Beatrice Harraden

Standard Name: Harraden, Beatrice
Birth Name: Beatrice Harraden
Writing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, BH published seventeen novels, besides journalism and letters to the editor, short stories, a suffrage play and pamphlet, and children's books. Favourite topics with her, seemingly based in different ways on her personal experience, are female friendship, music and musicians, and illness.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Katherine Cecil Thurston
Through the New Vagabonds Club , KCT may have met several other prominent authors of the day, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Grant Allen , Pearl Craigie (who went by the pseudonym John Oliver...
Friends, Associates Annie S. Swan
She also mentions a great many literary names. Among women writers whom she calls the stars of her generation were Mary Augusta Ward , Lucas Malet , Lucy Clifford , Sarah Grand , Violet Hunt
Friends, Associates Evelyn Sharp
ES later wrote of her particular gratitude to those of her male friends who without fuss understood, supported, and shared her commitment to suffragism: who worked to keep our movement free from the suggestion of...
Friends, Associates Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
Once settled in a larger house more suited to entertaining, CADS renewed old friendships and made new ones with luminaries in London literary society, including Beatrice Harraden , Arthur Waugh , H. G. Wells ,...
Friends, Associates Evelyn Glover
Though not known to the eminent residents of the nearby square, EG enjoyed a cordial acquaintance with many of their cooks and butlers, based on a shared love of cats. She mentions some theatrical friends:...
Friends, Associates Eliza Lynn Linton
Beatrice Harraden wrote in an obituary of Linton for The Bookman about her devoted daughter-by-adoption—Mrs. Beatrice Hertz-Hartley , whom she loved with every fibre of her being, and on whom she had set her very...
Leisure and Society Eliza Lynn Linton
ELL liked to give a helping hand to young writers. She particularly favoured the novelist Beatrice Harraden (more than forty years her junior, and just the kind of new woman whom Linton might have been...
Literary responses Eliza Lynn Linton
A younger writer, Beatrice Harraden , sought to redeem ELL from her antifeminist reputation in her article Mrs. Lynn Linton in The Bookman for August 1898.
Occupation Inez Bensusan
These plays, written by amateur and professional writers, were made available for performance at public events in support of women's suffrage. Bensusan encouraged writers to produce plays dealing with a range of women's issues such...
Occupation Constance Smedley
Since the Langham Place Group had provided a social space for women in 1860, several organizations had already challenged the flourishing institution of men's clubs. The Lyceum Club came on the scene at a time...
Occupation Elizabeth Robins
ER volunteered alongside Beatrice Harraden at the Endell Street Hospital for Soldiers , a medical facility opened in May 1915 and directed by Dr Louisa Garrett Anderson and Dr Flora Murray .
“World War I Suffragette Military Hospital”. The Women’s Library Newsletter, 1 Sept.–28 Feb. 2008.
Gates, Joanne E. Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952. University of Alabama Press, 1994.
politics Marie Belloc Lowndes
The letter challenged a recent antisuffragist manifesto, and stressed three points from Prime Minister Asquith 's statement to suffragists of 14 August. The points were that women had rendered as effective service to their country...
Reception Rose Macaulay
In July 1912 the manuscript of this novel had received a first prize of £600 in a competition held by Hodder and Stoughton . It was particularly highly praised by Beatrice Harraden , who was...
Reception Virginia Woolf
Woolf's attitude to this honour (which, however, was unusual in that she did not decline it) remained deprecating and satirical. She called it the most insignificant and ridiculous of prizes
Woolf, Virginia. The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Editors Nicolson, Nigel and Joanne Trautmann, Hogarth Press, 1975–1980, 6 vols.
3: 479
and my dog...
Textual Production Virginia Woolf


11 December 1906: Millicent Garrett Fawcett gave a banquet...

Building item

11 December 1906

Millicent Garrett Fawcett gave a banquet at the Savoy Hotel in London to celebrate the release from Holloway Prison of suffragists arrested on 23 October.
Holton, Sandra Stanley. Suffrage Days: Stories from the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Routledge, 1996.
Gawthorpe, Mary. Up Hill to Holloway. Traversity Press, 1962.

June 1908: The Women Writers' Suffrage League was established...

National or international item

June 1908

The Women Writers' Suffrage League was established by Cicely Hamilton and Bessie Hatton .
Norquay, Glenda. Voices and Votes: A Literary Anthology of the Women’s Suffrage Campaign. Manchester University Press, 1995.
Stowell, Sheila. A Stage of Their Own. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
2, 40, 102, 126n1
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
Whitelaw, Lis. The Life and Rebellious Times of Cicely Hamilton. Women’s Press, 1990.
Liggins, Emma. “The ’Sordid Story’ of an Unwanted Child: Militancy, Motherhood, and Abortion in Elizabeth Robins’s Votes for Women and Way Stations”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, Aug. 2018, pp. 347-61.

By early November 1910: Katherine or Katharine Roberts published...

Writing climate item

By early November 1910

Katherine or Katharine Roberts published anonymously with the Garden City Press at Letchworth and London the semi-fictional Pages from the Diary of a Militant Suffragette.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Willis, Chris. Beatrice Harraden—Suffragette Writer.


Harraden, Beatrice. Hilda Strafford and The Remittance Man. W. Blackwood, 1897.
Harraden, Beatrice. In Varying Moods. W. Blackwood, 1894.
Harraden, Beatrice. Interplay. Frederick A. Stokes, 1908.
Harraden, Beatrice. Interplay. Methuen, 1908.
Harraden, Beatrice. Katherine Frensham. W. Blackwood, 1903.
Harraden, Beatrice. “Lady Geraldine’s Speech”. How the Vote Was Won, and Other Suffragette Plays, edited by Dale Spender and Carole Hayman, Methuen, 1985, pp. 93-8.
Harraden, Beatrice. Little Rosebud; or, Things Will Take a Turn. A. Burt.
Harraden, Beatrice. “Mrs. Lynn Linton”. The Bookman, Vol.
, pp. 16-17.
Linton, Eliza Lynn, and Beatrice Harraden. My Literary Life. Hodder and Stoughton, 1899.
Harraden, Beatrice. Our Warrior Women. Witherby, 1916.
Harraden, Beatrice. Out of the Wreck I Rise. T. Nelson, 1912.
Harraden, Beatrice. Patuffa. Hodder and Stoughton, 1923.
Harraden, Beatrice. “Preface”. In Varying Moods, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1894, p. i - viii.
Harraden, Beatrice. Search Will Find It Out. Mills and Boon, 1928.
Harraden, Beatrice. Ships that Pass in the Night. Lawrence and Bullen, 1893.
Harraden, Beatrice. Ships that Pass in the Night. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1894.
Harraden, Beatrice. Spring Shall Plant. Hodder and Stoughton, 1920.
Harraden, Beatrice. “The Death of the Duchess”. Votes for Women.
Harraden, Beatrice. The Fowler. W. Blackwood, 1899.
Harraden, Beatrice. The Guiding Thread. Methuen, 1916.
Harraden, Beatrice. The Scholar’s Daughter. Methuen, 1906.
Harraden, Beatrice, and Elizabeth Robins. “The Sussex Hospital”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 934, p. 750.
Harraden, Beatrice. Things Will Take a Turn. Blackie, 1889.
Harraden, Beatrice. Thirteen All Told. Methuen, 1921.
Harraden, Beatrice, and William Aloysius Edwards. Two Health-Seekers in Southern California. J. B. Lippincott, 1897.