Maud Gonne

Standard Name: Gonne, Maud
Birth Name: Edith Maud Gonne
Used Form: MacBride, Maud
English-born MG subjected almost all the writing as well as all the activity in her life to her Irish nationalism. From a highly effective and dramatic orator she became a polemical journalist, first in French, then in English. She also published an autobiography of her earlier years.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Charlotte Despard
CD 's will requested that she be buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin—a renowned Republican cemetery. Her funeral cortège started in Belfast with only two cars, but there were more than fifty by the time...
Family and Intimate relationships W. B. Yeats
His ardent romantic pursuit of Maud Gonne led to his involvement in Irish nationalist politics, and inspired many poems. He also developed an intimate friendship with Florence Farr , a writer and actress whose stylized...
Family and Intimate relationships W. B. Yeats
Within a few months of proposing marriage to Maud Gonne 's daughter Iseult (as he had formerly proposed to to Gonne herself) WBY married (on 20 October 1917, at the age of fifty-two) Georgie Hyde-Lees
Fictionalization Constance Countess Markievicz
Austin Clarke 's poem The Subjection of Women, 1968, places her among a series of remarkable Irishwomen, including Maud Gonne . Clarke considers much of CCM 's career, and ends with an image of...
Friends, Associates Evelyn Sharp
In Ireland in 1919 she met Maud Gonne and George Russell .
Sharp, Evelyn. Unfinished Adventure. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1933.
In 1921 Gonne slipped in to see Sharp in her hotel bedroom when she heard of her presence, thereby ensuring that from...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Despard
CD developed a friendship with Maud Gonne , with whom she shared a commitment to the cause of Irish independence.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Mulvihill, Margaret. Charlotte Despard: A Biography. Pandora, 1989.
Friends, Associates Naomi Jacob
NJ met Charlotte Despard during the days of the suffrage struggle, and later as an actress on tour visited her at Roebuck House in Clonskeagh, not long after Ireland became independent. The cabman driving...
Friends, Associates Constance Countess Markievicz
CCM then joined a social circle unlike those she had been part of as a younger woman. She and Casimir lived nearby their close associate Æ (George Russell ), with whom they sometimes exhibited...
Friends, Associates Katharine Tynan
KT met the Irish Republican activist Maude Gonne (also known for her poetic inspiration of W. B. Yeats ) at a Protestant Home Rule Association meeting, which Tynan attended despite being Catholic.
Tynan, Katharine. Twenty-Five Years: Reminiscences. Smith, Elder, 1913.
Friends, Associates John Millington Synge
JMS , in Paris, met for the first time both William Butler Yeats and Maud Gonne (an Irish nationalist then hiding in France to avoid being jailed at home).
Benson, Eugene. J. M. Synge. Macmillan, 1982.
Saddlemyer, Ann. “Introduction and Chronology”. The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge, Oxford University Press, 1983, p. ix - xxvi.
Intertextuality and Influence Constance Countess Markievicz
CCM had met W. B. Yeats by 1894, and they remained associates until her death in 1927.
Marreco, Anne. The Rebel Countess: The Life and Times of Constance Markievicz. Chilton Books, 1967.
Yeats's reactionary attitude toward the activism of both the Gore-Booth sisters resembled his views on the work...
Material Conditions of Writing W. B. Yeats
He wrote the poem in France, where he was with Maud Gonne , after Lady Augusta Gregory wrote to him in August to challenge him about his apparent indifference about Ireland. Actual publication was...
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
Cathleen Ni Houlihan, a one-act play co-authored by AG and W. B. Yeats , was first performed by the Irish National Dramatic Company at St Teresa's Hall, Dublin, with Maud Gonne in the title role.
McDiarmid, Lucy et al. “Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography”. Selected Writings, Penguin, 1995, pp. xi - xliv, 525.
xxxi, 534
Murphy, James H. “Broken Glass and Batoned Crowds: Cathleen Ni Houlihan and the Tensions of Transition”. Ireland in Transition, 1867-1921, edited by D. George Boyce and Alan ODay, Routledge, 2004, pp. 113-27.
politics Martin Ross
Ross in her turn could not approve of Maud Gonne 's socialism and Irish Nationalism.
Collis, Maurice. Somerville and Ross: A Biography. Faber and Faber, 1968.
politics Sylvia Pankhurst
After 1918 SP was the honorary secretary of the Workers' Socialist Federation (her former suffrage organisation). Politically transformed by the Russian revolution, she had ceased to believe that suffrage and the electoral process held any...


1890: The year following Irish nationalist Ellen...

Women writers item


The year following Irish nationalist Ellen O'Leary 's death from breast cancer on 15 October 1889, her Lays of Country, Home and Friends (many of them political) were collected and published.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

6 October 1891: Charles Parnell, Irish patriot, died at Brighton...

National or international item

6 October 1891

Charles Parnell , Irish patriot, died at Brighton in Sussex; Virginia Woolf used his death to date the second section in her novel The Years, 1937.
Woolf, Virginia. The Years. Hogarth Press, 1979.
94, 100, 103, 120-1, 123

7 October 1899: The Transvaal Committee was founded by Irish...

National or international item

7 October 1899

The Transvaal Committee was founded by Irish nationalists in support of the Boers.
Ward, Margaret. Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism. Pluto, 1983.

1 July 1900: Nationalists held the Patriotic Children's...

Building item

1 July 1900

Nationalists held the Patriotic Children's Treat at Clonturk Park, Dublin, in retaliation for children's events held during the visit of Queen Victoria to Ireland in April of that year.
Condon, Janette. “The Patriotic Children’s Treat: Irish Nationalism and Children’s Culture at the Twilight of Empire”. Irish Studies Review, Vol.
, No. 2, Aug. 2000, pp. 167-78.
168, 173-5

1 June 1912: Women suffragists, nationalists and trades...

National or international item

1 June 1912

Women suffragists, nationalists and trades unionists held a mass meeting in Dublin to insist that female suffrage be included in the Home Rule Bill; their demands were ignored by the Irish Parliamentary Party .
Owens, Rosemary Cullen. Smashing Times: A History of the Irish Women’s Suffrage Movement 1889-1922. Attic, 1984.
Ward, Margaret. “’Suffrage First--Above All Else!’ An Account of the Irish Suffrage Movement”. Feminist Review, Vol.
, 1982, pp. 21-36.

14 April 1922: Four Courts, Dublin, was occupied by anti-Treaty...

National or international item

14 April 1922

Four Courts, Dublin, was occupied by anti-Treaty or Republican forces. The final attack on them by Free State or provisional government forces launched on 28 June signalled the outbreak of the Irish Civil War...


Gonne, Maud. A Servant of the Queen. Editors Jeffares, A. Norman and Anna MacBride White, 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Gonne, Maud, editor. L’Irlande Libre.
Gonne, Maud. Maud Gonne’s Irish Nationalist Writings 1895–1946. Editor Steele, Karen, Irish Academic Press, 2004.
Gonne, Maud, and W. B. Yeats. The Gonne–Yeats Letters 1893–1938. Editors White, Anna MacBride and A. Norman Jeffares, Hutchinson, 1992.
Gonne, Maud et al. Too Long a Sacrifice. Susquehanna University Press; Associated University Press, 1999.