Colenbrander, Joanna. A Portrait of Fryn. A. Deutsch, 1984.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Friends, Associates | Muriel Spark | She acquired friends in New York, in several distinct circles, many of whom she came later to regard as self-seeking hangers-on. Having changed her US publisher to Knopf
, she became friend of Alfred
and... |
Friends, Associates | Storm Jameson | In Ohio they met novelist Louis Bromfield
, who was also hosting Blanche
and Alfred Knopf
. While in Dallas Jameson lunched at the Dallas News building and was seated opposite Dorothy Parker
, as... |
Friends, Associates | F. Tennyson Jesse | Later, when FTJ
was married to Harold Harwood
and living at Cut Mill, her visitors included Geoffrey Faber
, Alfred Knopf
, and Somerset Maugham
. Colenbrander, Joanna. A Portrait of Fryn. A. Deutsch, 1984. 145-6 |
Literary responses | Catharine Amy Dawson Scott | Reception was mixed: some critics awarded high praise, but the American publisher Alfred Knopf
wrote to Heinemann
: the novel is most decidedly not my kind of book . . . . Mrs Dawson Scott... |
Literary responses | Angela Thirkell | AT
was blamed by many people for what seemed a sneering portrait of working-class evacuee children. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
Material Conditions of Writing | Dorothy Richardson | During the summer of 1919, DR
made various appeals to Curtis Brown
and Alfred Knopf
for money to live on, as she earned virtually nothing from the American editions of her previous books. She was... |
Occupation | Storm Jameson | She was introduced to Alfred
and Blanche Knopf
by her publisher and friend Michael Sadleir
. Jameson, Storm. Journey from the North. Harper and Row, 1970. 188 |
politics | Angela Thirkell | The antisemitism regretfully identified in one of AT
's novels by her US publisher, Alfred Knopf
, seems in an odd way all of a piece with her curious reaction to the German attack on... |
Publishing | Dorothy Richardson | Margaret Anderson
, co-publisher with Jane Heap
of the Little Review, asked to serialise DR
's forthcoming novel (Interim) because she saw Richardson as an experimental writer worthy of publication. Richardson was... |
Publishing | Sylvia Beach | Rather than being a historical opus about life in the heyday of Paris, this is an engaging mixture filled with sketchy and witty recollections. When William Bradley
and Alfred Knopf
approached SB
more than... |
Reception | Dorothy Richardson | |
Textual Production | Storm Jameson | She had worked for Knopf
since 1923 and was friendly with both Blanche and Alfred Knopf
. Feinstein, Elaine, and Storm Jameson. “Introduction”. None Turn Back, Virago, 1984, p. i - vii. i |
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