response to petitions instigated by several writers, including Robert Frost , Archibald MacLeish , Ernest Hemingway , and T. S. Eliot .
Nadel, Ira Bruce, editor. “Chronology; Introduction”. The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. xvii - xxxi; 1.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Intertextuality and Influence Anna Akhmatova
In an introductory prose passage AA explains how the idea of the poem came to her. Three separate dedications hint at lovers in the past. (AA continued writing love poetry up to the end...
Intertextuality and Influence Ethel Mannin
Ragged Banners also addresses questions of genre. The text includes an index which lists on the one hand names of notable literary figures (including Ethel M. Dell , T. S. Eliot , and Shakespeare ...
Intertextuality and Influence Sylvia Beach
Eliot later affirmed that he owed them thanks for the introduction of [his] verse to French readers.
qtd. in
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Intertextuality and Influence Wendy Cope
The Muse Strikes Back does not show WC answering in anger. Her poem to John Clare (written for the John Clare Society ) is a celebration and a declaration of kinship: Awake in the early...
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Ridler
AR wrote that the two great influences on her as a poet (because they helped her to find her own voice) were Sir Thomas Wyatt and W. H. Auden . Eliot , too, was inescapable...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Ferrar
The hold exerted on T. S. Eliot 's imagination by Little Gidding seems to have been produced by the idea of the community, not by their texts. His poem Little Gidding gives little hint that...
Intertextuality and Influence Evelyn Waugh
In this novel titled from T. S. Eliot 's The Waste Land, Waugh traces Tony Last, like others of his protagonists, from materially and socially comfortable but spiritually arid life in England, out...


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