King's College, University of London


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Virginia Woolf
Virginia Stephen (later VW ) began studying Latin and classics with Dr George Warr at the Kensington Ladies' Department of King's College, London . She did not take the exams, however.
Bishop, Edward. A Virginia Woolf Chronology. Macmillan, 1989.
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus, 1996.
Education Sarojini Naidu
Sarojini Chattopadhyaya (later SN ) continued her studies at English universities, first King's College, London , and then Girton College, Cambridge .
Sengupta, Padmini. Sarojini Naidu: A Biography. Asia Publishing House, 1966.
28, 32
Naidu, Sarojini. “Introduction and Notes”. Sarojini Naidu, Selected Letters 1890s to 1940s, edited by Makarand Paranjape, Kali for Women, 1996, p. Various pages.
viii, 1n2, 35-7
Education Evelyn Underhill
EU enlisted in the recently established Ladies' Department of King's College in Kensington.
Greene, Dana. Evelyn Underhill: Artist of the Infinite Life. Crossroad, 1990.
Education Kathleen Nott
KN attended the highly respected Mary Datchelor School before moving on to King's College , London, for a year. After securing an open exhibition in English (the only subject I could get up...
Education Anita Brookner
AB was educated at James Allen's Girls' School in Dulwich, South London. She embarked on a general BA at King's College, London but found the course boring. At the suggestion of a lunchtime lecturer...
Education Anne Ridler
Anne Bradby (later AR ) took a diploma in journalism at King's College , London.
Ridler, Anne. Memoirs. The Perpetua Press, 2004, p. 240 pp.
Backscheider, Paula R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 27. Gale Research, 1980.
27: 299
Education Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
As an adult, MEC studied English Literature at King's College for Women ; she took a particular interest in Elizabethan drama.
Jackson, Vanessa Furse. “Breaking the Quiet Surface: The Shorter Poems of Mary Coleridge”. English Literature in Transition, Vol.
, No. 1, 1996, pp. 41-62.
Presumably this was during the years when this institution was known as King's College London Ladies' Department
Education Radclyffe Hall
Later, in her teens, she attended a fashionable day-school in Kensington run by Miss Coles . She also briefly attended King's College, London , and spent a year studying in Dresden.
Cline, Sally. Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John. John Murray, 1997.
Education Maureen Duffy
MD attended King's College, London , where she obtained an honours BA in English in 1956.
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.
Education Susan Hill
SH was awarded her BA Honours in English from King's College, London University .
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Education Storm Jameson
After completing her undergraduate degree at Leeds she won, the same year, a John Ruteau Fellowship. It was intended for study at University College, London , but she soon transferred to King's College .
Staley, Thomas F., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 36. Gale Research, 1985.
36: 70
Jameson, Storm. Journey from the North. Harper and Row, 1970.
55,58, 64
Employer May Cannan
MC 's next jobs were working as a secretary at King's College, London , and then as Assistant Librarian at the Athenaeum , where her skill at finding obscure references became legendary.
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books, 2000.
Family and Intimate relationships Flora Macdonald Mayor
FMM 's father, Joseph Bickersteth Mayor , was a clergyman and a professor of classics, later of moral philosophy, at King's College, University of London .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Oldfield, Sybil. Spinsters of This Parish: The Life and Times of FM Mayor and Mary Sheepshanks. Virago, 1984.
Morgan, Janet. “Introduction: The Squire’s Daughter”. The Rector’s Daughter, Virago, 1987, p. v - xii.
He was the eighth in a household...
Family and Intimate relationships Iris Tree
IT 's mother, Maud (Holt) Tree , taught classics at Queen's College , Harley Street and harboured the ambition of becoming an academic at Girton College .
Queen's College was founded for the training of...
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
At first a private tutor of Italian, Gabriele gained some prestige but no direct financial advantage when he was appointed Professor of Italian at King's College (founded in August 1829).
Rossetti, Christina. “Memoir; Notes”. The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti, edited by William Michael Rossetti, Norwood, 1979, pp. xlv - lxxi; 459.
He was also a...


14 August 1829: King's College, University of London, was...

National or international item

14 August 1829

King's College, University of London , was founded and given a charter; it opened its doors two years later.
Harte, Negley. The University of London 1836-1986. Athlone, 1986.
The World of Learning. 45th ed., Allen and Unwin, 1995.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.

1 May 1848: Queen's College for Women (a secondary, not...

Building item

1 May 1848

Queen's College for Women (a secondary, not a post-secondary institution) was founded in London to educate prospective governesses and improve girls' education generally.
Kamm, Josephine. Indicative Past: A Hundred Years of The Girls’ Public Day School Trust. Allen and Unwin, 1971.
Borer, Mary Cathcart. Willingly to School: A History of Women’s Education. Lutterworth Press, 1976.

9 April 1858: Queen Victoria signed the royal charter giving...

Building item

9 April 1858

Queen Victoria signed the royal charter giving London University (then comprised of two schools, University College and King's College ) the revolutionary power of offering courses and degrees externally.
MacLeod, Donald. “All aboard the London-Delhi express”. Guardian Weekly, 28 Mar. 2008, p. 43.

1952: Rosalind Franklin began her research in molecular...

Building item


Rosalind Franklin began her research in molecular biology at King's College .
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.

1953: Queen Elizabeth College, London University,...

Building item


Queen Elizabeth College, London University , was incorporated with a royal charter as a mixed-sex institution. Having developed from a subsidiary women's branch of King's College, London , it was folded back into King's in 1985.
“Higher education for women at King’s”. King’s College London: History of the College: Dates, 1850-1899: The Ladies’ Department of King’s opens in Kensington Square.

1953: Queen Elizabeth College, London University,...

Building item


Queen Elizabeth College, London University , was incorporated with a royal charter as a mixed-sex institution. Having developed from a subsidiary women's branch of King's College, London , it was folded back into King's in 1985.
“Higher education for women at King’s”. King’s College London: History of the College: Dates, 1850-1899: The Ladies’ Department of King’s opens in Kensington Square.

1975: Anne Sayre, in her biography Rosalind Franklin...

Building item


Anne Sayre , in her biography Rosalind Franklin and DNA, set the record straight about Franklin's part in the Nobel-prize-winning research previously credited exclusively to James D. Watson , Francis Crick , and Maurice Wilkins .
Rose, Hilary. “In the Shadow of the Men”. The Guardian, 15 June 2002, p. 7.


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