Irish Republican Army


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Jennifer Johnston
The action takes place in flashback, from the viewpoint of an old woman, Miranda Martin, dying after a life whose promise was snuffed out by violence during the Irish Civil War. She speaks in the...
Characters Anne Devlin
A woman named Finn, under interrogation for assisting the IRA , recalls a traumatic event from her past: the political turmoil of 1969 which took her grandmother's life. The recovered memory raises questions about Finn's...
Cultural formation Anne Devlin
AD grew up in Northern Ireland but has been living in England since 1976, driven away, she said, by levels of violence that caused me to be afraid.
Cerquoni, Enrica. “In Conversation with Anne Devlin”. Theatre Talk: Voices of Irish Theatre Practitioners, edited by Lilian Chambers et al., Carysfort Press, 2001, pp. 107-23.
Her family heritage is Catholic ...
Family and Intimate relationships Maud Gonne
Sean MacBride's Irish nationalist politics led him into a career as a journalist, politician, lawyer, and eventually human rights activist. Having lied about his age when still in his teens to graduate from the youth...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Devlin
Patrick Joseph (Paddy) Devlin was a socialist politician. At the age of eleven he joined the IRA , and he was sent to prison for three years in his youth. While serving time he came...
Family and Intimate relationships Betty Miller
BM 's father, Simon Spiro , a Lithuanian by birth, had emigrated with his family to Ireland well before the end of the nineteenth century. In Cork he became a prosperous, large-scale shop-keeper (selling cigars...
Family and Intimate relationships Dervla Murphy
DM 's paternal grandparents lived in a happy-go-lucky poverty, without any self-pity, in a house full of books. Her grandfather Murphy, or Pappa, had permanently damaged his health by going on hunger-strike in order...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Despard
CD gave Roebuck House in Clonskeagh (south Dublin) to Maud Gonne, and moved there with her in later 1921. The house was popular with IRA men on the run and was subject to frequent police...
Material Conditions of Writing Edith Somerville
ES produced this book under very difficult conditions: unrestrained conflict between Irish Republican forces and the dreaded Black and Tans . All the bridges had been broken around Skibbereen (the nearest town to her house,...
Other Life Event Jean Plaidy
Eleanor Hibbert (or JP ) woke at 1.20 a.m. to a noise which sounded like a bomb going off. She later found that the IRA bomb outside Harrods had exploded (killing six people) exactly twelve...
politics Maud Gonne
In the long, agonising, and ultimately successful struggle for independence MG was again strenuously active in Ireland. She supported political prisoners and those condemned to execution, and worked with Charlotte Despard for the Irish White Cross
politics Seamus Heaney
SH dates his first, ignorant, encounter with history from the time that as a very small child he met American soldiers who were stationed nearby and training for the imminent Normandy landings of June 1944...
politics Constance Countess Markievicz
On the first morning of action, James Connolly announced the formation of the Irish Republican Army ; in it, CCM served as Staff Lieutenant. She first delivered medical supplies to the City Hall station with...
politics Katharine Tynan
KT greeted with optimism the truce that ended fighting between the Irish Republican Army and British troops in Ireland. Never was so happy a country,
Tynan, Katharine. The Wandering Years. Constable, 1922.
she wrote.
Tynan, Katharine. The Wandering Years. Constable, 1922.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Michael Collins
politics Katharine Tynan
This truce was a step towards the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty on 6 December 1921 (ratified by the Dail on 7 January 1922), which made southern Ireland a Free State or Dominion with a...


11 July 1921: Fighting in Ireland between British forces...

National or international item

11 July 1921

Fighting in Ireland between British forces and the Irish Republican Army ended in a truce: the next step was to negotiate a new constitutional status for Ireland.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Michael Collins

12 April 1923: The career as a dramatist of Sean O'Casey,...

Writing climate item

12 April 1923

The career as a dramatist of Sean O'Casey , labourer and IRA member, took off when his play The Shadow of a Gunman was produced at the Abbey Theatre , Dublin, which had by...

18 June 1936: The Irish Republican Army (IRA) was declared...

National or international item

18 June 1936

The Irish Republican Army (IRA) was declared an illegal organisation.
Foster, Robert Fitzroy. Modern Ireland 1600-1972. Allen Lane, 1988.

January 1939: The IRA (Irish Republican Army) declared...

National or international item

January 1939

The IRA (Irish Republican Army) declared war on Britain in protest against the continuing partition of Ireland. A hundred bombing incidents followed.
Conradi, Peter J. Iris Murdoch. A Life. HarperCollins, 2002.
Kelly, Matthew. “Now is your chance”. London Review of Books, 5 Oct. 2006, pp. 31-2.

8 March 1973: An IRA car-bomb outside the Old Bailey in...

National or international item

8 March 1973

An IRA car-bomb outside the Old Bailey in London caused widespread destruction and temporarily paralysed the City.
Johnson, Pamela Hansford. Important to Me. Macmillan; Scribner, 1974.
“National archives 1973”. The Guardian, 1 Jan. 2004, pp. 4-5.

October 1974: Five people (a civilian and two soldiers...

National or international item

October 1974

Five people (a civilian and two soldiers of each sex) were killed and seventy injured in two pub bombings in Guildford, Surrey, attributed to the IRA .
Kelley, Kevin. The Longest War: Northern Ireland and the IRA. Brandon; Lawrence Hill, 1982.
Oxford Reference.

24 November 1974: On the 54th anniversary of Dublin's Bloody...

National or international item

24 November 1974

On the 54th anniversary of Dublin's Bloody Sunday, two bombs in Birmingham pubs, allegedly planted by the IRA , killed twenty-one people and inflicted sometimes life-changing injury on at least 170 more.
Kelley, Kevin. The Longest War: Northern Ireland and the IRA. Brandon; Lawrence Hill, 1982.
Williams, Neville et al. Chronology of the 20th Century. Helicon, 1996.
Mullin, Chris. “Diary”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 4, 23 Feb. 2019, pp. 30-1.

22 December 1974: The home of Conservative Party leader Edward...

National or international item

22 December 1974

The home of Conservative Party leader Edward Heath was bombed, presumably by the IRA , despite a Christmas truce between the IRA and Protestant groups.
“Heath’s Home is Bombed”. BBC News: On This Day, 22 Dec. 1974.

17 December 1983: A massive car bomb exploded in the early...

National or international item

17 December 1983

A massive car bomb exploded in the early afternoon in a London street close to Harrods department store. The IRA later claimed responsibility.
MacLeod, Donald. “London: Past Terror Attacks”. Guardian Unlimited, 7 July 2005.

12 October 1984: The IRA bombed the Grand Hotel in Brighton...

National or international item

12 October 1984

The IRA bombed the Grand Hotel in Brighton where the Conservative Party was holding a conference.
Bernard, Bruce, editor. Century. Phaidon, 2002.
937, 979-80

14 March 1991: The Birmingham Six, wrongly convicted for...

National or international item

14 March 1991

The Birmingham Six, wrongly convicted for a fatal IRA bombing on 24 November 1974, were released..
Williams, Neville et al. Chronology of the 20th Century. Helicon, 1996.

15 June 1996: A bomb planted by the IRA destroyed a shopping...

National or international item

15 June 1996

A bomb planted by the IRA destroyed a shopping centre in the heart of Manchester, injuring about two hundred people.
“Huge Explosion Rocks Central Manchester”. BBC News: On this Day, 15 June 1996.

29 November 1999: The first multi-party, multi-denominational,...

National or international item

29 November 1999

The first multi-party, multi-denominational, or power-sharing executive in Northern Ireland (sometimes known as the Stormont government) was appointed in place of direct rule by Britain.
Good Friday Agreement, 10 April 1998.
Cowan, Rosie. “Direct rule imposed on Northern Ireland”. Guardian Weekly, 17–23 Oct. 2002, p. 8.

28 July 2005: The Army Council of the IRA declared an end...

National or international item

28 July 2005

The Army Council of the IRA declared an end to its war against Britain, instructing all units to dump their arms and turn to purely political and democratic means
“Peace in our time?”. BBC News: Newsnight, 28 July 2005.
for ending British rule in Northern...

31 July 2007: The British Army's role in Northern Ireland,...

National or international item

31 July 2007

The British Army 's role in Northern Ireland, which had become known as Operation Banner, came to an end thirty-eight years after it began.
“Army ending its operation in N[orthern] I[reland]”. BBC News, 31 July 2007.


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