British Army


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Rosita Forbes
Early in the second world war RFapplied for every kind of job
Forbes, Rosita. Appointment with Destiny. Cassell, 1946.
in which languages and knowledge of foreign countries might be useful, until she settled for writing articles for journals, and in...
Employer Ford Madox Ford
In 1915 Ford Madox Hueffer joined the British Army to fight against his father's country. He seems to have been careless whether he lived or died, and he had a narrow escape on the Somme...
Employer Edith Templeton
From 1942 to 1945, ET worked as a medical coder for the US War Office in Cheltenham and London. She was attached to the Office of the Surgeon General. She says she adored army life...
Employer Kathleen Nott
During the second world war KN worked in education for the British Army .
Paterson, Elizabeth. “A voice against the tides of fashion: Kathleen Nott”. The Guardian, 23 Feb. 1999.
Family and Intimate relationships John Strange Winter
Her father, the Reverend Henry Vaughan Palmer , Rector of St Margaret's Church in York, was, she says, a scholarly gentleman, whose influence counterbalanced his daughter's resistance to learning during her youth.
Bainton, George, editor. The Art of Authorship. J. Clarke, 1890.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Somerville
After nearly five years as a widow, Mary Greig married her first cousin Dr William Somerville , a medical doctor in the service of the British Army .
Patterson, Elizabeth Chambers. Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840. Martinus Nijhoff, 1983.
Family and Intimate relationships Ellis Cornelia Knight
ECK had two stepsisters and a stepbrother from her father's previous marriage. Her stepbrother died young as a captain in the British Army before she was born.
Knight, Ellis Cornelia. The Autobiography of Miss Knight. Editor Fulford, Roger, William Kimber & Co., 1960.
Family and Intimate relationships Phyllis Bottome
After her father died in 1913, PB 's estranged fiancé, Ernan Forbes Dennis , contacted her through her publishers and suggested in a letter of condolence that they should become reacquainted as friends.
Bottome, Phyllis. The Challenge. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1953.
politics Elaine Feinstein
EF began to learn about politics after the end of the second world war, with the struggles of Jewish displaced persons to get to Palestine, the conflict between the Jewish nationalist Irgun and the...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Phyllis Bottome
The book describes the effects of bombing: effects on the cities of London and Liverpool, the Army , Navy , and Air Force , the Women's Auxiliary Services , and the lives of ordinary...
Travel Richard Francis Burton
In 1849 RFB left India, where he had been serving with the British Army .


30 March 1790: An advertisement appeared in The World inviting...

Building item

30 March 1790

An advertisement appeared in The World inviting benevolent persons to subscribe for the benefit of a recent widow of a major in the British Army , left with Seven Children without any means of support.
Behrendt, Stephen C. “Women without Men: Barbara Hofland and the Economics of Widowhood”. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.
, No. 3, Apr. 2005, pp. 481-08.

1795: The (male) offspring of racially mixed marriages...

Building item


The (male) offspring of racially mixed marriages were disqualified from all military service in the British Army except in non-combatant positions.
Neff, David Sprague. “Hostages to Empire: The Anglo-Indian Problem in Frankenstein, The Curse of Kehama, and The Missionary”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1997, pp. 386-08.

1857: The Army Sanitary Commission reported the...

National or international item


The British ArmyArmy Sanitary Commission reported the mortality rate among enlisted men to be twice the rate among civilians.
Walkowitz, Judith R. ’We Are Not Beasts of the Field’: Prostitution and the Campaign Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, 1869-1886. University of Rochester, 1974.

July 1860: The Indian Army was amalgamated with the...

National or international item

July 1860

The Indian Army was amalgamated with the British Army .
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 823

November 1914: The Women's Police Volunteers, formed by...

Building item

November 1914

The Women's Police Volunteers , formed by Margaret Damer Dawson , received their first assignment, for the British Army , a few months after forming.
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.

28 March 1915: Scotswoman Georgiana Fyfe wrote that she...

National or international item

28 March 1915

Scotswoman Georgiana Fyfe wrote that she and her group of volunteers had evacuated 1000 from Ypres which is now finally absolutely in ruins.
Storr, Katherine. “Women’s History Month: Miss Georgiana Fyfe”. Women’s History Network Blog, 1 Mar. 2010.

24-29 April 1916: In what became known as the Easter Rising,...

National or international item

24-29 April 1916

In what became known as the Easter Rising, the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army took control of Dublin.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
Foster, Robert Fitzroy. Modern Ireland 1600-1972. Allen Lane, 1988.

2 September 1939: The government of Eire, under Eamon De Valera,...

National or international item

2 September 1939

The government of Eire, under Eamon De Valera , declared that the country would remain neutral in the coming international conflict.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Weinberg, Gerhard L. A World At Arms: A Global History of World War II. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
40, 65-6
Kelly, Matthew. “Now is your chance”. London Review of Books, 5 Oct. 2006, pp. 31-2.

4-5 July 1967: The Homosexual Law Reform Bill passed its...

Building item

4-5 July 1967

The Homosexual Law Reform Bill passed its third and final reading in the House of Commons : scheduled for the late-night slot on 4 July, it passed when 101 supporters remained for the final vote...

31 July 2007: The British Army's role in Northern Ireland,...

National or international item

31 July 2007

The British Army 's role in Northern Ireland, which had become known as Operation Banner, came to an end thirty-eight years after it began.
“Army ending its operation in N[orthern] I[reland]”. BBC News, 31 July 2007.

Mid-March 2009: The Royal Hospital, Chelsea, a home for British...

National or international item

Mid-March 2009

The Royal Hospital, Chelsea , a home for British Army veterans founded by Charles II in 1682, admitted its two first female pensioners, Dorothy Hughes and Winifred Phillips , both in their eighties.
Bates, Stephen. “Changing Chelsea. It only took 300 years”. Guardian Weekly, 20 Mar. 2009, p. 16.


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