

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Muriel Spark
MS issued a novel which is also a murder mystery, Symposium, using her recently acquired English publisher, Constable .
Rees, David. Muriel Spark, William Trevor, Ian McEwan, A Bibliography of their First Editions. Colophon Press, 1992.
Textual Production Iris Murdoch
IM 's Existentialists and Mystics appeared in a festschrift: Essays and poems presented to Lord David Cecil, edited by W. W. Robson and published by Constable .
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production May Sinclair
MS 's The Divine Fire was published by Constable ; it was launched in the US in October.
Boll, Theophilus E. M. Miss May Sinclair: Novelist: A Biographical and Critical Introduction. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1973.
Textual Production May Sinclair
MS had driven herself to collapse by the work she put into it. Its appearance was delayed while she searched for a US publisher; Henry Holt took it on although MS refused to make the...
Textual Production F. Tennyson Jesse
FTJ 's next and final novel, The Dragon in the Heart, A Love Story, was published by Constable .
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production George Bernard Shaw
GBS 's political tract The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism was published by Constable .
“Advertisement for George Bernard Shaw: ’The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism’”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1375, 31 May 1928, p. 411.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Evelyn Sharp
ES published Nicolete, A Novel. For this she used a different publisher, Constable .
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Elizabeth Bowen
EB published her third collection, Joining Charles and Other Stories, with a new publisher, Constable .
Sellery, J’nan M., and William O. Harris. Elizabeth Bowen: A Bibliography. University of Texas, 1981.
Textual Production Helen Waddell
HW provided (anonymously) the introduction to a Constable reprint of A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke , Daughter of Colley Cibber, one in a series they were issuing of rediscovered works...
Textual Production Laura Riding
LR 's Progress of Stories was published by the Seizin Press and Constable (who now agreed to distribute books with the Seizin imprint), bearing the date of 1935.
Friedmann, Elizabeth. A Mannered Grace. Persea Books, 2005.
280 and n30
Wexler, Joyce Piell. Laura Riding: A Bibliography. Garland, 1981.
Textual Production Katherine Mansfield
KM 's Bliss and Other Stories was issued by Constable , a mainstream publisher.
Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Textual Production Laura Riding
LR used the pseudonym Madeleine Vara (which had already appeared on the first number of Epilogue: A Critical Summary) for her Convalescent Conversations, published like her previous book by Seizin and Constable .
Friedmann, Elizabeth. A Mannered Grace. Persea Books, 2005.
Wexler, Joyce Piell. Laura Riding: A Bibliography. Garland, 1981.
Textual Production Katherine Mansfield
KM 's The Garden Party and Other Stories was published by Constable .
Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Textual Production Alice Meynell
AM issued with her new publisher, Constable and Company , Ceres' Runaway & Other Essays, titled after Proserpina or Persephone.
The title is spelled both with and without the apostrophe.
Badeni, June. The Slender Tree: A Life of Alice Meynell. Tabb House, 1981.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Connolly, Terence L., editor. Alice Meynell Centenary Tribute. Bruce Humphries, 1948.
Textual Production Beatrice Harraden
BH is said to have devoted only an hour and a half each day to her writing, allowing it to encroach no further than this on her life.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
In 1930 she was awarded an annual...


No timeline events available.


Moffat, Gwen. Gone Feral. Constable, 2007.
Moore, Edith Mary. A Wilful Widow. Constable, 1913.
Murdoch, Iris. “Existentialists and Mystics”. Essays and Poems Presented to Lord David Cecil, edited by William Wallace Robson, Constable, 1970.
Rhys, Jean. Good Morning, Midnight. 1st ed., Constable.
Rhys, Jean. Voyage in the Dark. 1st ed., Constable.
Richardson, Dorothy. The Quakers Past and Present. Constable, 1914.
Ridley, Jasper. Henry VIII. Constable, 1984.
Robinson, A. Mary F. Victor Hugo. Constable, 1921.
Robinson, Jane. Pandora’s Daughters: The Secret History of Enterprising Women. Constable, 2002.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. A Private Anthology. Constable, 1924.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. Children in the Wood. Constable, 1928.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Island: a Love Story. Constable, 1930.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Lover. Constable, 1928.
Royde-Smith, Naomi. The Tortoiseshell Cat. Constable, 1925.
Sackville, Lady Margaret, and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. Selected Poems. Constable, 1919.
Sadleir, Michael. Bulwer: A Panorama. Constable, 1931.
Sadleir, Michael. Things Past. Constable, 1944.
Sadleir, Michael. Trollope: A Commentary. Constable, 1927.
Scott, Sir Walter. The Letters of Sir Walter Scott. Editor Grierson, Sir Herbert John Clifford, Centenary Edition, Constable, 1937, 12 vols.
Sharpe, Henrietta. A Solitary Woman: A Life of Violet Trefusis. Constable, 1981.
Shaw, George Bernard. Fanny’s First Play. Constable, 1910.
Shaw, George Bernard. Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War. Constable, 1919.
Shaw, George Bernard. Pygmalion. Constable, 1918.
Shaw, George Bernard. Saint Joan. Constable, 1923.
Shaw, Sir Napier. Forcasting Weather. Constable, 1911.